Eternal Supreme

Chapter 720

The next morning, Ye Qianran woke up early, when his eyes fell on Han Youyu in his arms.

Seeing that she was sleeping soundly at this time, she didn't bother her. After kissing her on the face, she lay there and took a temporary rest.

But although he was resting, his expression was in a state of thinking.

People from the Jiuyou clan and the Dragon clan would not come here for no reason, there must be some reason, what is the reason?

After thinking for a long time, he never came up with a reason, and finally he could only withdraw his thoughts, because it seemed that he went to Long Wushuang, and he understood it thoroughly, and just inquired about Liu Ruyan and Yi Fei. How is Xuan now? I haven't seen the two goblins for a long time, and I miss them very much.

But also because of this, the time to go to Xuanwu City will be delayed for a while, at least it is impossible now.

In the passage of time, about half an hour later, Han Youyu's body moved, and then a pair of pupils opened at this time.

"woke up?"

Ye Qianran said softly, stroked the hair again and said, "Aren't you taking a break?"

After hearing this, Han Youyu leaned on Ye Qianran's chest again. In fact, she was still a little worried when she woke up, worried that everything yesterday was a dream, but now she felt relieved, because Ye Qianran was still there, and because she Greedy, so after Ye Qianran finished speaking, she leaned on Ye Qianran's chest again and took a short rest here.

But half an hour later, Han Youyu opened his eyes again, raised his head, and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran. Before he could speak, Ye Qianran kissed her on the lips and said: "If you don't understand the situation, I won't be leaving the imperial city in a short time, and if I finally come back, I will naturally be with Yu'er!"


Han Youyu nodded happily after hearing this, and finally, with a rosy complexion, she took the initiative to kiss Ye Qianran on the face.

Ye Qianran smiled, and chatted with Han Youyu again for a while. When the time was almost up, Han Youyu sat up from Ye Qianran's arms reluctantly, and with the catharsis of the long black hair, it seemed So beautiful, so charming.

Han Youyu glanced at Ye Qianran, saw his blank look, his face turned rosy again, then sat down from the side of the bed, stretched out a pair of beautiful feet and put on shoes, came under the bed, then stretched out his hands to tidy up I put down my hair, and arranged the skirt again, and everything looked perfect at this time.

Ye Qianran also got off the bed at this time, stretched her waist, looked at Han Youyu and said, "Hey, it's so comfortable to sleep with Mei Niu... If only I could hug Mei Niu every day!"

Hearing this, Han Youyu's pretty face turned rosy again, and after taking a quick look at Ye Qianran, she turned her head, obviously a little shy.

"Ha ha!"

Ye Qianran looked at Han Youyu's appearance, but couldn't help laughing out loud. Han Youyu's shy appearance was really beautiful. After reaching out her hand to hug Han Youyu, she kissed Han Youyu heavily on the fragrant lips. It was like letting her go.

Not long after, the person from Yanxiang Pavilion brought breakfast, and when the person who delivered the food saw Ye Qianran, he couldn't believe it. Did Han Youyu spend the whole night alone with a man?

You must know that this kind of thing has never happened before, so I can't help but look at Ye Qianran more...

Ye Qianran didn't care about it. After eating with Han Youyu, he said: "Yu'er, I'll go to the lord's side to find out what's going on, and take a look at Xiangxiang...I'll come back to you when the time comes!"

"En!" Han Youyu did not refuse, but nodded in agreement.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ye Qianran also chose to leave at this time, because Han Youyu still had an important task, which was to still drag two groups of people.

When he came to the street, when he was walking towards the inn, his footsteps stopped, because he felt the blood of the dragon clan surging again, he raised his head, and just saw the dragon clan and others in front of him, and at this time The three of them also noticed him and walked directly in his direction.

As the distance drew closer, the oppressive aura reappeared. Ye Qianran frowned slightly, and then took the initiative to take two steps. When they met each other, they stopped at the same time. At this time, it was still a middle-aged man who spoke. : "Little guy, who are you? What does it have to do with that little girl in Yanxiang Pavilion?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Ye Qianran shook his head and said: "I just met, but we just chatted better. As for my identity, don't you understand me? Danta's!"

"Danta? How could Danta be involved with people from the Spirit-Blood Clan!" The middle-aged man obviously didn't believe it. When he frowned slightly, the oppressive atmosphere became more intense.

Ye Qianran took a deep breath, because the dragon blood in his body was agitated even more intensely at this time, he looked straight at the man and said: "We met in the place of Xuanya, and now we meet again in the setting sun, that's all. But what are you doing in the sunset?"

After hearing Ye Qianran's rhetorical question, the middle-aged man said: "This is not what you should ask!"

"Okay, then there's nothing else, I'll go first!" Ye Qianran tried to keep himself relaxed, and missed the three of them and continued to walk forward.

"Little guy, I haven't finished talking yet, let's go now, it's not appropriate!" After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he shot almost instantly, and directly grabbed Ye Qianran's back. The speed was extremely fast. suddenly.

Ye Qianran also felt it, and he didn't have much time to react, but at this moment, Xiao Hei and Bingjian on his back also reacted, and a huge rebound surged out at this moment, and under the mammoth , the man's body was horrified at this moment.

It doesn't mean how much the two forces rebounded, but the aura exuded by the ice sword made him feel extremely suppressed. At that moment, his spiritual power almost flowed backwards, and his reaction speed was obviously fast enough. The spiritual power was revoked in an instant, and the body also retreated at this time.

Ye Qianran also took a step forward at this time, because the impact of the man's shot was quite large.

Turning his head, looking at the three of them again, he asked, "What do you mean?"

After the words fell, the middle-aged man also came back to his senses, looked at Ye Qianran with a face full of surprise and said, "Dzi beads and the breath of the ancient ice dragon, who are you!"


Ye Qianran was surprised, but soon figured it out, Xiao Hei's strength is normal for them, and they are members of the dragon clan, so they are naturally very sensitive to the breath of ancient ice dragons, their eyes floated, looking at the man With a face full of vigilance, the corners of his mouth turned up and he said, "Guess..."

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