Eternal Supreme

Chapter 707

"It's quite big here!"

After landing on the ground, Ye Qianran also put away his wings. After scanning around, he found that the field of vision was very wide, and the bluestone floor was under his feet, and there were dark flowers on the floor, which still looked very beautiful. surprise revealed.

"This is the place where Tiandaozong fundamentals practice daily!"

The old man said something, and then said: "You three, please follow me!" After speaking, he took the lead and walked forward.

Ye Qianran followed behind, looking curiously at him, and then he suddenly thought of a question, looked at the old man and said, "Senior, will God Slayer Sect hold a wedding here in two days?"

"That's right!" The old man nodded.

"Why did you choose to be here?" Ye Qianran was curious when he heard it.

"The first is to gather the top power of the vast empire and the power of Xuan Shi's land to announce something. Second, there are some connections between Shenshenzong and Tiandaozong. In addition, Miss Bai is the goddaughter of the patriarch! Wouldn't it be held here? Be more beautiful!" The old man said with a smile.

Ye Qianran was surprised when he heard that, Bai Xiangxun actually worshiped the head of Tiandaozong as his godfather?

"Hehe, are you surprised?"

Looking at Ye Qianran's expression, the old man couldn't help saying: "Miss Bai is very talented, she is also beautiful, and she was also selected by the other side..."

Ye Qianran frowned, but didn't say anything more.

"Besides, Miss Bai has always wanted to defeat the young suzerain, but you messed up that time..."

The old man couldn't help showing surprise again as he spoke, and finally said: "But I'm afraid Miss Bai is not the young suzerain's opponent!" After finishing speaking, he continued to walk forward without saying anything.

Ye Qianran followed behind with the two of them, with a strange look on his face. It seems that Bai Xiangxun followed him to Shenshenzong to develop well, but he made a lot of noise that day. Did Bai Xiangxun recognize him? What about his identity?

He guessed that even if he recognized him, he probably wouldn't believe it was him, would he?

So when I think about this, I still feel a little bit dark in my heart. I proved myself for the first time, and proved myself again for the second time. I even defeated Xuan Zongwei, who Bai Xiangxun also wanted to defeat all along...

Although he didn't remember Bai Xiangxun's resentment at that time, the feeling that he proved again was definitely false!

All the way to a building hall, Ye Qianran also came back to his senses, glanced inside, and found that there were quite a lot of people, his heart beat faster, took a deep breath, and followed inside.

When I came inside, I heard the silence. Everyone's eyes fell on him, and a hint of curiosity emerged at this moment. What does it mean? Is this all waiting for him?

And he also felt a very dignified atmosphere, at least very uncomfortable.

But it’s not uncomfortable, so he glanced around, the same regular arrangement, the elder level on the right, the hardcore disciple on the left, and the first... The first is a man about forty or fifty years old, with a good appearance , can vaguely see what should have been a handsome figure.

But now the maturity reveals majesty and calmness, and at first glance, it gives people an invisible pressure, and the floating light in his eyes from time to time proves that this person is not simple.

"Patriarch, Ye Qianran has invited you over!" The old man who brought them over looked up at the middle-aged man and said.

"Well, I have the Fourth Elder!" Xuan Ye nodded, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Are you Ye Qianran?" After speaking, he couldn't help showing a little surprise again.

Because when he heard that his son had lost to a man named Ye Qianran, he also couldn't believe it, because he knew his son's strength clearly, but after listening to the whole process, the shock in his heart was inevitable.

"Well, why did senior come to me?" Ye Qianran nodded, and at the same time asked curiously.

Seeing Ye Qianran's still calm performance, Xuanye couldn't help showing surprise again, then nodded and said, "The three of you, please sit down first!"

Ye Qianran was naturally not polite, and after nodding, he led the two of them over, but when he sat down, You Wushuang and Bai Bingbing did not sit down, but stood behind Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran was obviously stunned for a moment, but he also understood something in his heart, so he didn't say anything more, raised his head and looked at Xuan Ye, waiting for his answer.

Xuanye naturally saw Ye Qianran's gaze, pondered for a while, and said: "Let the little brother come over, there are a few things I want to ask!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Qianran was immediately curious after hearing this.

Xuan Ye's eyes fluttered, and he finally said: "Da Yanzong, Zuo Shuchen's heavenly artifact was taken away by someone, do you understand, little brother?"

"Yeah. I know!"

Ye Qianran nodded, he had heard Haoran talk about this matter, but what did Xuan Ye mean by asking him this way, his brows frowned slightly, could it be that he suspected that he did it?

After thinking about this, I feel that this sex is quite big. After all, he still has a lot of heavenly weapons, and it is normal to be suspected. Now that he is invited over, it should be just suspicion. To put it bluntly, he wants to find out his real origin Bar?

Although he thought of a lot, he didn't take the initiative to say it, but waited for the other party to ask. When he just thought of this, Xuan Ye said again: "In addition, my son Zong Wei was also ambushed, and the heavenly weapon was also ambushed by people. Deprived!"

Ye Qianran's pupils shrank after hearing this, and Xuan Zongwei's heavenly weapon was also taken away? Sophie and the others are also good enough, and they even got two celestial weapons at once.

At this time, he probably realized something more clearly.

He suddenly appeared to challenge Xuan Zongwei, and Zuo Shuchen and Xuan Zongwei were at a weak level, and he also had a lot of heavenly weapons, but the reason for inviting him was probably because he was No names were mentioned, because both Xuan Zongwei and Zuo Shuchen were invited by the Martial Arena, so it can't be said that he cooperated with the people in the Martial Arena, right?

From this point of view, I wanted to invite him to come over and ask, after all, he just happened to be on the muzzle this time.

Xuanye looked at it but Ye Qianran didn't speak, his eyes flickered and said: "Little brother, just participated in the competition that day, and even defeated my son and Zuo Shuchen of Dayanzong, and then the two of them happened to be ambushed , In addition, there are so many heavenly weapons on the little brother..."

Ye Qianran frowned, then looked at Xuan Ye and said, "Senior, do you suspect that I am in the same group as the person who took away the heavenly weapon?"

Xuan Ye was stunned after hearing this and said: "Little brother, don't be too nervous. I invited you here just to ask about the origin of each of your celestial artifacts. If you have them, it will naturally prove that your little one is Brother's innocence!"

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