Eternal Supreme

Chapter 655

The next step is the integration of sword intent! "

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and then tried... But at this moment, he suddenly thought of a problem, that is, the mark came out, but there was no extension of strength...

what happened?

Ye Qianran was completely stunned there, a little at a loss, because what is this?

He knew that he didn't make any mistakes in the process, and the imprint was not wrong, but why didn't he show the strength he should have?

Frowning slightly, the imprint dissipated, and the whole person was completely within the scope of thinking.

He first started with the attack of the second seal. The attack method of the Holy Heaven Seal is pointed, but it is not restrained in it like the first layer. This time, the projected one has a wider range and penetrating power. The power is even more astonishing...but the strength without gathering is useless...

Then he started to think about it from the handprints, aftertaste carefully, and at the same time combined his own is still no problem...

Feeling melancholy... Could it be that there is something he overlooked?

After he thought of this, he couldn't help but carefully recall everything about that image...

At this time, he looked left and right, but found that there was no problem, including that he read it from the beginning to the end, and it was all right...

"Eh? Continuous?"

Ye Qianran was stunned when he heard this. At this moment, he suddenly thought that the mysterious seal under the figure existed from the beginning to the end...

Is it possible to combine the Juling seal on the first floor?

But if this is the case, there are also huge flaws in this set of exercises, and they have to go from the first floor? The first two or three floors are fine, but what about continuing to the back? If you want to be stronger, you have to do it from beginning to end?

But no matter what, he has to try...

Thinking of this, the fingerprints surged, and the gathering spirit seal emerged at this time. When the illusory shadow was introduced into his body, the strength surged. He retained this strength at this time, and his hands interlaced again. When the second mysterious seal emerged , the strength of the first one obviously changed. At this time, the light was floating, and when it broke out, the sword intent surged, and the right hand spread out, flexing the fingers instantly...


A trembling sound sounded, and a sword light extended at this moment. When it bloomed, the crazy sword intent swept towards the surroundings fiercely.

The body galloped, and the figure passed a thick tree, the spiritual power dissipated, and the tree was still calm.

"So fast!"

Ye Qianran was shocked.

Although the trees at this time still maintained their previous appearance, they were definitely cut open by him...

The first seal and the second seal are not on the same level at all.

Swallowing his saliva, he immediately decided to cultivate the third seal, because at that time he would also know whether the first two seals of the Sword God need to be accumulated, and if it needs to be accumulated, it would be really aggrieved.

While thinking, Ye Qianran recollected and continued to practice.

The third seal of the Sword God Seal is called the Demon Suppressing Seal, while other towns represent an area, not a single one... It consumes a lot of mental power and spiritual power.

But he is now on the sixth level of spiritual cultivation, so there is no problem at all. As for the power of heaven and earth in the seal, it is naturally not a problem.

The seal of Zhenyao Seal is more complicated. He really practiced for a long time, and then he completed the condensing. When the condensing was completed, the problem of Shengtian Seal also appeared. He frowned slightly, and then also He was not in a hurry, and used a long time to become proficient again, and then tried again with the phoenix eye. When he grasped it within two seconds, it was considered a great achievement.

By this time it was already dark.

Exhaling a breath, Ye Qianran surged out the Spirit Gathering Seal. When the force poured into his body, his heart suddenly became agitated, his eyes floated, and he tried to skip the Holy Sky Seal and directly try the No. 1 Town Demon Seal.

In just two seconds, the demon-suppressing seal was suspended again. At this time, the spirit-gathering seal in his body suddenly changed violently in the floating of the demon-suppressing seal, and a strong and strong force was turbulent at this time. The color of surprise emerges.

It seems that the Juling seal is the foundation and must be condensed, so only the seal is needed later.

Feeling the powerful force, Ye Qianran moved at this moment. When the sword intent erupted again, the extreme Ling Ran turbulent in his body. When he released the force at this time, his mental power surged, and he was instantly tense. Many sword shadows bloomed at this time, and when they waved their hands, the sword shadows flowed and exploded, and under the powerful edge, a tree was completely shattered...

"So strong!"

Ye Qianran's face was full of astonishment, the seal of suppressing demons, this is really monstrous...

Sword God Seal is indeed a heaven-ranked skill... and this skill is very suitable for him.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, looking at the sky, he simply tried the fourth seal, and then the more complicated seal gave him a headache. Although it was presented at the end, it was too cumbersome and time-consuming. He really wanted to give up at this time Thoughts, but in the end I chose to persist...

The fourth seal of the Sword God Seal, the Seal of Desolation, the name is enough to represent everything, breaking all desolation, clearing obstacles... and its explosive characteristics are also extremely powerful, not with fingers but with hands, holding the sword to explode...

He has also seen its form, the sword of nothingness, destroying the prehistoric, tricky and willful... There is a very domineering feeling...

Then he used the time of the night to become proficient, and then the problem came... No matter how he integrated his sword intent, he couldn't meet its requirements... Finally, he thought hard, it was because of the sword intent, he is now the first layer Sword intent, he has a sword in his hand, but he has no sword in his heart...

Since it is the sword of condensing nothingness, it must have the second level of sword intent...

Sighing secretly, practicing the Seal of Desolation all night, it is a waste of time now... But when I think that after comprehending the second level of sword intent in the future, the fourth level of Sword God Seal will be broken without any effort, and I feel this feeling in my heart. That's how to relax.

Because he knew that the second level of sword intent was not easy to comprehend, so he was not in a stalemate at this time, but lay down in the sea of ​​flowers to rest.

At this time, his mental strength fluctuated, and when he looked up, he saw three figures galloping over. From the figures, he could see that it was You Wushuang, Bai Bingbing, and Guoguo. It seemed that he hadn't gone back for two days. worry about him.

The three of them fell down, with unbelievable expressions on their faces. They haven't seen each other for two days. How could there be such a big change here? First, there is a tree, which is absolutely prominent, extremely strong, surpassing half of the others. In addition, there are flowers all over the ground, very beautiful, very beautiful...

But they knew that these things definitely did not come out of thin air, but how did they appear?

When the three of them were shocked and curious, Ye Qianran sat up, and his eyes fell on the three of them at this time. Looking at the shock on their faces, he smiled and said, "How about getting married here? I'm ready It's been two days!" After saying that, her face was full of embarrassment...

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