Eternal Supreme

Chapter 725

"Then let's go!"

Ye Qianran spoke again, smiled dryly, and took the lead to walk inside.

When Ye Qianran brought Sophie inside, his eyes fell on Shishi again, and he said, "Sophie please!"

Long Wushuang next to him looked at Sophie, frowned slightly, but in the end he didn't say much, but looked at Sophie warily.

And Sophie also noticed Long Wushuang's vigilant gaze, but he didn't say much at this time, his red eyes fell directly behind Shishi's body, and the jade hand spread out at this moment, and a bead was suspended at this moment When it came out, there was a red glow inside the bead, as if it was an eye that had just opened, and it looked very strange.

"It's the eye of the sky!"

The voice of the flame knife sounded in Ye Qianran's mind, with a little solemnity in the voice.

"Eye of the sky?"

Ye Qianran was startled, he had heard the seniors of the Feng clan mention it, so he understood it in his heart.

"That's right, it can sense our location, and also has the ability to control us for a short time!"

Yan Dao's voice was helpless: "That means we can't resist at all!"

"So awesome?" Ye Qianran's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

"That's right, and it can let us get rid of the restrictions and explode completely, but this also requires that the person who controls the eye of the sky has enough control!"

The voice of the flame knife fluctuated: "If you can get this eye, it will also let us get rid of the limitation of your strength!"

Ye Qianran was really agitated when he heard this, but he really couldn't do it for her to take action against Sophie, so he also suppressed the thought that appeared in his mind.

And after Sophie manipulated the Sky Eye, a group of spiritual power also solemnized Shishi at this time. When the weird spiritual power rippled at this time, a throbbing surge that fed back again, and Not long after, as if it was very easy, the Sky Ax levitated out of Shishi's body at this moment.

Sophie looked at the ax that day, with a strange look on her face, and a little turmoil in her heart.

Long Wushuang's expression on the side became more vigilant. If Sophie made any moves, she would choose to take action in an instant.

Ye Qianran didn't think much about it, there was nothing else, because he still believed in his heart...

At this moment, Sophie turned her head, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran, her red eyes floated and she said: "Now you can use the dzi bead to suppress it, and establish your relationship by the way...

Ye Qianran nodded and walked over directly...

And Long Wushuang was watching from the side, and his expression was slightly relieved at this time...

Coming to the front of Tianxue, Ye Qianran also mobilized the spiritual power of Tianzhu at this time. At this time, he wrapped the Tianaxe. At this time, the floating spiritual power on Tianxue completely dissipated. The charm emerged, a drop of blood appeared at this moment, and the next moment, it also directly fell on Tian Axe's body.

After falling, Ye Qianran's mental power floated up at this time. When the strange feeling was rippling, the sky eye floating in front of Sophie also disappeared at this time. Obviously, Ye Qianran was also able to handle it at this time. up.

Not long after the Sky Eye disappeared, the spirit power floated out of Sky Axe again.

"Tianzhu, Tianyan, I'll wipe your grandma!" Tianfu's voice sounded at this moment, but he yelled directly.

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, remembering the first time he used the dzi bead to restrain this guy, he heard its sound, after such a long time, he still heard it...

"Boy, don't even think about manipulating me!" Sky Axe's voice sounded again, and it was obviously speaking to Ye Qianran at this time.

"Oh, I want to fight!"

The flame knife floated out at this time...

"Flame knife?"

Tian Fu's voice was full of surprise, and immediately snorted coldly: "Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

"Add it!" The magic hook floated, and then the voice like a silver bell sounded again: "Hmph, beat it together..."

"Damn it, you three..." Sky Axe's voice was filled with surprise.

Long Wushuang's right hand floated, revealing his light, covering them at the same time, Ye Qianran seemed to understand something, and let the dzi bead also float up, or it was done now, he didn't want the sky ax to stir up trouble in his body.

But Long Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran who was in such a tacit understanding, his expression unavoidably fluctuated, and then his eyes fell on the golden light group again.

When the surprise was revealed again, she couldn't help but glance at Ye Qianran again, because she really didn't expect that Ye Qianran went out and subdued so many heavenly artifacts, and once again decided that she should have read it right this time. People, so the heart is still very happy.

"Thank you Sophie!"

Ye Qianran pulled his eyes away from the light curtain and landed on Sophie again. He was indeed very grateful to Sophie, if it wasn't for her, it might be difficult to pull the sky ax out.

After hearing this, Sophie shook her head, and finally lowered her head again. She was actually quite hesitant. She did not complete the task assigned by the clan as well as she imagined, but although she thought so in her heart, she did not. so uncomfortable...

Seeing Sophie's appearance, Ye Qianran smiled again. At this time, her eyes fell on Shishi's body. She looked at Shishi carefully, and found that without the sky axe, her demeanor looked much better. At this time, he felt more at ease.

"Fuck, I can't do it after I'm convinced!" Tian Fu's helpless voice sounded, and immediately drew the eyes of the three of them.

After Ye Qianran saw it, a smile appeared on his face. It seems that the flame knife, the magic hook, Xiaomei, and Xiao Hei are still quite oppressed, but thinking about it, it is the same. There is no way to not compromise, is it possible to be completely isolated in the future?

Sky Ax's choice at this time is also considered extremely good.

In addition, Amazon still has quite a personality, which suits him very well, and the effect is still very good, so there is no nonsense at the moment. When the mental power fluctuates, the five also entered his body at this time, and then fell silent. go down.

Ye Qianran breathed a sigh of relief, as if invisibly, he solved it again and understood one thing on his mind, and the next thing is Xiaodi's place. What he hopes now is that Sophie will never leave first, so after thinking like this At that time, his eyes fell on Sophie, hesitating for a while and then said: "Feifei, let's leave together when the matter here is resolved!"

Sophie raised her head, her eyes fell on Ye Qianran, she understood something in her heart, she nodded and agreed.

Because even if she leaves early and finds the magic whip, maybe she will stagnate, so why not walk with Ye Qianran...

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