Eternal Supreme

Chapter 626

"Wu Shuang!"

Zong Hongzhen was startled when he saw You Wushuang, and then said it in surprise.

"Miss You, he did help you, but I hope you don't interfere in this matter!" Wan Tianzong frowned slightly.

Ye Qianran could talk a little bit alone, but with the addition of You Wushuang, it suddenly became tricky. He had to talk about You Wushuang now, because this time his goal was not only the boundary jade card, but also Ye Qianran. The celestial weapon in hand.

"Excuse me!"

You Wushuang's cold voice sounded, and he said with firm eyes: "He helped me!"

Ye Qianran was startled, with a strange expression on his face, would You Wushuang help him like this if he knew his true identity?

Wan Tianzong frowned tightly, holding the sword tightly in his right hand...

After You Wushuang joined, it was basically two-on-two. Will Zong Hongzhen make a move? I'm afraid not.

Ye Qianran naturally saw Wan Tianzong's expression, and then said: "Will you beat me? If you don't beat me, I'm leaving!" After the words fell, Xuan Yin surged at this moment, quietly put Qiqi away, and he Now I just hope that no one will care in the dark night.

After the words fell, Wan Tianzong was still unmoved at this time, and immediately looked at You Wushuang and said, "Miss You, thank you!" After the words fell, he stomped his right foot, and his body galloped out at this time.

You Wushuang was stunned, bit his lower lip tightly, and then followed closely.

Zong Hongzhen looked at You Wushuang's leaving back in a daze, and his expression darkened at this moment...

Wan Tianzong didn't say anything at this time, and Meng Yang could probably guess: "The man of the elf clan is holding a heavenly weapon, and his own strength is very strong, so he can deal with it comfortably. Now with the addition of You Wushuang, This is even more so, because Zong Hongzhen will not make a move, and will even help in turn. If this is the case, it is better to give up...

On the other side, Ye Qianran was not in a hurry to rush towards Tianwu City at this time, but rushed towards an extremely remote direction. After the state of Bamen was released, he might be like a useless person. Regardless of the way back, Still in Tianwu City, if you meet people you shouldn't meet, you will probably suffer disaster.

After galloping for a certain distance, his spirit relaxed at this moment, and the feeling of exhaustion swept up immediately. The speed of galloping obviously slowed down at this time, and his face gradually turned pale.

After insisting on a certain distance, the body fell down, the left hand was spread out, and it was stuffed into the mouth. Seeing that the distance in front of him was quite hidden, when he walked towards it step by step, but after walking not far, he felt dizzy At this time, it surged out, the body shook, and the whole person fell forward.

And You Wushuang, who followed closely behind, also quickly caught Ye Qianran's figure. When he saw You Wushuang falling down, his body accelerated and hugged Ye Qianran down.

Ye Qianran was held in her arms, she was stunned, and then when she breathed the fragrance of You Wushuang, she couldn't help but was stunned, why did this woman follow her, and finally her mind was completely blank, and she passed out completely.

You Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran in his arms, his expression fluctuated, and then his eyes fell on the little mink on Ye Qianran's chest.

After hearing the news of the marriage, she was indeed completely flustered. The shadow of Ye Qianran kept appearing in her mind. In the panic, she left Qinghong Palace and kept looking for Ye Qianran. After she heard about the jade card, her first thought was that Ye Qianran would go there... That's why she rushed to Tianwu City.

Ye Qianran did come, but she didn't recognize it. Thinking of the scene at that time, who wouldn't want to do it easily? Why didn't she think of it then?

And this discovery was also due to a coincidence. In fact, when Ye Qianran, Yang Yi, and Sophie were fighting against each other, she arrived. When he saw Ye Qianran's ice sword and Yuanyuan, he was completely in awe. After going there, I can't help being so familiar, it's Ye Qianran...

She wanted to go out at the time, and then saw the scene where Yang Yi put the magic hook on Ye Qianran, which she never thought of...

After Yang Yi left, he really didn't know how to face Ye Qianran in an instant, what should he say when he met Ye Qianran? At this time, Wan Tianzong's people also just came, so she had no choice but to rush out, because if Ye Qianran used her abilities, she would definitely be hit by Wan Tianzong crazily.

And after she came out, it should be restricted, just as she thought, she did it... But now...

"Princess, how to deal with the fusion clan?"

The two men looked at Sophie with worried expressions. They all knew that the fusion clan would become more and more terrifying as it developed, and Ye Qianran had another magic hook on his body, plus the previous star dagger, flame knife, and three heavenly weapons , and there are also two special heavenly weapons, Tianzhu and Tianzhu.

Tianzhu is easy to talk about, but Tianzhu...

Among the world's people, those who can seal and control have always been the fusion clan, whose strength no one knows...

The most important thing is that Ye Qianran still has blood beads on his body...

"Let's put these five pieces away first, aren't there others?"

Sophie's voice fluctuated, and she finally sighed. Sooner or later, she would meet Ye Qianran again, her brows were slightly frowned, and complex expressions appeared. At that time, could she make a move? After a long time, he said again: "Okay, let's go!" After the voice fell, the space fluctuated again, and the figures of the three disappeared completely at this time.

Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, and felt the pain all over his body again, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his brain was dizzy, which made him very uncomfortable...

The fragrance swept across, Ye Qianran was breathing, her mental state was better, and the pillow on her head was also very soft and comfortable, and she fell asleep again in a daze...

In the early morning, when everything was recovering, Ye Qianran also opened his eyes. Although his body was still a little sore, he felt much better at this time, at least he didn't feel that extreme fatigue.

The focus distance was drawn closer, Ye Qianran saw something clearly at this moment, his expression was stunned, he was actually leaning on You Wushuang's lap, and You Wushuang was resting on the cold stone wall at this time, and his expression was at this moment Looked tired.

His expression fluctuated, Ye Qianran sat up slowly with his hands on the ground, and at this moment the white shadow passed by, and the little mink got into his arms.

The expression was startled again, You Wushuang was like this, he must have noticed his identity a long time ago, right?

When he was thinking this way, You Wushuang frowned slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes. At this time, she first looked down, and finally found no one, she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head, just in time Meeting Ye Qianran's eyes, the two of them stayed there at the same time for an instant...

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