Eternal Supreme

Chapter 694

"not necessarily?"

When Zuo Shuchen heard Ye Qianran's words, his face was immediately full of doubts and surprises. He had a heavenly weapon in his hand, so what else did he want.

He admitted that Ye Qianran was very strong, especially Ye Qianran who was in such a state made him bear a lot of pressure.

But... why?

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand and pulled out the ice sword in a calm manner: "Although this sword is not a heavenly weapon, it is not as powerful as your heavenly weapon!"

As soon as the words fell, the spiritual power of Yuanyuanjiezhu was restrained at this time, and the spiritual power of Xuanbingzhu was mobilized crazily at this time, and even his first divine thought was integrated into the ice sword in an instant.


The sound of dragon chant sounded at this moment, Ye Qianran's mental power surged crazily, a blue dragon hovered at this moment, and the dazzling cold light bloomed instantly at this moment, at the same time, the ice cold almost occupied the entire battlefield. tower.

A strangeness appeared again in Zhong Chuchu's sapphire-like eyes. He was curious at the time why Ye Qianran possessed the power of black ice, and he is still curious now...

Her thoughts at the time might be because of the sword, but this time she could see clearly that the power of the mysterious ice was mobilized from Ye Qianran's body.

When she was surprised and curious, there was an uproar around her.

Forgot, indeed forgot, Ye Qianran used that ice sword to create the subversive scene before, now it seems that who wins and who loses is not sure.

"It is comparable to a heavenly weapon, but it will not be a heavenly weapon in the end!"

Zuo Shuchen snorted coldly, holding the golden knife tightly in his right hand, the next moment his figure dissipated again, and his body galloped directly towards Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran's eyes were completely glowing red at this time, and the phoenix eyes were completely opened at this time, and the next moment, stimulated by the blood of the phoenix eyes, his body also rushed up.

He didn't open the Eight Gates, which was another trump card for him, and now the blood of Fengyan seems to be enough.

In short, there are ten people today, and he is determined to leave.

While galloping, the blue and gold became vast at the same time at this time, it felt like a breakthrough that completely bit all the protective seals around.

And the several elders who supported and guarded the seal were full of solemnity at the same time. They knew how powerful the contest between the heavenly artifacts was.

Both of them are very fast. When they collide, they are like a torrent of rage, and in the center of that torrent, there are constant crazy spiritual powers that wantonly move towards the surroundings.

Is it so crazy to hold a celestial weapon?

Everyone froze there...

And when the torrent of spiritual power surged wildly towards the surroundings, the surrounding seals also trembled, and it seemed to be a little unstable.

In fact, Ye Qianran could use the dzi bead to suppress the spiritual power of the golden knife, but why didn't he do so?

There is only one reason, and that is the hole card, unless it is not a last resort, he will definitely persist!

In addition, he was also stimulated by Zuo Shuchen's words, isn't the ice sword a heavenly weapon? Will it be difficult to stalemate with Bingjian?

Damn it... he actually laughed.

He is very clear about the change of the ice sword. No matter how you say it, it was also cast by the keel that used to control the level of the heavenly weapon. He doesn't believe that he can't suppress a heavenly weapon.

When thinking this way, the heavenly weapon in Ye Qianran's hand became even more violent, and the waving was even more astonishing, and the mysterious ice beads in his body were completely mobilized.

Violent, that can really be described as violent, as wanton as a storm.

origin? He has never been short of this thing, as long as he doesn't use eight doors, he can continue, he can do it, Zuo Shuchen can?

He does not have too many skills, but this is already a kind of compensation for him!

What about more exercises?

Strength, he can still suppress it with his strength.

He still has the belief that what I played today was high-profile. Since it is the battle of heavenly weapons, let's be even more high-profile.

So when he had this thought, Bingzhu's spiritual power mobilized even more crazily, directly suppressing Zuo Shuchen completely.

Is the ice sword not as good as the heavenly weapon?

Ye Qianran really wanted to slap him a few times, so he opened his eyes to see clearly, isn't the so-called heavenly weapon suppressed by him now?

The fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger, the roar of the dragon roar is more powerful, and the ice dragon is still surrounding it. It can be said that the temperature of the battle platform at this time has completely plummeted due to the complete explosion of the ice sword.

Zuo Shuchen's face was full of horror, how could it be? The golden knife in his hand was suppressed by Ye Qianran's ice sword, and he had no power to resist.

At this time, he also learned the information from Jindao, that is the source of the ice sword. When he heard it, he was really shocked in his heart. Can he now take back what he said at that time?

But it looks like it won't work! After all, there is no medicine for regret in the world.


Ye Qianran erupted again, and the dazzling blue light was intertwined crazily along with the howling of a blue dragon.

Zuo Shuchen's golden knife was restrained at this time, and the lines were bright at this time, turning into light and shadow to completely protect Zuo Shuchen.

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Xuanbing in his body moved even more crazily. When the originally long pale golden hair fluttered, it instantly turned blue, and the pupils also turned blue at this time...

But at this time, because of the explosion, he never felt that the seal on his abdomen lit up, faintly loosening.

That's right, Ye Qianran is still stimulated by himself, revealing the nature of the fusion blood, and this kind of existence can almost make any original source play to the extreme.

Zhong Chuchu was stunned, and then the blue eyes became brighter, and a pair of jade hands were put together, looking expectant, even a little obsessed...

Now Ye Qianran looks so handsome...


Ye Qianran gritted his teeth, and the violent power of Xuanbing directly hit it.

"Bang!" The dull voice fell, such a violent impact was actually resisted by the golden knife.

Ye Qianran's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blue pupils were even brighter, still cohesive and explosive... The scene at this time is enough to show how terrifying it is...

Everyone's blood is boiling with excitement at this moment, damn it, it's worth seeing such a scene in a lifetime...

And how could that ice sword be so powerful? How can it be?

"It's so strong!" The master suspended in the air and the older generation were shocked at the same time...

"Young master Ye, come on!" Zhong Chuchu finally couldn't help but said at this moment, and his expression seemed to be full of excitement...

"It's perverted enough!" Yan Qingming smiled bitterly, Xuan Zongwei was right, what if there is an exception? And now this is the exception, right?

But the defense of the golden knife can be very amazing...

But when he just thought of this, he found Ye Qianran's body retreated, what's the matter? When he was full of doubts, a look of horror suddenly appeared at this moment...

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