Eternal Supreme

Chapter 697

"Let's fight!"

After Ye Qianran heard the white-haired old man's words, his eyes were shining brightly at this moment, and then he raised his fist and said: "Today you will lose!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's eyes floated again, and the next moment, Aolong opened again, this time soaring...

Xuan Zongwei still had a smile on his face, what he wanted was this feeling, his eyes narrowed slightly, his long hair slowly floated up at this moment, when the aura surged out, the invisible aura was here fully opened.

The pressure, the oppressive breath surged, and filled the entire battle platform almost instantly.

Ye Qianran's eyes were fixed, the light was revealed at this moment, her body trembled slightly, this feeling...

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianran looked directly at Xuan Zongwei, when the red light in his blue eyes floated out, his body also rushed towards Xuan Zongwei.

The battle started directly at this time...

And Ye Qianran's speed at this time is definitely fast enough, especially with the support of Fengyan, he has reached a limit, the limit of his body now.

The blurry figure disappeared in a flash, and his right hand was spread out. When the terrifying spiritual power was mobilized, the surging spiritual power also shot up into the sky at this time. When the dragon roared, it smashed straight at Xuan Zongwei.

After Xuan Zongwei felt Ye Qianran's surging aura, his expression suddenly showed surprise, and then he stretched out his hand, and the same force surged at this moment, standing there without moving, he punched him intently.


The astonishing spiritual power surged at this time, Ye Qianran's figure stepped back in the eyes of everyone, while Xuan Zongwei's body was still standing there calmly, but the surging spiritual power instantly gained a bigger catharsis.

And because of such venting, Xuan Zongwei's body stabilized.

"It's so strong!"

Seeing that Xuan Zongwei didn't move at all, everyone around was shocked at the same time. Ye Qianran's shock burst just now was very tyrannical, and Xuan Zongwei took it without moving.

"Xuan Zongwei deserves to be Xuan Zongwei, Ye Qianran seems to be losing this time!"

"Yeah, the gap is too big!"

"But I really hope that Ye Qianran can defeat Xuan Zongwei!"

"Ye Qianran, come on!" At this time, many people were encouraged.

"It seems that Zong Wei has made a breakthrough again, but it is really perverted!"

After Zuo Shuchen saw this scene, he couldn't help but said: "The current strength is probably at the level of the mid-stage of Shattering Void!"

"It should be!" Yan Qingming nodded slightly, with a serious expression on his face. The further you go, each level is a huge improvement. Ye Qianran is really tricky this time, and I'm afraid he wants to defeat him. , very difficult.

"It seems that the gap is still quite large!" The young master of the God Killing Sect exhaled, and his expression revealed a little strangeness. The gap was so large at the beginning, and it can be reflected when it exploded later.

At this time, Ye Qianran's expression looked very stable, and the fighting intent revealed by his eyes was very strong. The explosion just now was already very strong, but the opponent did not move at all. It was indeed strong enough, but his goal was not here... …

When Xiao Mengyao appeared in his mind, his fighting spirit became even colder at this time, he looked at Xuan Zongwei and said: "The strength is indeed very strong!" After the words fell, the Aolong Jue was promoted to the fourth level at this time , the originally blue long hair turned into golden at this time, and the illusory shadow also entered his body when it was floating on his back, and the other three divine senses spread around, watching from afar ...

The momentum soared again, and fine scales appeared on the hands again. When the eyes were slightly squinted, I felt the surging strength in the body. The next moment, when the sound of the howling dragon roared, the body had disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already disappeared. Arrived in front of Yan Qingming.

The meaning of arrogant roar was suddenly strong, and the huge war criminal with the original spiritual power crazily smashed towards Xuan Zongwei when the surging spiritual power soared to the sky.

Xuan Zongwei was amazed, Wu Yuan was also surging, and went to meet him again.


During the collision, with the two at the center, the berserk Wu Yuan mixed with the spiritual power of Yuanyuan Jiezhu crazily swept out towards the surroundings.

The powerful impact rippled again, and then the muffled voice sounded again. Xuan Zongwei was shocked at the moment. Amid the berserk spiritual power, he finally took a step back, and Ye Qianran also took a step back at this time. This time The two broke out almost equally.

Ye Qianran was suppressed for the first time, but this time he has recovered...


Zuo Shuchen smiled at this time and said: "It seems that Ye Qianran's instability is indeed quite large!"

Yan Qingming nodded, indeed, Ye Qianran's outburst just now was indeed quite astonishing.

But this time, many people were encouraged again.

The hot blood in Ye Qianran's body was burning again, looking at Xuan Zongwei with pale golden pupils, he rushed up again at the next moment, the surging golden spiritual power burst out at this time, and the speed seemed to be invisible again. a breakthrough.

Such a speed really surprised the people around.

Xuan Zongwei was also obviously surprised, he also galloped up when his expression was solemn, and was completely intertwined with Ye Qianran when his palpitating breath surged.

At this time, the blurred shadows intertwined on the battle stage, the violent Wu Yuan and the golden spiritual power collided and released, filling the entire battle stage, which looked shocking.

Both of them used enormous power, it was like this at the beginning, and it was even more unimaginable after that.

"The strength is good, but there is still a gap!"

At this time, Xuan Zongwei's voice sounded, an extreme force, with a piercing whistling sound, and immediately with a bang, Ye Qianran's body retreated. At this time, Xuan Zongwei did not give up this opportunity, and his right hand The huge Wu Yuan gathered at this time.

"The Palm of the Holy Spirit..."

As soon as the words fell, a huge palm print condensed almost instantly, driving the ripples and fluctuations in the space, and rushed directly towards Ye Qianran's retreating direction.

Everyone was stunned, and they couldn't believe it at the same time. This too strong!

Can Ye Qianran resist it?

When everyone thought so, the frightening sound of explosion sounded again. At that moment, it seemed that the entire battle platform was shaking at this moment, which made people feel shocked.

After a long time, the spiritual power dissipated at this moment, and everyone watched carefully, wanting to know how Ye Qianran was doing now.

When the picture changed little by little and became clear, Ye Qianran's figure also appeared. At this time, Ye Qianran was suspended there, her long hair completely changed from pale gold to golden, and the same was true for her pupils. Although he looked a little embarrassed, under the torn clothes, fine scales could be seen faintly, and around his body, the golden spiritual power once again condensed into a dragon...

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