Eternal Supreme

Chapter 718

"Hey, don't be nervous, it's me!"

Ye Qianran was not in a hurry at this time. After doing it, she looked at Han Youyu with a smile on her face and said, "Didn't we make an appointment? That's why I came to you, but by the way, the chick is so handsome , or let's have a long talk!"

Han Youyu frowned slightly again, then relaxed and said: "Okay!" After speaking, she actually came to the bedside.

And when Han Youyu sat down, her body seemed to be unreal, and Ye Qianran's mental power fluctuated obviously at this time, and she knew in her heart that this girl had used the power of her blood, and she simply shook and lay down. On the bed, I finally closed my eyes.

Seeing Ye Qianran lying on the bed, Han Youyu's murderous expression emerged at this moment, his right hand spread out, a strong force emerged at this moment, and the next moment it was printed on his chest, very fast .

And just when Han Youyu's hand touched Ye Qianran, Ye Qianran also moved, stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed her wrist, and at the next moment, he turned over, while Han Youyu exclaimed, Pressed her down.

Breathing the moving fragrance, Ye Qianran couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and then without waiting for Han Youyu to make a move, the other hand also grabbed Han Youyu's hand, and then looked at the pair of astonished eyes and joked: "Oh, little beauty, you smell really good on me, let my brother kiss you!"

After Han Youyu heard Ye Qianran's words, she also came back to her senses, and her expression changed drastically at this time, her eyes were full of murderous intent, her delicate body writhed non-stop at this moment, obviously trying to break free She broke Ye Qianran's bondage, but at this time, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free.

A look of panic emerged at this moment, and Han Youyu said anxiously at this moment: "After you let go!"

Ye Qianran smiled, breathed in the fragrance of Han Youyu's body, but his expression was full of memories, and then took advantage of Han Youyu's daze, and quickly kissed that pretty face.

Han Youyu was stunned again, his expression instantly filled with murderous intent, and then his eye circles became even more rosy and he said, "I will definitely kill you!"

Ye Qianran saw Han Youyu's rosy eye circles. Did he go too far? He hesitated for a moment, looked at Han Youyu and said, "Hey, are you willing to kill me?" After speaking, he kissed that little face again, And he meant to tell the truth.

But after he finished kissing, he found that Han Youyu's tears were falling down.

"You insult me ​​so much, I...I want to die with you!" After the words fell, Han Youyu's body surged with a very strong Wu Yuan, and the look on her face was full of determination at this time.


Ye Qianran knew that he had really passed, and his face was full of anxiety at the moment, because the spiritual power in Han Youyu's body reached a very powerful stage in an instant, and if this continued, she would explode herself, and soon he also thought of it A method, and this method is also very direct.

Hua Gong Jue...

It seems that Hua Gongjue can solve everything, and he used it without hesitation, so when Han Youyu used it, the spiritual power in his body also vented out at this time.

Han Youyu was originally determined to die, but Ye Qianran's shadow flickered in her mind, so the tears fell faster and faster. Now it is like this, it seems that she can only meet Ye Qianran again in the next life up.

But just when she was about to blew herself up, she found that all the spiritual power in her body had been vented out at this time. After a short time, the spiritual power in her body had gone to seven or eighty-eight. It is impossible for her to blew herself up right now. .

"how could be?"

After Han Youyu was stunned, she suddenly thought of something, because Ye Qianran used such a method at that time, and when the spiritual power in her body was disordered, she just pulled it out like this.

"so close!"

Ye Qianran was really sweating on his back at this time, and after a sigh of relief, he also let go of Han Youyu's hand, half-supporting his body, pinched Han Youyu's little face and said: "You girl, I Is the change really that big?" After speaking, she also gently wiped away the tears from Han Youyu's beautiful eyes.

Feeling Ye Qianran's tenderness, Han Youyu became extremely familiar, opened her small mouth and said, "Is that you?" Tears fell down again as she spoke.


Ye Qianran smiled, and gently wiped away Han Youyu's tears again, "It's just that I have experienced a lot of things, so the changes at this time are a bit big."

After hearing this, Han Youyu bit her lower lip tightly again, then stretched out her hand to hug Ye Qianran, but the next moment, she opened her small mouth and bit Ye Qianran's shoulder.

Ye Qianran gasped, this girl was really willing to put in the effort.

When he thought so, Han Youyu also let go of his small mouth, poked tears and said: "How can you be so annoying and bully me so much, woohoo, I will ignore you from now on!"

That's right, after such a bite, Han Youyu also completely confirmed Ye Qianran's identity. She was happy and surprised, but also a little bit wronged.

Ye Qianran's behavior made her almost blew herself up. In that case, she might think that she would never see Ye Qianran in the future.

In addition, what did Ye Qianran mean by asking her like that before? Do you not believe him?

Ye Qianran smiled dryly, looked at Han Youyu who was tilting her head, lowered her head and kissed her on the cheek, and then said in Han Youyu's ear: "If I don't bully Yu'er, who will I bully? Who made Yu'er my woman?" Woolen cloth!"

After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Han Youyu's heart beat faster, and her eyes inevitably showed shyness at this time, but she couldn't help shrinking her neck, because the heat made her feel particularly uncomfortable, and her whole body was shaking. Instantly filled with a sense of strangeness.

"Okay, don't be angry, Mei Niu, I was wrong this time, I promise I won't do it next time!"

Seeing that Han Youyu was still tilting her head, Ye Qianran said something softly, then kissed Han Youyu on the face again and said, "Actually, I also want to see if you girl still remember me!"

" could I think about other people? Am I that kind of person?" After hearing Ye Qianran's words, Han Youyu burst into tears again.

Ye Qianran knew that he had said the wrong thing again, and said quickly: "Yu'er, I trust you very much, but... hey, Yu'er is so beautiful and versatile, do you think a man can rest assured? Anyway, who told me that Jia Yuer is so playful and beautiful!"

"Really?" Han Youyu turned her head after hearing this.

"It must be, absolutely!" Ye Qianran looked at Han Youyu's pear blossoms in the rain, and nodded heavily...

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