Eternal Supreme

Chapter 638

After Ye Qianran landed on the battle stage, he immediately drew the attention of the Feng people.

Most of the younger generation of the Feng clan have never been out before, so when they saw Feng Qianzhi fighting with outsiders, their eyes were drawn at the same time.

Even some people who were still fighting stopped, and finally came to watch.

Ye Qianran also noticed the changes in the surroundings, and his expression was a little weird. It seemed that he couldn't lose. His eyes fell directly on the man, his expression gradually became solemn, and then the corner of his mouth turned up and said: " Let's start now!"

After the words fell, the source beads surged at this moment, and the golden light shrouded it at this moment, and Feng Qianzhi was not far behind, and Zimang also revealed it in an instant.

"The strength of this outsider should be quite strong!"

"That's not as strong as Brother Qianzhi... Brother Qianzhi is the best member of the Feng Clan!"

When the momentum of the two was soaring, the surrounding Feng clan couldn't help whispering.


A surging voice suddenly sounded, and the purple awn on Feng Qianzhi's body suddenly became thicker, and his whole body was covered by the phoenix bat.

Accompanied by the turbulence of the momentum again, the suffocating breath was turbulent.

Ye Qianran's eyes were fixed, and it seemed that Feng Qianzhi in front of him had restrained himself a little before. The golden light in his eyes was more intense, and his domineering intent became lingering.

From Aolong's divine sense, he directly entered the third divine sense, and the violent momentum also surprised many people.

"It seems that the strength of this outsider is not simple..."

Surprise flashed across the eyes of the surrounding people at the same time, and finally they gradually became solemn.


Feng Qianzhi raised the corners of her mouth, although she didn't see much movement, but after the words fell, the sky filled with purple awns was like a dragon swimming in the sea, and there was a sharp whistling sound, and an illusory shadow rushed towards it in less than two seconds. The time actually enveloped Ye Qianran in it.

"Feng Zhan!"

Feng Qianzhi interlaced her hands, and the illusory shadow suddenly condensed, and finally turned into a Lingmang, slashing down angrily.

Feng Qianzhi obviously didn't intend to warm up, so when he made a move, he showed extreme tyranny.

Feeling the ear-piercing whistling, the corners of Ye Qianran's mouth turned up. Under the proud dragon, he was fearless. He clenched his right hand tightly, and the dull dragon chant floated. When his eyes were shining golden, he clenched his right hand tightly, and punched up.

He doesn't have exercises, what he has is just an explosion.


The shrill voice resounded through the heaven and earth with a muffled voice...

When the golden light hit with a roaring sound, it blocked Feng Qianzhi's attack in a daze. The next moment, the two colors flickered, and when they were entangled, they rippled towards the surroundings.

And when the spiritual power was intertwined, Ye Qianran's figure had disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of Feng Qianzhi, with his right hand spread out, still directly bursting out without any skills.

Feng Qianzhi frowned slightly. He really didn't expect Ye Qianran to be so fast, and the surging spiritual power and arrogance made him even more powerful.

Taking a deep breath, he stretched out his right hand in an instant, the piercing sound was still howling, and when the muffled sound sounded again, the two of them actually collided directly.


The two separated, and rushed up again in the next moment. At this time, the two moved very quickly. In a short period of time, they actually fought many times, and the turbulent spiritual power around them became more and more intense.

"So strong..."

The people around were a little shocked...

And Ye Qianran's Aolong has reached the third floor at this time, the most peak existence he can control, Tianchong, it feels like he has completely released his restrained arrogance.

In addition, his body itself is relatively strong, and the spiritual power of Jiezhu is also very behind, so Ye Qianran is almost not afraid of head-to-head in this regard.

And Feng Qianzhi felt the shock, and the more she continued, the more shocked her face became.

Ye Qianran's strength was majestic and domineering, especially the Ling Ran's scent, which completely suppressed him in terms of momentum, and the roaring dragon's roar told him that it was impossible to win in such a state. Ye Qianran's, so he took a deep breath, concentrated his spiritual power, and distanced himself from Ye Qianran in a daze.

Stabilizing her figure, Feng Qianzhi narrowed her eyes slightly, and the Zimang became even more alluring at this moment. It felt like the sun was rising, and when the rays of light were floating, it almost made everyone present blink their eyes.

When the vast purple awns covered the vibration, a sharp sound sounded, and it felt like it was about to burst the eardrums.

And after the singing sound fell, an illusory shadow became solid at this time, and it turned out to be an extremely huge phoenix.

"Wow, brother Qianzhi has condensed the power of his bloodline to such an extent.

"Yeah, brother Qianzhi is stronger than before!"

The people around were shocked again.


The chirp sounded again, and I saw the phoenix's wings fluttered, and its huge body roared towards him. Under the violent momentum, Ye Qianran felt oppressed.

Ye Qianran was also shocked at this moment. That ferocious aura is definitely not something his Aolong can resist now.

His eyes fluttered, he took a deep breath, spread out his right hand, and the ice sword emerged at this time, and the golden light on his body also turned blue at this time, looking full of brilliance.

When he mobilized his first divine sense to enter the ice sword, the sound of dragon chant sounded again, and a looming blue dragon swam away at this time.

Looking up, Ye Qianran stared at the huge phoenix, clenched his right hand tightly, and the spiritual power of Xuanbingzhu was completely mobilized.

He has an advantage, abundant spiritual power, if it is not limited by his current strength, I am afraid that what he mobilizes will be even more terrifying.

"What kind of weapon is that!"

When the people around saw the ice sword in Ye Qianran's hand, they couldn't help showing their surprise again, especially the looming blue dragon, which was even more shocking.

It seems that the strength of this foreigner is quite strong.

The distance was getting closer and closer. At this time, Ye Qianran's right hand flickered, and when the blue light covered it again, the whole person sprinted up, clenched his right hand tightly, and the next moment, he directly threw it up.

His original intention was to use the outbreak of the cold sword to cut it off...

But at this moment, Ye Qianran's body suddenly shook, and he clearly felt that his divine sense was separated in an instant, and his mental power was turbulent without any rules, which made him a little uncomfortable.

The blue light bloomed, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly. Among the roaring blue dragons, a flick of its tail soared into the sky.

He has never seen such a scene before. Could it be that the ice sword in his hand felt the pressure, and this happened?

While thinking, the whistling dragon's chant resounded throughout the world, and when he looked up, his body shook again, and a shocked look appeared on his face...

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