Eternal Supreme

Chapter 729


While Ye Qianran was thinking, Long Ying suddenly snorted coldly, and the next moment, her pupils turned golden, and her originally black hair also turned golden at this time, and scales also appeared on her body at this time, but they looked more beautiful. Ye Qianran's body was thicker and stronger, and there were actually two small golden horns on Long Ying's head.

It's also cute and cute...

But the surface looks good, but the surging aura is very amazing and terrifying. Ye Qianran is still a certain distance away from Long Ying, but he feels extremely oppressed, and my oppressive feeling makes him not breathing smoothly stand up.

"Is this the Aolong used by Long Ying?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise, but soon doubts appeared on his face again, because he was very curious, what is the body of the dragon clan like, is it also the appearance of the dragon in the previous life? Or the appearance of a western dragon?

But because of his previous life concept, he is more inclined to the former, mighty and domineering, and also very beautiful.

But now that Long Ying is like this, it is obvious that she still maintains a human state, but this is not as powerful as the main body, right?

The man also felt the oppression from Long Ying, and the next moment, the power of the Nine Serenities on his body became stronger at this moment.

Ye Qianran hid in the space, that aggrieved, because of the influence of the two of them, his Nine Serenity Power, including the origin of the bead, was agitated at this time, as if it might erupt at any time.


The voice sounded, and the next moment, the man spread out his right hand, and the power of the Nine Serenities became stronger. The next moment, when the mysterious seal was floating, a figure appeared, his whole body was also covered in black, which looked very mysterious.

And when the black spiritual power disappeared, it turned out to be a black skeleton...

The skeleton looks tall and mighty, with two balls of flames floating around the eye sockets, and your strong cold aura is all over your body, making your scalp numb.

"This is?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise.

"Contract call!" The voice of the magic hook sounded at this time: "They are all condensed from the bodies of previous peerless masters, very powerful!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback, contract summoning and space summoning are different?

While in a daze, Long Ying snorted coldly, and had already launched an attack. The golden spiritual power was like the rising sun, instantly lighting up the surroundings. The terrifying oppression directly enveloped the position of the man and the skeleton.

The terrifying feeling seemed to crush them completely in an instant.

"So strong!"

Ye Qianran swallowed again. Long Ying was considered to be a girl of the Dragon Clan, and she possessed such frightening strength. How terrifying would an elder be?

At this time, he thought of Long Wushuang's words, the dragon race is the strongest race, and now he also recognized it very much.

When the palm print was pressed down, the skeleton also understood, and there was a howling sound, with a shocking impact momentum. When a weapon very similar to the magic hook appeared, the sudden impact erupted.

With a wave of the scythe in the skeleton's hand, a black edge several feet long bloomed instantly, and the sharp aura instantly filled the entire light curtain.


When the palm print and the edge were handed over, the ear-piercing sound made people's heads buzz, and the one on the cover also resisted instantly.


Long Ying snorted coldly at this time, and saw the palm print burst instantly, and the sudden golden color made Ye Qianran close her eyes. The vast and howling spiritual power made the surrounding space ripple and fluctuate, and the area was very large. broad.

Ye Qianran's pupils contracted, and his body crawled down in an instant... and after he lay down, the violent impact of spiritual power happened to pass by him. At this moment, cold sweat broke out on his back, but fortunately, he reacted quickly. Otherwise, he was dead just now, right?

"Ghost clavicle!"

A really deep voice came out, and the black room filled instantly...

And Ye Qianran also looked up at this time. When the phoenix eyes were opened, he could clearly see that in the wanton spiritual power, the whole body of the skeleton was wrapped in armor, and the huge sickle lay in front of him. When the power is frantically restless, it resists the impact of the spiritual power.

As for the man in the Nine Nether Lands, he was standing behind the skeleton, with his right hand on the skeleton's body... supporting it perfectly.

And looking at the black light curtains around, although it was shaking violently at this time, it was absorbed quickly, and gradually fell silent. The seal cast by the two old guys seems to be very difficult.

"So strong!"

Ye Qianran swallowed again, the girl from the Dragon Clan is so strong, and the people from the Land of Nine Nethers are not weak, and that man can summon him by contract. If this is the case, it is equivalent to two against one. It's also dangerous.

When he just thought of this place, there was a sound of '咻', the cold breath rippling, and the black skeleton disappeared. When he caught the silhouette of the skeleton, he saw the huge sickle opened at this time, It cut directly towards Long Ying.

The surging spiritual power reappeared again, the terrifying edge reappeared again, and the space surged like ripples. I felt as if the space was about to be cut open.

"Damn it, it's really strong!" Ye Qianran swallowed a mouthful of saliva...

At this time, the golden mark surged again, but when I saw it clearly, I found that it was a golden fist, full of domineering madness.

"Bang!" The golden light floated, but quickly landed on the skeleton's body, and suddenly a huge crack appeared on the black armor.

"Good job!"

Ye Qianran was full of admiration at this time, but when the skeleton was hit by the golden fist and retreated, black spiritual power surged, and the sharp edge also enveloped Long Ying in an instant...

Ye Qianran was still worried at this time, but when she saw the golden mysterious seal floating and resisted abruptly, she was relieved. It seems that although Long Ying is not very old, her strength is really impressive. Shocked and amazed.

Now in this situation, he began to think about how to sneak attack. After all, no matter how strong Long Ying is, there are still two old guys. The longer the time delays, the more unfavorable it will be for Long Ying. It's over.

How could such a good plan let him go to waste?

So when I got here, the light floated up, and in the silence, the two sky fires were mobilized at the same time, and the flame knife in the body was also ready at this time, ready to explode at any time.


A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Qianran's mouth, and he looked up at the man in the Nine Nether Lands, as long as he found a good opportunity, he could strike at any time.

But when he looked over, his expression was stunned, where is he?

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