Eternal Supreme

Chapter 669

When he was thinking this way, the voice of the flame knife sounded again: "You have no other choice, you can only stop it now, they have all restrained a bit, if you help the red-haired chick to make the blue-haired chick anxious , the situation may become even more difficult to deal with, and it may affect the two chicks around you, and you don't know who is here."

"All right!"

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered. He was unhappy when he was ignored before. Now those people should be here soon, so he must adjust as soon as possible, so he is not polite at this time. When his eyes are slightly narrowed, the essence of the spirit surges With a sudden bang, a pair of huge wings spread out at this moment, and rushed straight up.

You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing froze there at the same time, what is Ye Qianran going to do now?

"You two stop!"

When Ye Qianran was approaching the two of them, he opened his mouth directly, and in an instant the eight doors opened, his speed soared in an instant, and under the illusory shadow, he came directly in front of the two of them, and grabbed Zhong Chuchu's arm with one hand , and the other hand grabbed Sophie's arm.

Ye Qianran didn't wait for Zhong Chuchu to explode, the power of the dzi surged at this moment, and the cold sword in Zhong Chuchu's hand surged at this moment, and then was suppressed.

Sophie froze for a moment, she didn't expect Ye Qianran to rush up at this time, she frowned slightly, and finally restrained her spiritual power, at least she still couldn't hurt Ye Qianran now.

And just when she was restraining herself, she suddenly felt something, looked up at Zhong Chuchu, and her face changed drastically in an instant.

Zhong Chuchu's cold sword was indeed suppressed, but her arm was grabbed by a man, which filled her with anger, so the power of black ice in her body gathered at this time, and then moved towards the place Ye Qianran was holding Surge past.

"Multiple Kung Fu Jue!"

Ye Qianran snorted coldly and said three simple words. Every time he used Hua Gongjue, he would miss Xiao Mengyao, and this time there was no accident.

And every time he thinks of Xiao Mengyao, his heart will become more persistent.

Under such circumstances, the Hua Gong Jue surged wildly.

At this time, Zhong Chuchu also felt that the strength she had gathered was crazily drawn away, and her blue eyes were filled with disbelief in an instant.

How did Ye Qianran do it?

When she couldn't believe it, the power of the mysterious ice in her body had been completely withdrawn at this time, and at this moment the huge wings vibrated, and Ye Qianran pulled the bodies of the two and fell down.

After falling on the ground, Ye Qianran let go of the two of them at the same time and took a step back, with the corners of his mouth raised, "Okay, that's it!"

After finishing speaking, he backed out, and the Tianzhu behind Ye Qianran also restrained himself at this time.

At this time, Zhong Chuchu glanced at the Tianzhu behind Ye Qianran, and then he couldn't believe it in his blue eyes. more clearly.

And Ye Qianran also saw all these in his eyes, but he thought that Zhong Chuchu's anger was probably aimed at him, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help coughing dryly. Just when he was about to speak to persuade him, there was a whistling sound. When he looked up, he saw three figures galloping towards him. A voice sounded at this moment: "Hey, is that a very familiar breath?"


Ye Qianran raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter!"

"People from Tianfu, last time I met in Danta, a woman who came to recover me with you...!" The voice of the flame knife sounded.

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, with an expression of disbelief, why didn't he know about this matter? Why hadn't he seen this woman before?

When he was curious, Zhong Chuchu galloped towards the woman at this time, and said after coming to the woman: "Miss!"

"Have you regained your sky fire?" The woman said with her eyes on Zhong Chuchu.

Zhong Chuchu shook his head after hearing this, then glanced in Ye Qianran's direction, and said a few words.

After hearing this, the woman's eyes were fixed, and her eyes fell on Ye Qianran at this moment. Listening to Zhong Chuchu's narration, her originally calm appearance gradually became filled with indifference, and finally murderous intent emerged at this moment.

"The situation doesn't seem right!" Yan Dao's voice was a little helpless: "It seems that you are going to be hard this time!"

"It seems so!" Ye Qianran frowned, but he could see the woman's cold eyes very clearly, and his expression became more and more serious.

Sophie stood beside Ye Qianran, looking at him with eyebrows, her expression became more and more serious at this time, but overall she looked relatively calm.

At this time, those people galloped over, and when they landed not far away, the eyes of the leading woman fell directly on Ye Qianran, anger and murderous intent intertwined, and finally said coldly: "You actually put the dzi beads and The flame knife is taken away, you really deserve to die!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback, his face full of doubts, Yan Dao and Xiao Hei seemed to have always been his, what does it mean to be deprived by oneself? Could it be that the other party also coveted the heavenly weapon on him?

When he frowned slightly, the woman snorted coldly and said, "Spiritblood clan? I didn't expect you to come here, but you guys don't want to leave today!" She looked at Sophie with serious eyes With a glance, the expression appeared more or less solemn, but anger also appeared faintly.

You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing also noticed the change of things, and they also landed not far from Ye Qianran, looking at the group of people with the same vigilance.

"Is it you, from Qinghong Palace?"

When the woman saw You Wushuang, she was taken aback suddenly, her voice slightly surprised.

"Who are you?" You Wushuang was puzzled when he saw that the woman recognized him, but his vigilance still existed.

The woman frowned slightly, but did not answer You Wushuang's question directly: "I didn't expect Qinghong Palace to be mixed with the Spirit Blood Clan, so it's interesting!"

You Wushuang didn't quite know what the woman was talking about, so he frowned again. The origin of the other party was definitely not simple. If it was aimed at Qinghong Palace, then Qinghong Palace would suffer...

And Sophie looked at the woman coldly, is she from Tianfu? Although there are more people, she really has nothing to be afraid of. She also has the Celestial Eye. If the special ability of the Celestial Eye is used, it will cause a huge loss to her, but it seems to be worth it...

At this time, Ye Qianran glanced at the woman with a slightly puzzled expression, then his eyes flickered, and the phoenix eyes flashed away at this moment, he wanted to see what the woman looked like.

And when he saw the woman's face clearly, he was stunned for a moment, she was so beautiful, but the face was obviously unfamiliar, and it seemed that he did not know him, so he pulled out the Bingjian from his back and said: "Forget it , whoever you are, isn’t it just a fight? Could it be that I’m still afraid that you won’t succeed!”

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