Eternal Supreme

Chapter 662


Ye Qianran couldn't help asking curiously, and finally felt that it seemed inappropriate for him to ask such a question, and finally coughed dryly: "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, I'm just curious that you are so dangerous, and I have to send it there, just a little curious That's all."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Since the little brother came here for that thing, there must be that thing!"

Ye Qianran was a little dizzy, and when he was about to say something, the man said: "Ziyang Pill!"

"Purple Sun Pill?"

Ye Qianran raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be a pill, and said immediately: "Well, indeed!"

The middle-aged man was relieved to hear that Ye Qianran existed. In fact, Ye Qianran and others are so powerful, if they want to snatch it, it may be quite easy.

"However, since this is the case, and the place is so dangerous, shouldn't you go alone? Why do you have to take the four of them with you!" Ye Qianran couldn't help but look at the four young men.

Although the strength of these four people is not bad, they are still too dangerous for the fierce land.

"Hehe, the four of us can form a protective formation, and then we can protect sister Chuchu!" one of them said.

Ye Qianran became a little curious after hearing this. In this case, why did the other three leave? There must be a reason. At this time, the first thing he thought of was Sophie. Could it be that they felt that Sophie and others left now? Yes, and the main reason is to protect the five of them.

But the five of them felt that it would be impossible without their help, so they decided to go deeper.

Thinking about it this way, I think this possibility is very high.

When he was curious, he turned his head to look at You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing. At this time, he also saw the fluctuations in the expressions of the two, and knew that they thought of being together.

Then they chatted again for a while, and then took a rest, but at this time, Ye Qianran summoned Qiqi out, which was also for safety.

The appearance of Qiqi also attracted the attention of the middle-aged man, with two tails, so petite, what kind of monster is this? But at this time, he was not asking any more, and leaned to the side to rest.

After a night of nothing, the group chose to set off again in the early morning of the next day. The goal was directly in the depths of the fierce place... and Ye Qianran did not take Qiqi back. The purpose was also very simple, to avoid unnecessary troubles. Let their progress be faster.

In addition, he also thought about using Xiao Hei directly and leading them to sprint inside, which is safe and worry-free, but according to the middle-aged man, walking through the air is indeed safe, even fast, but if you want to enter the ice area, you must start from the ice. Walking inside, and you have to encounter fog...

Ye Qianran doesn't know much about this, but after thinking about it, he can roughly deduce something.

Perhaps through the said mist, he will enter the enchantment or something. The mist should be regarded as a guide, but how did he hear that the mist contains toxins?

He is not afraid of toxins. After all, there is fire in his body, and Bai Bingbing will not be afraid. She is an Enan poisonous body. You Wushuang may be afraid, but he still has a hundred spirit beasts, so how many people?

So at this time, he also asked out the doubts in his heart. At this time, he also learned from the middle-aged man that such a thing did exist, but they had already prepared the elixir.

Ye Qianran also suddenly realized after hearing this, and galloped patiently along with the others.

And in the next period of time, I don't know if it was because of Qi Qi's Qixi. They didn't encounter any monsters along the way, and the way was quite smooth, but they felt that they were quite deep, but they just didn't see what they said. mist.

That night, Ye Qianran asked Xia Yandao if he could feel the breath of Tianhuo, and Yandao's answer was that he didn't feel anything, which was invisibly connected with what he wanted in his heart.

One night, there was basically no incident. On the second day, Ye Qianran was in the process of cultivating. He frowned slightly. He opened his eyes and found a man looking in one direction in amazement. Out of doubt, what happened?

When he was curious, he saw the man looking in one direction in horror. Ye Qianran followed his gaze and found that Qiqi had become huge at this time, dragging an equally huge monster back.

And the man's exclamation made the middle-aged man, including the other three people, also open their eyes. After seeing such a scene, they were shocked immediately, and at the same time they were ready to fight.


Ye Qianran coughed dryly and said, "No need to do that!"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and suddenly noticed Qiqi's two tails. After being stunned, his face was full of disbelief.

When Qiqi dragged the beast not far away, You Wushuang said, "It's the heavenly beast Jinjing!"

Ye Qianran frowned after hearing this, Tianjie? Although Qiqi had an advantage against Tianjie last time, it was very easy for the opponent to run away, but seems that since Qiqi grew a second tail, it seems to be much easier to fight against Tianjie.

He didn't care which level that Jin Jing belonged to, but as long as it was a heavenly rank, there was no simple one.

"Wow woof..."

At this moment, Qiqi called out to Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran seemed to understand something, and looked at You Wushuang again.

You Wushuang noticed that Ye Qianran's eyes understood something, and spread out his right hand. When a sword appeared in his hand, a fierce aura surged at this moment, and the next moment he forcibly cut it open, and then a crystal nucleus appeared. At this time , Qiqi's red eyes lit up, he swallowed it in one gulp, and then came to Ye Qianran's side wagging his tail.

"Little brother, this monster!" The middle-aged man said in a shocked voice.

"Hey, it's Qiqi!" Ye Qianran smiled, and patted Qiqi's head. With the floating spiritual power, Qiqi's body shrank down at this time.

The middle-aged man was shocked again. He observed carefully at that time. At that time, he was still curious about what kind of monster it was. What did Ye Qianran mean by summoning this little monster, but now he understands, really understands, but Ye Qianran How could there be such a powerful monster beside Qianran.

While thinking, he couldn't help but glance at Ye Qianran's chest again. There seemed to be a harmless little monster there, but this monster should be for viewing, right?

Ye Qianran smiled again at this time, and was not resting. After taking out some fruit and eating some briefly, the group went on the road again. He is now looking forward to when he will encounter the mist. Time is being delayed, maybe Too late?

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