Eternal Supreme

Chapter 605

After Ye Qianran's words fell, the eyes of the people present looked at each other. At this time, the middle-aged man said: "Didn't the elder brother tell you about the Ye family?"


Ye Qianran shook his head and said, "I only found out after my father was taken away!"

"Brother is the eldest son of the Ye family and the heir to the patriarch. The eldest brother has been gifted since he was a child, and he has already broken through to a very high level at a young age. Therefore, the elder brother inherited the position of the patriarch when he was in his twenties. After a while, it disappeared directly, with the family order... and the Ye family was also visited by unknown people, and many masters of the family died because of this, even the father went early!"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's voice was heavy: "Therefore, the Ye family has no choice but to choose to live in seclusion!"

Ye Qianran trembled in his heart. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. It can be said that his father's influence led to the decline of the entire Ye family. It's no wonder that when the two disciples heard him mention Ye Hong's name Will directly move the murderous intention.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qianran, sighed and said: "Although the disappearance of the elder brother has had a great impact on the Ye family, we all believe that the elder brother should have his own difficulties, but wait for the delay. I have never been back again, so the whole Ye family thinks that the eldest brother has passed away! So the name of the eldest brother has also become a taboo in the Ye family."

After hearing this, Ye Qianran understood it thoroughly, and finally said after a pause: "Don't uncle and the elders here bear any grudge against father?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, and finally looked at Ye Qianran and said, "I just didn't expect that my elder brother would have a child after leaving Ye's house! Why didn't he come to Ye's house since he was so unharmed?" After speaking, his brows could not help but frown up.


Ye Qianran hesitated and said: "Actually, I am not my father's biological son, and my father left the Ye family because of me!"

The elders present, including the middle-aged man, were taken aback at the same time, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"I don't know the specific reason, but I believe that my father will have his own difficulties, otherwise, my father would not have been taken away, and I believe that when my father left at that time, he did not want the Ye family to die because of me. Take a bigger blow!"

As Ye Qianran spoke, his mood became heavy at this moment, and he analyzed while talking, and he suddenly considered a lot of problems.

And he believed that most of what he said was true.

Maybe it was his biological parents who asked Ye Hong to take care of him, and Ye Hong also knew the reason for him, so he took him away in advance. The first is to protect him better, and the second is because of his influence. Leading to the complete destruction of the entire Ye Family.

After all, if he was left in the Ye family by Ye Hong, those unknown people would try their best to take him away. In this way, the Ye family would definitely protect him, and in this way, there would definitely be serious problems for the Ye family.

And if Ye Hong took him away, he would kill two birds with one stone. Even if the Ye family would suffer a certain blow at that time, but after knowing that he was no longer there, he would definitely divert his attention. At that time, the Ye family would also be retained.

But who are his biological parents? Why do you attract so many people?

When he was thinking, the middle-aged man couldn't help but said: "Then who are your parents, why did the eldest brother do this?"

Ye Qianran raised his head, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I don't know too well, I only found out about these things later, because when I became conscious, I was in Fenglei City!" What happened when I came to this world.

It was silent for a long time at the beginning, but it seemed that it was because of Ye Hong's daily concern that it became active.

Suddenly thinking of those days, he was still indescribably happy.

The middle-aged man's expression became more serious after hearing this. He didn't feel that Ye Qianran was lying. During the short analysis, and with what they knew, he could almost connect everything. Finally, he said again: "Who brought my elder brother to you?" Let's go!"

Ye Qianran took a deep breath and said, "Uncle, my father has raised me since I was a child, and he is better than my biological father. This matter started because of me, so I will solve this matter by myself, and then rescue my father. !” After speaking, he clenched his fists again.

After the words fell, Bai Bingbing's expression couldn't help fluctuating. She really didn't expect that Ye Qianran was still burdened with so many things.

And Sophie's red eyes were floating, and her expression was a little strange, but also curious...

So it seems that Ye Qianran was not lying when he said that he was from the Kamikaze Empire at that time. Although she also wondered who Ye Qianran's parents were, she was only puzzled, and she admired it more in her heart. What is most striking is the firmness and will shown by Ye Qianran at this time...

For a while, Sophie also had another understanding of Ye Qianran.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Qianran's extremely firm look, his expression became softer, and his heart was a little moved. His elder brother gave so much, at least not in vain. At this time, Ye Qianran understands and appreciates It was reported, but he hesitated and said: "The longer the time drags on, the more dangerous my elder brother will be..."


Ye Qianran shook his head and said: "Since those people arrested my father because of me, they probably won't touch my father until they find me, because they still need to use my father as bait, waiting for me Go and rescue, so I have to do this matter myself, if the Ye family intervenes, it will definitely implicate the Ye family at that time!"

The middle-aged man was taken aback. He really hadn't considered these things. Knowing that he was impatient, he frowned again.

Ye Qianran smiled, took out the golden token again and said, "Uncle, since father is no longer there, you must be the supporter of the Ye family. You can take this patriarch!"

"No, I'm just acting as patriarch for elder brother. You can hold this patriarch by yourself." The middle-aged man shook his head directly after hearing this.

"It's nothing, I believe my father is here, and he will do the same!"

Ye Qianran did not expect that this token would be the token of the patriarch. If he knew, he might have come to the Ye family a long time ago, and then threw the patriarch's order over and said, "From today on, uncle is the patriarch of the Ye family." !"

The middle-aged man looked at the clan order in his hand, feeling mixed feelings for a while, and finally sighed: "No matter what, I'm afraid I'm content with a son like you!"

Ye Qianran smiled immediately after hearing this, he used to be playful and mischievous but it made his father worry...

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