Eternal Supreme

Chapter 674

"Okay, that's all, you understand!"

After Ye Qianran finished speaking, his eyes fell on the two of them again. Although his expression was still smiling, his eyes showed a strange color, obviously he still cared a little bit.

"Then do you still have feelings for her?" You Wushuang asked.


Ye Qianran shook his head and said: "At that time, there was a disparity, and I didn't ask for it. Even if he didn't dissolve the engagement, I would have proposed it! But she proposed it first, and the way she proposed it was a bit wrong, so I I'm not happy! Hey, but in the end I was suppressed by Lao Tzu!" He couldn't help but sneered.

The two were startled when they heard this, and nodded at the same time.

"Hey, but after all, I should thank her. If it wasn't for her, how could I come out later, let alone know you two beautiful beauties, um, come... kiss me!" Ye Qian When he spoke, he leaned over directly.

The two of them didn't come in time, and they were kissed by Ye Qianran at the same time, because they didn't expect Ye Qianran to kiss as soon as he said it, but when their faces were rosy, they didn't say anything more.

"Hey, what should be over is over. Although I personally don't like her, at least I don't hate her now. I've gone through so many things, and I've already seen it. At least I'm content with you!"

Ye Qianran opened his mouth again with a smile, stretched his waist, put the rest of the fish in his mouth, and lay down on the soft sand, looking at the starry sky full of stars, he felt his heart open up again.

Yes, since he has seen it all, there is nothing to resist. If this Shenshenzong is really that Shenshenzong, if he really meets Bai Xiangxun, he will treat it with his heart. Now that he thinks about it, it is not a big deal .

The two looked at each other again, just as they put the fish aside, they were also pulled down by Ye Qianran in an exclamation. After leaning against him, their faces turned red but they didn't say anything.

"Hey, now I find that I'm at least trying, plus I'm unique!"

Ye Qianran couldn't help but shuddered again as he spoke, spreading his hands, silver light floating, the power of the stars gathered at this moment, and then evolved continuously during the transformation.

Although the two knew each other well, when they saw such a scene, they couldn't help being surprised.

Ordinary people control Wu Yuan, but although Ye Qianran does not have Wu Yuan, he possesses the origin that only the ancients possessed, and there are many types. In this way, it is indeed special enough.

When the circle was over, Ye Qianran hugged the two of them again and said, "Let's rest here today!" After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Naturally, the two had no objections, and leaned against Ye Qianran's arms and closed their eyes again.

After a night of nothing, Ye Qianran also woke up early the next day. Although the sky was hazy at this time, the sky was full of stars, but it was very bright, especially the sea water was turning back, urging the scene to be bright.

Ye Qianran sat up carefully at this time, looked at the sea water not far away, raised the corners of his mouth, took off the shoes of the two, and immediately showed two pairs of white jade feet.

After the two felt it, they also woke up at the same time, and when they sat up at the same time, their faces turned red.

Ye Qianran also took off his shoes at this time, and without saying anything, he pulled the two of them towards the beach again...

And when they directly entered the water and kicked on the soft sand, it felt cool and comfortable... The two seemed to understand something, but they both had a doubt, did Ye Qianran ever come to Haomiao? However, when Ye Qianran asked the waiter in the inn about the question, he cut off the idea.

Taking the two of them for a walk around the beach, Ye Qianran felt comfortable and at ease, and he also saw such expressions from the expressions of the two of them.

When the sky was bright, Ye Qianran pulled the two of them back and turned back, and then he forced them to put on shoes, and this made the two of them blush again, but they felt ashamed in their hearts , Intimate contact, invisibly their relationship has become more seamless.

Back in the imperial city, Ye Qianran took the two of them to eat something, and then said directly: "Then now, let's go to Killing God Sect to see!"

After speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he led the two of them to inquire and walked towards Shenshenzong.

And through understanding, I also know that Slaughtering God Sect is located in the northernmost part of the imperial city, which means that it has escaped from the imperial city and reached the outside. In addition, because Slaughtering God Sect occupies a special position, it has also grown from a first-class force to a top level in the past few days. Level, because there are many powerful masters joined in.

When they came there, they found that quite a few people were coming in and out, obviously all of them were wandering in the place of the mysterious arrow.

In addition, Shenshenzong is much larger than Ye Qianran imagined, the entire area is very large, and the huge plaque at the door also clearly writes the three characters of Shenshenzong, which outlines a majestic momentum.

When they came inside, they found that the Slaughtering God Sect had a special person to arrange and guide them. One route was to lead to the teleportation place of the Xuanya Land, and the other side was to visit the Sacred God Sect.

Ye Qianran glanced at the other side deliberately at this moment, and found that there were people busy hanging up red lanterns over there, doubts flashed away, is anyone getting married?

Of course, he didn't have much to do at this time, and directly led the two of them towards the teleportation array in the place of Xuanya.

When he came there, Ye Qianran's eyes were empty, because there were more than a dozen old men sitting cross-legged, and in the central area, a huge Xuanyin was rotating and floating, and the space above the Xuanyin was always in the middle of the sky. In the distorted state, as long as people enter, they will disappear, which is really amazing.

And because the Xuanyin is relatively huge, there is almost no need to wait in line. In addition, there is no need to pay any fees when they pass by. In the middle, when Ye Qianran felt the spatial fluctuation, his body warmed up, and when a mark penetrated into his body, his eyes almost blurred, and the next moment, he appeared on a huge square paved with bluestone.

There were a lot of people coming and going around, and what shocked him so much was that when he looked up, he saw a lot of huge suspended mountains... Damn, what's going on?

When he saw these, he was completely shocked... Is it a suspended force? Needless to say, the ones suspended should be the veteran forces in the place of the mysterious arrow.

After a quick glance, there are eight of them, and there is a bigger one in the middle... How do these things work?

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