Eternal Supreme

Chapter 738

"Does it still hurt?"

Ye Qianran looked at the bright red on the bed sheet, and then his eyes fell on Long Wushuang's face again.

Long Wushuang blushed, nodded and shook his head.

Ye Qianran laughed dryly. He seemed to have asked an idiotic question, and immediately took Long Wushuang's clothes and said, "Shuangshuang, let my husband help you get dressed..."

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran looked at Long Wushuang, who was wearing clothes for him, with a warm feeling in his heart, and then thought of something and said: "Shuangshuang, when will the spiritual power in my body be opened?"

As he spoke, he deliberately felt it again, and his expression showed surprise again.

"My husband can open up that group of spiritual power at any time by using the origin of the dragon clan, but because it is too strong, I am afraid that my husband will not be able to bear it, so let's wait until my husband's strength is stronger!" Long Wushuang said.

"Oh well!"

Ye Qianran nodded, looked at Long Wushuang's pretty face, and couldn't help kissing again.

Long Wushuang was stunned again, and then his face was still rosy, and after helping Ye Qianran tidy up, he came to the bed and put away the sheets, and Ye Qianran took advantage of this time to also restrain the sword pouch on their own body.

Long Wushuang looked at Ye Qianran and said, "Husband, let's go out, my sister and the others should be here soon!"

Ye Qianran's expression became more serious after hearing this, and finally nodded slightly...

And when he walked to the door, a white shadow also jumped into his arms.

"Hey, have you finished absorbing it?" Ye Qianran stroked the little mink beast, then hugged it in his arms and followed Long Wushuang out.

After coming outside, the two old men who followed Long Wushuang, including Shishi, were still waiting. When they saw the two of them coming out, they were taken aback at the same time, because they had never seen Long Wushuang show his true face for a long time. up.

Shishi was also surprised, maybe she didn't expect that Long Wushuang's appearance would be like this, she was a woman, and she was so young.

At this time, after the two old men stood up, their eyes fell on Long Wushuang at the same time, and one of them said, "Princess, how is it?"

Long Wushuang nodded and said: "Well, my husband has already merged, and everything is going very smoothly!"

When the two heard it, their expressions were relieved at the same time, and their faces were filled with amazement. The fusion blood, as expected of the fusion blood, is powerful...

Shishi also felt relieved, in short, Ye Qianran had nothing to do.

Ye Qianran also saw the way the three of them looked at him, he laughed and said: "It all depends on Shuangshuang's assistance, otherwise I can't do it myself!"

"Husband, please sit down!" Long Wushuang pulled Ye Qianran to sit in the first place, while she stood beside her, then looked at the two elders and said, "Husband, regardless of whether he can succeed in the future, he At least Longyuan is fused with him, so from now on, my husband will be the person in charge here!"

The two elders naturally had no objections, and nodded at the same time to agree, and Shishi had always highly recognized Ye Qianran, so she didn't have any opinions, and even felt happy for Ye Qianran in her heart.

Ye Qianran laughed dryly, suddenly he was not used to it, so he pulled Long Wushuang to sit down as well, and then whispered in her ear: "I'm sure I can't... I can't be the person in charge!"

"My husband can do it!"

Long Wushuang was all naked, and said directly: "Because you may be the Dragon Emperor in the future..."

Ye Qianran was taken aback, and when he was about to say something again, a person came in from the outside, and when he came in, his eyes fell directly on the first person, and at this moment, where was he in a daze? what's the situation? Which is the main character?

When he was curious, Long Wushuang's eyes fluttered and said: "What's the matter?" When he spoke, his body also revealed a majestic look.

"Well, Miss Han came here with three people!" The man didn't care about that, and simply said respectfully.

"Is it?"

Long Wushuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally took a deep breath and said: "Is the one who should come still here?" He said with a solemn expression again, and finally: "Husband, let's go, we should go out and have a look !"

Ye Qianran nodded after hearing this, and followed Long Wushuang towards the outside...

When he came outside, Ye Qianran also saw Han Youyu and Long Ying outside the door, including the two elders following Long Ying.

At this time, Ye Qianran's eyes focused on Long Ying's body. This woman really worked hard enough, and she was able to come up with the right one. Thinking about it at this moment is indeed quite amazing.

When Han Youyu saw Ye Qianran and the others, he immediately walked up and quickly came to Ye Qianran's side.

"Sister, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be the same as before!" When Long Wushuang came out, Long Ying's eyes fell on her. At this time, her expression looked a little strange, and her voice fluctuated slightly.

Long Wushuang's beautiful eyes floated, looked at Long Ying and said, "I really didn't expect you to come here so soon!"

After hearing this, Long Ying had a slightly strange expression, and then said: "There is a person who said that if I work hard, I will definitely be able to do it!"

After hearing Long Ying's words, Ye Qianran was obviously surprised, wouldn't it be him?

Because he remembered that he seemed to ask Long Ying to work hard, but he really didn't expect this girl to be so serious, so his expression was somewhat surprised.

"Is it?"

Long Wushuang frowned slightly and said, "What is the purpose of you looking for me?"

"Sister, I took Long Yuan from you under the order of my father, and then my father asked you and the two senior elders to go back with us!" Long Ying said after a moment of hesitation.

"What are you going back for? Are you being expelled once?"

Long Wushuang laughed immediately after hearing this, his expression looked indifferent, and then he said coldly: "Do you know? I was expelled because my mother and I were pregnant with blood, and my mother passed away because of this..."

"elder sister……"

After hearing this, Long Ying bit her lower lip and said: "I know my sister must be sad, but the battle of Longyuan is close at hand, so my sister still puts the overall situation first!"

Long Wushuang took a deep breath and said, "Yingying, I don't want to hurt you, you go back!"

"Princess, the purpose of our coming here is Longyuan. If the princess is still stubborn, we can only take action!" At this time, an elder standing behind Long Ying said.

"Are you the elders of the new generation of the Golden Dragon Clan?" An old man standing behind Long Ying came out, frowning slightly, glanced at the two of them and asked, "Is the new generation so arrogant now?"

The expression of the middle-aged man who spoke froze immediately after hearing this. The two people following Long Ying were both seniors, and they were too embarrassed to say anything at this time. The new generation is not necessarily worse than the old generation, but they are stronger because of their bodies...

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