Eternal Supreme

Chapter 653

"This feeling..."

When Ye Qianran's mind returned to emptiness, his mental power surged, and his whole body was suspended in the air, and then he opened his eyes, the green eyes were full of brightness and depth.

"Have you broken through?"

Ye Qianran felt it carefully. At this time, he found that the mental power was very active. When he opened it, the mental power rippled like flowing water. When he released it around him, it turned the whole small The valley is wrapped in it.

And at this moment, he felt very clear, as if he had noticed all the movements in the entire area.

A look of shock appeared on his face at this time, his mental power was so strong, how much breakthrough has he made?

At this time, his divine thoughts directly entered the spiritual sea, and the bead still existed at this time, and at this time there appeared a golden dragon hovering over the bead, silent, revealing a mysterious and majestic color all over his body...

"This is……"

Ye Qianran was surprised, and then his heart moved, could it be?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, there was no wasting time, and the divine sense was withdrawn at this moment.

After he took a deep breath, Aolong opened it at this time. When he entered the fourth divine sense, an illusory reality appeared behind him. At this time, he clearly felt the change, and his heart moved. The Shenlong was clear at this time, then turned golden, and then circled around his body, suspended in front of him.

"Is this God control?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, he actually skipped concentrating, and went directly to the stage of controlling the gods at the sixth level of spiritual cultivation...

After a long time, when she came back to her senses, Ye Qianran couldn't help swallowing again, complaining that her mental power could cover such a wide area, it turned out that she had reached the sixth floor...

When he thought of something again, his heart was agitated again. When his golden eyes floated, he tried to ignite his blood. When his whole body was agitated, he let the golden dragon enter his body... In an instant, his body seemed to explode. , The infinite spiritual power became restless at this time.

It was hot, the whole body was hot, it felt like being in a furnace, and then the mental power was frantic again, and the mind became blank, and the Aolong Jue was automatically triggered almost instantly, from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, and then reached up the sixth floor.

Six divine thoughts?

Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and instantly hit the sixth Divine Sense. At that moment, she felt as if her whole body was about to explode.

Maybe it was because I didn't get used to it at first, my whole body was in pain, but luckily the pain didn't last long, when it became clear again, I looked down at myself.

Hair... The hair has turned golden at this time, and the whole body is covered with golden scales, and when the original knot in the body is agitated, the whole body is wrapped in illusory shadows, the first divine sense is separated, looking at it from a distance Go, he was stunned.

I found that he was blinded by himself, with long golden hair and golden eyes... In addition, there is a dragon-shaped phantom around him, which looks very domineering, especially the aura of the emperor, he himself is drunk up...

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, my heart was completely restless, after this...

At this time, the breath was restrained, the spiritual thoughts were withdrawn, and the whole person returned to a normal state at this time. When everything disappeared, Ye Qianran's spiritual power was touched again, and then he looked up and looked around. The whole person was suspended at this moment.

When the whole valley appeared in front of his eyes, his body trembled, that was absolutely exciting...


Ye Qianran laughed at this moment, and finally burst out laughing... Damn, this feeling is so refreshing and refreshing.

He now understands why the old man calls Yinyang Lake a derivative of heaven and earth, the spiritual power it contains is too terrifying... even the feeling is too strong.

Close your eyes, feel the vitality of the whole valley, your expression can't help fluctuating, then spread your right hand, the elf origin blooms at this time, when the origin is restless, it stretches crazily, and the instant vitality is clearer at this time, When I used my mental power to extend it, I felt the feedback from all the plants...

He opened his eyes with a dazed expression, and looked towards a tree without raising his head. At this time, his mental power fluctuated slightly, and then the feeling of control appeared again. His brows were raised, and his heart moved. At this time, it grew crazily, and under the control of his mental power, the huge tree branch stretched infinitely, and the whole huge book seemed like a giant python.


Ye Qianran was stunned. I'm afraid this is the ability of the elves, right? At this time, he thought about it, and it was the same thing. If the elves only had one vine spirit beast or something, it would be too low-key...

Now he understands why the elves call themselves the sons of the earth, and now it is true...

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, looking down at the ground, feeling the vitality, his heart moved again, and then blossoming flowers came out at this time, blooming infinitely, colorful, looking too beautiful...

"I wipe..."

Ye Qianran really swears at this time, the elves seem to be quite terrifying as an ancient clan...

But the only pity is that at this time, his mental power is only controlled within the area, and if he wants to use it in a large area, he may need to have a good spiritual cultivation...

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva for a long time, what about other origins?

Thinking of this, he immediately mobilized the power of the stars, which bloomed brightly at this moment. That mobilization was absolutely terrifying. He didn't try the others, because he had a feeling that they were equally powerful...

The corners of his mouth turned up, and the mobilized spiritual power became stronger, which means that his strength has soared to a very high level at this time. I am afraid that he also has the ability to fight against Wan Tianzong at this time, right? If you control it well, I'm afraid it will be even stronger, right?

The heart trembled again, and Ye Qianran's body fell slowly at this time...

When he landed on the ground, his expression fluttered. Tonight, he planned to train all night. When his body strengthened again, he tried the eight gates, and then practiced the sword god seal. The requirements were not high, and the eight gates broke through to sixth The first level, and the third level of Sword God Seal?

Looking at the sea of ​​flowers around him, breathing in the charming fragrance of flowers, when he felt happy, his eyes fell on the Yinyang Lake again, and when the corners of his mouth were raised, he jumped into it at this time.

At this time, the pain still existed, but it was not as piercing as it was when he first came in... It seemed that he had gotten used to it after soaking here for so long.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianran closed his eyes at this moment, and then the whole person fell silent, entering the cultivation state...

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