Eternal Supreme

Chapter 609


Ye Chen was startled, seeing Ye Qianran's determined face, he didn't know what to say for a while.

On the other side, Feng Yunzong and the others were also full of astonishment. They also did not expect that a young man would force Xu Lang to use a weapon.

On the other hand, Ye Qianran has the upper hand, but the Xu family's saber is very terrifying, and he is not in a hurry to come up at the moment, and is still watching from a distance, isn't it interesting?

"Thirteen cuts!"

A cold voice sounded, and Xu Lang moved at this moment. Under the rapidity, the saber in his hand also burst into dazzling light in an instant. The speed increased almost instantly, and with one knife down, the twelve knives behind also fell in an instant.

The dazzling light and surging strength shocked the people present. The Xu family's set of exercises is definitely at the high level of the earth, covering a large area, and the explosive power is terrifying. At this time, Ye Qianran may have become a meat paste. Bar?


Ye Chen's face changed slightly, and anger inevitably appeared on his face. At this moment, he also looked at Xu Lang. If he didn't have a heavy poison pill, would Xu Lang take it seriously?

Xu Lang took a breath, and a smile appeared on his face...

At this time, the light gradually dissipated, but when the thick strength was also turbulent, Xu Lang's smile slowly froze there, and many people made surprise voices.

Ye Qianran was still standing there, her long green hair shaking with the surging spiritual power.

Ye Chen also looked over, his face was filled with shock and disbelief.

"The attack power is astonishing, and the coverage area is wide, but the gap is too large, and there are many places where the spiritual power is weak!"

With a calm voice, Ye Qianran walked towards Xu Lang slowly, talking little by little, but his green eyes were now full of red.

"The speed of the explosion is still too slow!" After Ye Qianran finished speaking, the blue light bloomed at this moment, and the ice sword on his back surged at this moment, but the next moment, it fell directly into his hands.

"Now, I will let you experience the holy sword technique of Jujianmen!"

Ye Qianran's voice fell, and then his body moved, and when the coldness suddenly went crazy, the blue light was rendered at this time, the blurred shadows passed by, and countless sword lights fell down at this time.

"Damn, I'm exhausted!"

After a while, a sudden voice sounded, Ye Qianran's body stepped back, and the blue light lasted for a while, then dissipated, and the man stood there blankly, what he saw was Ye Qianran's figure Countless moves erupted in an instant, and then a wave of spiritual power flew past his body and landed on the ground. He didn't dare to move a single point, maybe even a single point would cause him to be hit in an instant.

Amazing explosion, amazing control, and amazing speed...

At this time, everyone was stunned, because Xu Lang was standing there intact, while the stone slabs around him were all cracked and powdered, which looked shocking.

Was it Ye Qianran who missed the shot? No one thinks that way... And they think that Ye Qianran is too accurate, and his control is too abnormal...

"You are my aunt's husband, I won't kill you, but you don't want to leave!" After the words fell, countless vines surged out at this moment, directly restraining Xu Lang there.

"If the vine moves, you will die!"

Ye Qianran said something indifferently, and then came to Ye Chen and others who were full of surprises. The mysterious seal appeared at this moment, and with a grunt, when everyone was curious, they found a little golden monster flapping its wings and turning around. He circled around and bit Ye Qianran's arm.


Ye Qianran was stunned, and the next moment, his face turned red, and his embarrassment surged even more. He was shocked by how perfect and domineering he was just now, but the appearance of the Bailing beast instantly made it collapse up.

Sophie watched from a distance, couldn't help laughing, her red eyes were full of strangeness, how could her 'brother' be so funny?

"Uh, ahem, don't pay attention to these details!"

Ye Qianran coughed dryly, grabbed the lark and knocked it on the head.


At this time, the Bailing Beast screamed strangely, and its spiritual power also surged at this time. Ye Chen and the elders of Ye's family who were present at the same time felt that Wu Yuan, who had been in chaos and disappeared, had stabilized at this time. Qian Ran cleared it directly.

Ye Feng and Ye Ling's faces were flushed at this time, or they were ashamed. The two brothers did not expect that Ye Qianran's strength would be so amazing, and there was even a detoxifying monster...

Exhaling a breath, Ye Qianran saw that it was almost done, and put the Bailing Beast away.

"Qianran..." Ye Chen spoke slowly, his voice fluctuating.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm here!"

The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up, his eyes fluttered again, then he looked up at Feng Yunzong's humanity and said, "Get out? Or stay?"

"From the Giant Sword Sect? This is the Xuanmu Empire, don't be too rampant!"

The leader sneered, he is not the only one here, and the elders of Fengyun Sect are also there, Ye Qianran's strength is indeed amazing, could it be that he is still delusional, is one person fighting against many people?

"Okay!" Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly, and the mysterious seal surged again, but at this time, although it was not a hundred spirit beast, it was also a small monster that looked harmless to humans and animals.

"Want Want!"

Qiqi jumped up at this time, and after jumping around, squatted beside Ye Qianran and wagged his tail.

After Bai Bingbing saw Qiqi, she was surprised. She had seen its horror before, it was too frightening.

" is it possible, isn't this race extinct?"

After seeing Qiqi, Sophie's body trembled, and her little face froze there for an instant, full of shock and disbelief.

Ye Qianran squatted down at this time, stroked Qiqi's head, the corners of his mouth turned up, he didn't have the habit of showing off his prestige alone, if he pretended to be coercive, he would die.

The masters of Fengyun Zou are all there, so he rushed forward to die foolishly? What about Qiqi, he is afraid of something... He raised his head and laughed, "Are you really not leaving?"

The man frowned slightly, looked at Ye Qianran wagging his tail, and gave him a cute and strange look. He always felt a little weird, but can such a big little monster turn the world upside down? The light floated, and finally the aura on his body soared at this time, and he said directly: "Ye family, I'm going to make a deal..."

"All right!"

Ye Qianran sighed helplessly, stood up at this moment, glanced at Qiqi and said: "Go up and bite... I'll give you the pill when it's over!"

"Want Want..."

Qiqi's eyes brightened instantly when he heard it, and he pretended too much, showing his teeth sharply, but in this state, it gave the impression that he was pretending to be cute?

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