Eternal Supreme

Chapter 705

"Where is this?"

When Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, she found herself in a room.

He frowned slightly, and then forced himself to sit up. At this time, he moved his body. Although his whole body was still sore, it was within the range he could bear.

Exhaling a breath, he couldn't help but recall what happened before.

"How many days have you slept?"

Ye Qianran's expression was full of doubts at this time, and after looking around again, he couldn't help saying: "Do you know how to make alchemy?"

As soon as he thought of this, a white shadow jumped into his arms, it was the little mink.

Ye Qianran smiled, stroked the little mink beast, then took out a elixir and swallowed it. After feeling better, she lifted the quilt and got off the bed.

"you're awake?"

At this time, the door opened, You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing walked in at the same time, seeing Ye Qian, their faces were filled with joy.

After seeing the two of them, Ye Qianran smiled all over his face, and then said, "How many days have I slept?"

"You slept for about two days, how do you feel now?" Bai Bingbing asked.


Ye Qianran said something, and then moved his body, and he felt much more comfortable than opening the eight doors before. At this moment, he thought of something, maybe it was because of the improvement in that lake that time.

The two were relieved after hearing this, and because they were worried that Ye Qianran would be hungry, they went out to get some food for him.

After simply eating, Ye Qianran immediately felt more comfortable. After stretching her waist, she suddenly thought of something, and quickly said: "By the way, how is it? Is there any news about me these days? Did the name get out! Has anyone come to look for me?"

"Well, I heard from Haoran that you are the biggest topic outside right now, and everyone knows everything about the fighting." Bai Bingbing pursed her lips, with a slight smile on her face at this moment.

"That's right!"

You Wushuang nodded and said, "Is there anyone else who came to see you..." He stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Qianran and said, "Many girls came up to ask how you are, but in the end they were all taken care of by Danta. Someone stopped it!"

Ye Qianran's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this, and he said with joy, "Really?" After he finished speaking, he regretted it. He was so excited when a girl came to look for him, wasn't he just dying?

Just as he thought, Bai Bingbing couldn't help but give him a reproachful look, let alone You Wushuang...

So he also quickly explained, and after a long time, he finally coaxed the two of them down. It's not easy to be a man.

Then he asked again if anyone from the secret realm came to look for him, and the two shook their heads at the same time.

Ye Qianran had a slightly strange expression, maybe it wasn't Xiao Mengyao who came to the secret realm this time, because he knew that if it was Xiao Mengyao, she would definitely come to him.

After eating enough, Ye Qianran changed her clothes again, and then led the two of them towards the outside. When they came to the gate of Danhui, they found that there were still people blocking them. Some girls, at least two days have passed, how can there be anyone? It seems that his popularity is really quite high now.

He didn't go over at this time, because he understood that it would be difficult to get out after the past, so he took the two of them and left here from the other side.

And just when they were about to leave from the side of Danhui, they ran into Haoran.

"Qianran, you're awake!" Haoran's voice was full of surprise.

Ye Qianran nodded and said, "What's wrong?"

Haoran shook his head, then looked at Ye Qianran carefully and said, "It's nothing, but I really didn't expect your strength to be so strong!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran laughed dryly and said, "I thought something serious happened."

"Is it a big deal?"

Haoran raised his brows and said: "There really are!" After speaking, he said with a slightly strange expression: "And this is also the reason why I came to you!"

"How to say?" Ye Qianran's face suddenly showed curiosity after hearing this.

"Zuo Shuchen is now seriously injured, and it is said that the heavenly weapon has been taken away!"

After finishing speaking, Haoran's expression was full of solemnity, and he paused and said: "Xuan Zongwei seems to have met some people, and the purpose seems to be the heavenly artifact on his body, but it is not clear whether they have been snatched away. Already!" After speaking, he looked at Ye Qianran and said, "I suggest you stay in Danhui, I guess, those people are here to find heavenly artifacts, and you seem to have a lot of them..."


Ye Qianran froze for a moment, looked back at You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing, and noticed their expressions, and suddenly understood something in her heart.

"Huh?" Hao Ran was full of doubts after hearing this, and didn't understand what it meant.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and he looked at Haoran and said, "Don't worry, we're fine, don't worry!"

Haoran was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to say something, Ye Qianran changed the subject and said, "When will Shenshenzong get married?"

"It will be in three days! The invitations have already started to be issued, and the place is indeed Tiandaozong!" Haoran said.

"Uh, is there mine?" Ye Qianran asked curiously after hearing this.

"It seems not!"

Haoran's expression was a little embarrassed. At that time, he suggested that Ye Qianran would definitely win, but now he didn't, and finally thought about it: "But you can be considered to have a certain influence in the place of Xuanya, you can definitely win." Take the initiative to ask for one, or go directly when the time comes, I am afraid no one will stop you!"

Ye Qianran thought for a while and nodded, "That's true, then just go and have a look!"

He guessed that if he passed, the other party would not lose face.

Another thing he was thinking about was about Sophie. It seems that Sophie also came to the place of Xuanya, and most likely took away the divine halberd and golden knife...

He frowned slightly, did it mean that it would be Qiao Xiaodi and Xiangxiang's turn if it continued? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but tighten his heart.

"Qianran, are you okay?" Haoran couldn't help asking curiously after seeing Ye Qianran's expression.


Ye Qianran shook his head and said, "Is there anything else?"

"Other things?"

After hearing this, Haoran shook his head and said: "Anything else? You are now a celebrity in the Xuanya Land, and many people want to meet you!" After speaking, he looked at Bai Bingbing and You Wushuang and said, "They should also have I understand!" He said with a look of envy on his face.

Ye Qianran blushed when he heard this, at this time he also felt two eyes from behind falling on him, coughed dryly and said: "Well, since I have nothing else to do, I want to go out for a walk!"

Hao Ran was taken aback and said, "But it's very dangerous outside."

"Do not worry!"

Ye Qianran patted Haoran's shoulder with a smile, and led the two of them towards the outside, leaving behind Haoran with a dazed expression...

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