Eternal Supreme

Chapter 628

"You alone are no match for us!"

The two people from the Heavy Sword Sect had a cold look on their faces. They still remembered the humiliation in Tianwu City clearly at this moment, and they never thought that they would run into You Wushuang when they planned to visit Tianwu City this time. So without the slightest hesitation, he rushed up directly.

You Wushuang's face was extremely cold, the sword in his hand was surging, he didn't speak, but still resisted.

The two looked at each other and sneered at the same time, their strength also increased at this time...

You Wushuang gritted her silver teeth tightly. Although she was trying hard, she was completely suppressed at this time. The simultaneous attack of the two made her completely passive.

And the two also found a gap at this time, the epee in their hands shook, and when the majestic force surged, with a clang, the sword in You Wu's hands was bounced out, and then the other epee flew directly Put it on You Wushuang's neck.

You Wushuang's face was icy cold, he bit his lower lip tightly and said: "If you want to kill, then kill..."

"Don't worry, you can't run away, but you are so beautiful, it would be a pity to kill him now!" One person said, with a smile on his face at this moment.

You Wushuang's face changed slightly when he heard it, and his expression became more indifferent at this moment, but soon, his eyes dimmed again, he glanced at the epee in front of him, and planned to hit it directly, because she would rather die than will take this insult...

And just when he was about to do this, he found that the two of them raised their heads at the same time at this time. They seemed to feel something at this time, turned their heads to look the same, and happened to see Ye Qianran's figure. , bit his lip again.

"Boy, it's you again!"

Seeing that it was Ye Qianran, the two of them turned ugly at the same time, and murderous intent surged out at this moment.

After Ye Qianran fell to the ground, she first glanced at You Wushuang, and then said: "Let her go, or don't blame me for being rude!"


The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time: "Last time you had a helper, but this time you don't have any, and you are still so rampant. Do you really think you are so strong?"

Ye Qianran's brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes floated. At this time, You Wushuang was in the opponent's hands, and he was also in a passive state invisibly.

"Oh, by the way, you really want to save this woman, right?"

At this time, one of them thought of something, and the corner of his mouth turned up: "This woman can be handed over to you, but you must hand over the boundary jade token you got, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Ye Qianran's face changed slightly. He finally got the boundary jade token. He really didn't expect the other party to be so threatening. In addition, he knew in his heart that even if he handed over the boundary jade token, the two of them would probably not Let it go.

His eyes fluttered, his left hand spread out, and the boundary jade tablet appeared in his hand at this moment: "I do have one here, but how can I trust you?"

When the two saw the boundary jade tablet, their expressions immediately became hot. At this moment, one of them said: "Don't worry, as long as you give us the boundary jade tablet, I will definitely give it to you, this woman!"

Ye Qianran's eyes flickered at this time and said: "Okay, then I will give you the boundary jade token first."

When the two heard it, they looked at each other, revealing their pleasant surprise, and then the corners of their mouths turned up into a cold expression...

"It's done!" Ye Qianran put the jade token in his left hand, and when he was about to throw it over, You Wushuang quickly said: "Don't throw it away, they must have lied to you!" He said anxiously.

It was not easy for Ye Qianran to get this boundary jade card. Although the two of them were like this, she still didn't want to let Ye Qianran's hard work go in vain because of her.

Ye Qianran winked after hearing You Wushuang's words, and then threw it away.

You Wushuang was stunned for a while, Ye Qianran didn't seem impulsive, she could see the look of reassurance in that look.

Seeing that Ye Qianran had really thrown it out, the two of them suddenly sneered. Seeing that the jade token was getting closer, one of them stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed it. When grabbing it, the silver light floated, and when it passed by, the man holding the epee felt a pain in his right wrist, and a deep bloodstain appeared at this moment...

His complexion changed greatly, and his spiritual power surged at this moment, and You Wushuang also moved at this time, his body took a step back, his right hand spread out, and when the spiritual power surged, he directly slapped the man's chest, and then his body also moved. At this time, he quickly came to Ye Qianran's side.

"Haha, the jade token is mine!"

The man who grabbed the jade tablet suddenly laughed, and at this moment a hand sighed out at this moment, and directly grabbed his neck.

"Throw the jade card here, or die!" When Ye Qianran spoke slowly, a very beautiful dagger floated out at this moment, which happened to be between the man's eyebrows.

The man's expression changed drastically, and he turned his head to take a look at this time, only to realize that his companions had been photographed... Knowing that they were caught in the Five Elements...

His eyes fell on Ye Qianran, his face was gloomy, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he finally said: "What a family of elves, this time we admit defeat!" After the words fell, the jade card was thrown towards Ye Qianran.

And when it was thrown out, the man also moved, surging spiritual energy...

At this moment, Xiaomei rushed forward without hesitation, piercing through the erupting spiritual power, and then fell down...

"Junior brother!" The face of the man with the injured hand changed drastically, and then he landed on the floating star dagger. At this moment, he seemed to think of something and said, "Heavenly weapon?" When he saw the star dagger rushing towards him, , the epee flicked, and when the violent spiritual power erupted, he spread the star dagger, and rushed out directly without any pause, and a sentence was left at this time: "Boy, this time I am serious. Zai, don't let me meet you in the future, next time I meet, I will never let you go!"

After watching the man leave, Ye Qianran let out a sigh of relief. At this time, Xiao Mei also turned back and submerged into Ye Qianran's body. After glancing at the man lying on the ground, her eyes could not help but float. looked at the replica.

The duplicate body immediately stretched out its right hand and placed it on the man's forehead... At this time, the bright spiritual power surged, and then the duplicate body changed at this time, and it was exactly the same as the man, including the clothes and clothes on his body. .

"Is that so?"

Ye Qianran was surprised in his heart, and then looked at the duplicate body again, his eyes floated again, and the duplicate body changed again at this time, and became his current appearance again...

That's right, after the clone absorbs the man's spiritual power and Wuyuan and replicates everything, his original source is still retained, so he wonders whether the clone can change back and forth, and now it is obviously verified his idea...

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