Eternal Supreme

Chapter 665

Ye Qianran also noticed Sophie's appearance, with a slightly strange expression, he knew that Sophie was not what he imagined.

When his expression fluctuated, he also released Sophie.

After Su Fei hovered to the side, she glanced at Ye Qianran with a slightly unnatural expression.

"who are you!"

The cold voice carried a bit of murderous intent, and it was your woman holding the cold sword who spoke at this time. When she frowned slightly, the cold spiritual power fluctuated again.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered and said: "It belongs to the Kamikaze Empire!" After speaking, he stretched out his right hand and slowly held the ice sword in his hand. When the spiritual power fluctuated, blue light also bloomed at this time.

The woman's expression was startled, and she couldn't believe it. Ye Qianran's strength was very similar to the power of Xuanbing, but it looked more pure.

And the change in Ye Qianran's mysterious ice power was also due to the ice bead he got from Yinyang Lake.

After all, the mysterious ice beads are integrated into the ice beads.

Which is stronger, ice sword or cold sword?

When Ye Qianran's eyes were floating, he asked about the flame knife.

Yan Dao paused and said: "Although the cold sword is a heavenly weapon, the ice sword is made of the skeleton of the ancient dragon clan. I also said that the ancient dragon clan controls the heavenly weapon. If it really explodes, I will be afraid. So your Ice Sword is no worse than the Cold Sword, but your strength is far worse!"

After Ye Qianran was poked by the flame knife at the pain point, she was really ashamed, her eyes fluttered, and finally fell on the four people, and said: "That's all right, the four of you make way, and the two of them continue, otherwise, I can only join in!"

The expressions of the four people changed slightly after hearing this, and they finally looked at each other, and still chose to persist, but they were also curious about how Ye Qianran took the woman out.

Ye Qianran shrugged helplessly and looked at Qiqi.

Qiqi seemed to understand something, let out a low growl, his body suddenly became huge, and then with an impact, his whole body jumped up, and when he came to the mysterious seal, he opened his mouth and began to bite.

The faces of those four people changed drastically at the same time, and no matter how much force they used, they were all torn to pieces by Qiqi in a daze.

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, then glanced at the woman with slightly surprised eyes, then at Sophie and said, "Go ahead, you two!"

After speaking, his eyes floated, and his body moved sideways.

He also felt that the aura on the woman's body was indeed very tyrannical, and even if he rushed up, it would not help. In this case, he should integrate the fire of the day according to Yan Dao's words.

At least he looked good that day.

And after he left, the woman couldn't help but look at Ye Qianran again, and she couldn't help but reveal her surprise when she saw the ice sword in his hand, because the news she got from the cold sword in her hand was that the sword in Ye Qianran's hand had a very strong aura. His tyranny is completely another heavenly weapon.

In addition, she was really curious about how Ye Qianran could have such pure power of black ice.

"I'm going to decide on the cold sword on your body!" Sophie also glanced at Ye Qianran, her expression was a little strange, but when she looked at the woman squarely, the awe-inspiring murderous intent surged again, the red on her body The glow became more and more intense at this time, and the momentum couldn't help soaring again at this time.

The woman naturally felt it too, her eyes fluttered, and with a flick of the cold sword in her hand, the icy aura floated again, and her aura also improved at this time, and at this moment, the two of them galloped up at the same time.

And after Ye Qianran withdrew, he and Yandao got to know Tianhuo. At this time, he realized that Tianhuo has the ability to burn the soul and temper the spirit. If he can get it, it will also be a very good help for his spiritual cultivation. Look up He glanced at the two people who were fighting again.

Feeling the astonishing spiritual power, I couldn't help being surprised again in my heart, and then the whole person moved towards that fire, no matter what, I got my hands first and talked.

When he was thinking this way, his body also moved towards that fire.

As the distance got closer, Ye Qianran felt the extreme coldness. It was just a ball of flame, and the temperature emitted was cold, which really made people feel amazed.


The surging spiritual power erupted again, and Ye Qianran looked back at this moment, and found that the frenzied spiritual power exploded again, and the surging spiritual power was already surging towards the surroundings.

Ye Qianran raised his eyebrows. They are two strong men. He should keep a low profile. While thinking, he stretched out his hand and galloped towards Tianhuo. The speed was obviously accelerated at this time.

His meaning was very simple. Before the two of them had decided the winner, he directly got Tianhuo, because the woman from Xuanbing Pavilion was probably here for Tianhuo. Since the woman really came, then It also means that she is sure.

But just as he was grabbing it, he suddenly heard the sound of galloping behind him. Looking back, he found that the woman was galloping in his direction. It seemed that she didn't want him to get the sky fire.

Frowning slightly, he rushed over, and he couldn't be easily influenced. He couldn't help cursing inwardly, and the ice sword in his hand trembled. If this is the case, he must cooperate with Sophie to completely deal with that woman.

When he was thinking this way, the woman also came not far from him, a blue light bloomed at this time, and then a group of spiritual power surged towards the direction of Tianhuo.

Ye Qianran was taken aback, and then found that Tianhuo actually moved under the pull of the blue light, and then the blue light subsided, the woman pulled hard, and the blue skyhuo instantly flung towards Sophie who was also galloping.

Is the woman borrowing strength?

Seeing that Tianhuo swept towards him in his direction, Sophie's expression changed slightly, and then the intense red light on her body directly suppressed it. During the surge, Tianhuo stopped about one meter away from Sophie...


At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and a bright blue light was released. The woman spread out her right hand, but suppressed it on the fire, and pushed it directly towards Sophie.

Sophie frowned slightly, her expression still looked calm, and she pushed in the direction of the woman with all her strength.

Although the woman's spiritual power is the same as the power of the mysterious ice and the fire of the sky, Sophie understands that she still dare not touch it. After all, the fire of the sky is derived from the heaven and the earth, and the spiritual power contained in it is very terrifying.

While the two were suppressing each other, their spiritual powers canceled each other out. Sophie's red glow was rendered blue at this time, while the blue on the woman's side looked even brighter. , and the two of them originally wanted to be far away from Tianhuo, but at this time they were offset and suppressed by each other, and they began to get infinitely closer.

Ye Qianran stared blankly from a distance, with a slightly melancholy expression, what kind of fire did the two women play with, how bad would it be if they burned their clothes while playing with fire...

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