Eternal Supreme

Chapter 657

"This feeling..."

After Ye Qianran went in, he felt as if his whole body was going to be frozen. The further he went down, the more numb and stiff his body became, but he still persisted.

After going on for a long time, Ye Qianran also grabbed the ice bead in his hand, just like Yan Dao said, it was very easy and simple to blend in, but suddenly his body became more stiff, and when he went up, most of them were Relying on mental strength to sprint out.

After leaving the icy water, his whole body also relaxed at this moment, lying on the soft grass, his whole body relaxed at this moment.

And the mysterious ice beads and ice beads in his body also formed a fusion again, and the ice sword on his back was more excited at this time.

After lying on the ground for a while, Ye Qianran's whole body relaxed, and after taking a breath, he sat up, spread his right hand again, and the ice beads also floated at this time.

When the blue light was released, the surrounding temperature also dropped a bit.

"Finally done!"

Ye Qianran exhaled, put the ice beads away, and when she stood up, she found that the color of the water in Yinyang Lake had obviously dimmed a lot, which was enough to prove how amazing spiritual power the two beads contained.

Seeing that the lake water dimmed again at this time, and then stabilized, Ye Qianran was truly relieved. It seems that it has not completely faded as he thought, maybe it is really like a flame. As the knife said, it will be re-derived again in a hundred years.

"Let's go, it's fine now!" Ye Qianran smiled again, and the dzi beads on his back were also suspended at this time, the corners of his mouth were raised, and the spiritual power that reached the level of controlling the gods surged at this time, almost The bodies that drove the three people were suspended at this time.

You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing were surprised again, while Guoguo seemed to be full of curiosity, obviously not understanding what happened.

When the three landed on Xiao Hei, they also galloped out directly during the control. When they left the valley and came outside, they also galloped directly towards the thatched cottage.

When he came there, when his mental power was in turmoil, he also brought the three of them down at this time.

"nailed it!"

The old man looked at the three who came down, with a strange look on his face.

"Well, it's done!" Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, with a little restlessness in her heart at this moment, then looked at the old man sincerely and said: "Senior, thank you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to cultivate so well fast!"

After hearing this, the old man shook his head and said: "This is also a kind of opportunity for you, so there is no need to thank me!" After speaking, he couldn't help but think of the heavenly weapon on Ye Qianran again, his expression was surprised again, and then he couldn't help saying: "How did you get the magic hook?"


After hearing this, Ye Qianran felt a little heavy in his heart, and then said: "It's also a kind of chance!"

After hearing this, the old man nodded and said: "It is your destiny to subdue so many heavenly weapons. It may be more difficult for you to walk in the future, but persevere, come on!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran nodded heavily and said, "Well, I will definitely persevere!"

"That's good!" The old man said again, and then said: "Since you are a fusion blood, I am giving you a gift, right?"

Ye Qianran was full of curiosity after hearing this, and at this moment the old man spread out his right hand, and a mass of purple spiritual power was released at this time. When it became brighter and brighter, the old man raised his head and looked at him Said: "This is the essence of the Phoenix family in my body..."

Ye Qianran also understood something after watching it, and his heart was filled with waves: "Thank you, senior!" After speaking, he spread his right hand and reached out to touch it.

And at the time of contact, he felt extremely pure spiritual power, and when his expression was a little surprised, his light was floating, and his spiritual power was surging, which was involved, and when he entered the body, he felt this surge in his body again , when his blood was throbbing, the purple light group of spiritual power also calmed down at this time.

Just when he calmed down, he felt the blood vessels in his body agitated again, and a part of the essence merged into his blood vessels... A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his expression, what happened at this time?

When he was curious, the old man said: "Because the spiritual power is still in its infancy, I suggest you not mobilize it now!"

"En!" Ye Qianran naturally understood after hearing this, and it was the same when he absorbed the power of the old woman's dimension.

He has seen the original power of the Feng clan before, and it is also very strong. After all, the Feng clan is also one of the ancient clans. There is no harm to him if there are more origins, so the current Ye Qianran is almost uncommon. If you refuse, he will accept as much as you come.

The old man saw that Ye Qianran's performance was very stable at this time, and he once again praised Ye Qianran. Ye Qianran's ability to do so almost proved that Ye Qianran was right to fuse blood.

"Senior, is Guoguo still following you?" Ye Qianran asked curiously at this moment.


The old man nodded and said: "Guoguo has reached the critical point of worry now, she must stay with me for a while, when all the origins of the Phoenix Clan in her body are absorbed and the bloodline is completely stabilized, otherwise it will be too dangerous to go out! "

Ye Qianran nodded, looked at Guoguo beside him, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the purple hair. He was more at ease with Guoguo following the old man, so he didn't have any opinions at this time.

It took a long time here, and they are about to leave. Now that all the medicinal materials have been obtained, he is going to the Sunset Empire first. First of all, he is worried about Xiangxiang, and on the other hand, he is going to Danta to heal Bai Bingbing's calamity pill was refined.

After all this is over, maybe he will really feel at ease.

How long have you not been to Kamikaze? The figures of Li Muyun and Feng Ruolan appeared in his mind, and the thoughts in his heart almost reached the limit, so he really should go back and have a look...

Ye Qianran didn't leave that day either, and planned to stay here for a day to accompany Guoguo well.

Guoguo seemed to have guessed something, and kept sticking to him. Ye Qianran also grilled a lot of grilled fish at this time, allowing Guoguo to eat one at a time.

There was nothing to say all night, and on the second day, Ye Qianran looked at the sweet Guoguo sleeping in his arms, and couldn't help but smile. You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing also understood something, so last night gave them time to be alone together.

Not long after, Guoguo opened his eyes. After looking at Ye Qianran with his purple eyes, he leaned against Ye Qianran again for a while, then raised his head and kissed him on the face, saying: "Brother , I will practice with Grandpa Feng as soon as possible, and then go find you!"

"You just stay here and I will come to you when the time comes!"

Ye Qianran said with a helpless smile, he knew Guoguo's situation, he was ignorant, he didn't want this girl to go out and be cheated...

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