Eternal Supreme

Chapter 616


Everyone was surprised for a moment, and then saw the vine surging, pulling the stunned man down.

And You Wushuang also knew how to seize the opportunity. After spreading the person he was fighting with, his spiritual power surged and instantly slapped the person bound by the vines.

The man's face changed slightly, his spiritual power surged in an instant, he gritted his teeth and carried it down, but after a dull voice sounded, he still flew out backwards.

"People of the elf family!"

The man landed on the ground, and his spiritual power was shaken again, shaking off all the vines on his body. Looking up, his gaze fell on a man who was walking over. He had green hair and green eyes, and he was indeed an elf. .

The people of the elf family have a very long history and have a very high status in the Xuanmu Empire, so when Ye Qianran walked over, they attracted many people's attention.


Long Wushuang stepped back and looked at the person who helped her. When he saw it, his expression froze for a moment, with disbelief showing on his face, but he soon became depressed again.

The person in front of her was very similar to Ye Qianran, but she was sure not, because Ye Qianran was not so tall, and her hair color and green eyes, including the vines before, meant that the person in front of her was an elf.

Ye Qianran was also quite nervous, because he was still a little worried about being recognized, and he also felt that Long Wushuang's eyes were staring at him closely at this moment, and his heart beat even more suddenly. But after feeling that Long Wushuang's eyes disappeared, he felt relieved.

He really didn't dare to face You Wushuang, if he didn't see that person like that, maybe he wouldn't come out, so when he thought so, he said directly: "You're welcome!" After speaking, he looked up , when he saw the man holding a giant sword and looking at him gloomyly, he couldn't help smiling and said, "Aren't you convinced?"

After speaking, he mobilized the essence of the elves in his body, and the extremely thick spiritual power instantly became turbulent.

The spiritual power contained in the origin of the elves is definitely extremely thick. After all, it seems to be condensed by the patriarchs of the elves in the past, and he has fused half of it, so the spiritual power is naturally extremely amazing.

So at this time, he moved a little bit, and his whole body was filled with green light, which looked extremely amazing.

"You two can go up together!" Ye Qianran said coldly, with an extremely proud breath surging out.

He is just pretending to be aggressive now, meaning to tell the two of them that he is very awesome, so don't come up.

"court death?!"

Seeing Ye Qianran's arrogance, the man's expression suddenly darkened, and the giant sword in his right hand shook, and the edge surged out at this moment.

Ever since he was young, when he was provoked like this, anger naturally appeared.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched. Well, he failed to pretend, but at this moment, he also understood that he had miscalculated one thing. Being able to fight against You Wushuang and others is definitely a top existence. Now that there are so many onlookers, If they leave, the face is not their face, but the face of the forces behind them.

But it doesn't matter, since he has boasted so much, he will naturally go to implement it, otherwise he will be ashamed, and immediately said: "Ridiculous!" After the words fell, his body was red, and he moved in an instant.

Aolong opened it quietly, and the violent momentum also burst out instantly.

Also because of the short distance and the rapid speed, he almost came to that person very quickly...

The man's eyes were fixed, and the sharp edge burst out suddenly, and he swept up directly, and the swift and violent intention also broke out in an instant.

"Hmph, the speed is too slow!"

Ye Qianran said indifferently, the red light in the green eyes flashed away, and the next moment the illusory shadow floated, the green light surged instantly, and his right hand slapped the man's chest fiercely, and when it exploded, , he injected some dimensional power again, and the explosion was even more extreme and surging.


The muffled voice fell, and the man's body shook, and he stepped back at this moment.

Ye Qianran also took a step back at this time, in fact, he knew in his heart that he was standing on the front line, maybe the other party didn't expect him to go up, the speed was so fast, and the explosion was so violent...

The people present didn't want to watch so much, they only saw Ye Qianran attacking, and then the opponent flew backwards before even using his moves, it was as simple as that.

"What a fast speed, amazing strength, worthy of being an elf!" Many people exclaimed.


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth just turned up, and at this moment a hurried voice sounded, at this moment he also felt the energy on the left side, his brows were slightly wrinkled, green light floated, and a dozen vines suddenly surged out, affecting the When the opponent showed his speed, Ye Qianran's body retreated a certain distance, but at this moment, the man's edge flicked and the vines dissipated instantly, and then the violent force directly covered Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran didn't resist, he could feel how terrifying the power contained in it was, so he dodged quickly by virtue of his speed.


With a piercing sound, the heavy sword fell to the ground, and a gap appeared instantly.

At this time, the other man who was defeated by Ye Qianran also stood up, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and when his face was gloomy, murderous intent surged out at this moment, he looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Shameless!"


Ye Qianran smiled and said: "Are you shameless just now!" After speaking, his eyes flickered, seeing the other two standing together, he suddenly felt melancholy, the two of them probably really planned to attack together.

"I'll help you!" You Wushuang walked up at this moment, surging with strong strength.

"And me!" Zong Hongzhen also came up at this time, his face was full of depression, and after seeing the two people, they couldn't help but changed slightly. Both You Wushuang and Zong Hongzhen were very powerful. With the addition of one of the elves, the pressure increased instantly.

"Boy, don't you plan to fight the two of us alone? You're afraid now!"

The person who was beaten out by Ye Qianran said with a sneer, he really wanted to get this place back, after all, when had he been so aggrieved, but the joining of Zong Hongzhen and You Wushuang made it impossible for him to That's why I couldn't help it.

Ye Qianran blushed for a while, and then said bravely: "I said, I'm fine by myself! You can step back for now, play wild in our Xuanmu Empire, and don't look in the mirror to see your own appearance... "The voice fell, he let out a breath, and his mental power surged out. He originally planned to keep a low profile, but it seems that he can't do it if he wants to...

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