Eternal Supreme

Chapter 636

As time went by, the woman probably saw that they hadn't moved, and finally relaxed, and stood there waiting.

Ten minutes later, Ye Qianran raised his head. At this time, two figures galloped towards him. The man who had left earlier, and an old man with purple hair, when he fell down, his fierce aura also appeared. At this time, it fluctuated out.


The woman said respectfully after seeing the old man.

After the man nodded, he looked at Ye Qianran and the others, and then took the lead to walk up. At this time, his purple eyes fell on Ye Qianran and said: "Who are you?"

"We came from the Sunset Empire. At that time, my sister was taken away by people from your Feng clan. Is it okay for me to come and see him now?" Ye Qianran said.

"Your sister is Guoguo?" The voice of the old man who spoke was full of surprise.

"Well, that's right, I remember that when I came out of the fierce place, I was just taken away by your Feng clan."

Ye Qianran nodded and said, "Can I see her?"

The old man hesitated and said: "About this matter, we..." He frowned as he spoke.

"Guoguo, did something happen?" Ye Qianran frowned after hearing this, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

"No, it's getting dark now, you guys come in first, we will give you a reasonable explanation tomorrow!" The old man said again.

"Alright!" Ye Qianran nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"In that case, the three of you, please follow me!" After the old man finished speaking, he turned around and took the lead to gallop out further.

"Let's go, let's follow!" Ye Qianran said, Xiao Hei appeared at this time, and the three of them also jumped up at this time, and then quickly followed out.

When passing a cliff about ten meters long, a building built in a dense jungle is reflected in front of the eyes. Although the area is not so large, it is very delicate, with several rows of attics. , and houses with red walls against the surrounding trees.

In addition, he also saw many huge birds and monsters in that building, which gave people the same feeling of fierceness.

After falling down, they just came to the front yard, when the old man took them to a residence temporarily and moved in.

After the old man left, Bai Bingbing looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Are you really all right?"

"Should be all right?"

Ye Qianran was not sure at this time, but they were invited in at this time, which proved that they were sincere, otherwise it wouldn't be the case: "Wait all night, and see what they say tomorrow..."

"Is there a hot spring here?"

The next day, Ye Qianran got up very early, yesterday he didn't turn around properly, today he really wanted to take a look, but when he brought the two of them to a mountain-like area, he clearly saw There was steam from below, and the surprise was unavoidable.

The hot spring is a very comfortable place. He has never soaked in it in his previous life. Should he try it here?

When he moved, a slightly indifferent voice sounded: "Who are the three of you? This is the Feng Clan, you outsiders can come in, right?"

Ye Qianran turned her head to look and found a young man looking at him with a slight frown and a slight indifference in the same purple eyes.

Shrugging helplessly, Ye Qianran said directly: "You also said that we are outsiders and cannot enter, but now that we are inside, we are not outsiders, right?"

The man frowned slightly and said: "My boy, the people outside are really eloquent, they just don't know how strong they are!"

"Hey, do you want to try it!" Ye Qianran saw the change in the other party's eyes, so he simply said it directly.

"Okay!" The man's eyes lit up immediately.

Ye Qianran was really ashamed, in fact, he had already felt that this man followed them a long time ago, maybe the inner sect also understood why they were here.

As for the Feng clan, they rarely come into contact with the outside world. I'm afraid they want to see their strength at this time, so there's no need to beat around the bush, right? Just say no? He would not categorically refuse such a thing.

The purple spiritual power surged from the man's body, and he spread out his right hand and said, "My name is Feng Qianzhi!" The purple spiritual power became stronger in an instant as the words fell.

Because of the baptism of the elves, Ye Qianran felt very clearly the fluctuations of the surrounding spiritual power. At this time, when he clearly felt the surge of purple spiritual power, it seemed to ignite the surrounding spiritual power, surrounding it With surging, especially the fluctuations around the hands are more powerful.

"Ye Qianran!"

Ye Qianran also said his name, and after the voice fell, Ye Qianran's body moved first. When Aolong surged, his body had already rushed up, while Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang backed away for a long distance Watching from a distance.

Looking at Ye Qianran who was rushing up, Feng Qianzhi smiled, and spread his right hand in a claw shape. When he also rushed up, the surrounding space rippled along with Feng Qianzhi's hand , and the sharp piercing sound also came out.

Ye Qianran felt it very clearly, and the Aolong Jue couldn't help raising another level, whistling and sharp were entangled immediately, and the next moment, the two of them joined together in an instant, and there was a sudden touch, and the amazing force moved towards the surroundings at this time turbulent open.

Ye Qianran felt the pain in his right hand at this time, and when he backed away, he also felt jerky. At this moment, the purple light became dazzling again, and when he turned his head, it seemed as if he saw a phoenix grabbing towards him. , The eyes are fixed, the strength of the original bead surges, when the eyes are golden, the illusory shadow also emerges at this time, and when the wild domineering blooms, it also explodes without hesitation.

The astonishing spiritual power was once again wanton, and when the two separated again, Feng Qianzhi said with surprise on his face: "What a strong bloodline, it seems that you are not an ordinary person!" But at this time, the fighting spirit was even stronger When he got up, the purple awns on his body suddenly floated irregularly, and finally formed a vivid fire phoenix, which looked extremely strange.

When Ye Qianran was amazed, an old voice sounded: "Qianzhi, don't be rude!"

"Third Elder!" Feng Qianzhi turned her head to look, and when she saw the old man, Zimang finally restrained herself.

Ye Qianran looked up after hearing this, and when he saw the old man, he raised his brows, because it was the old man from yesterday.

"You three, please come with me!" The old man looked at Ye Qianran and said with a smile, then turned and walked in one direction.

Ye Qianran's heart changed, can he see Guoguo? In the end, he looked at Feng Qianzhi in surprise again, and finally followed...

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