Eternal Supreme

Chapter 741

"Do you think I'll agree?"

The man frowned again, with a thoughtful expression on his face. They came here because they had wasted a lot of time on the Tianaxe matter, and now Ye Qianran couldn't just fall short.

When Ye Qianran was about to say something, a white shadow flashed past and landed on his shoulder, and then a pair of agile eyes looked at the three of them.

"Mysterious mink?"

The man's expression obviously changed again, and at this moment the voice of calling sounded again, and Qiqi came to Ye Qianran's side at this time, and at this time there were two more tails, plus the previous two, That's four, which suddenly became a bit tricky.

"It seems that your seal has been opened!"

The man's eyes glanced at Ye Qianran's abdomen, his voice became colder again, and he was even a little surprised. He had also heard that the blood of the Fusion Clan would have a super powerful effect on monsters, and now he saw that it was indeed so.

Behind the evolved Nine Heavens, there was also a black mink whose strength was unpredictable. Suddenly, he knew that even if there was a conflict, it might not be able to completely suppress it in a short time.

"That's right!"

Ye Qianran nodded. He didn't know what the man was thinking, so he snorted coldly: "The three of you are indeed quite strong, but if I seek death by myself, it will be difficult for you to stop me, so you should think about it carefully. Shall I pay a visit in person, or do I do it now?"

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Okay, since the Nine Nether Lands are waiting for you, but remember, be faster, otherwise your father's life and death will not be controlled by me!"

Knowing that the other party was also threatening, Ye Qianran frowned again and said: "If something goes wrong with my father, I can't even think about getting it!"

The man snorted again and said, "Then let's go!" After speaking, he turned around and galloped outside.

After watching the three of them leave, Ye Qianran breathed a sigh of relief, his aura restrained, and his whole body relaxed, and the little mink beast seemed a little more relaxed, because the strength of the three of them was indeed very strong, even if she made a move At most, it will hold one person, Qiqi is holding one person, and Ye Qianran may not be that man's opponent.

And such a result is the best result. It never thought that under such a situation, Ye Qianran could still think of such an idea, and it is really strong enough.

On the other side, after the three people from the Land of Nine Nethers left for a certain distance, one of the old men said: "Young Master, is it possible that we really want to give up and leave?"

"if not?"

The man blushed and said: "His blood is opened, and the seal should also be opened. You don't know what is sealed in his abdomen. If it is really aroused, it will not be good for us! In addition, you have also seen the black mink. You have also seen the Nine Heavens Divine Beast, and after a long time, people from the Dragon Clan will come to help!"

The two old men were shocked, and they suddenly thought of something and finally said: "Then wait for him to come over by himself?"

"His adoptive father is a bargaining chip. It can be seen that he cares about it very much. As long as his father is in our hands, we can talk about it!"

The man sneered and said, "As long as he comes to the Nine Nether Lands, what else can he not do?"

The two of them understood after hearing this, and after looking at each other, they didn't say anything more...

"I don't know when these six people can solve it?"

Ye Qianran raised his head and looked at the six people in mid-air in the distance, frowning unavoidably. It stands to reason that he should be the leader of the gang, Long Wushuang, after all, she is his own woman now, but Long Ying is also good, and her mind is quite simple. With the order above, I am afraid it will not be the case.

The battle in the air became more and more intense, Long Ying's strength was also very strong at this time, and Long Wushuang was also the same. If it continued, maybe something serious would really happen.

Sighing secretly, he can only think now that nothing can happen to both sides, it is best to have a compromise, thinking of this, he can't help but start thinking.

The final reason is that Long Ying wants Longyuan, and Longyuan is fused and sealed on him at this time, it is impossible to take it away, since it is impossible, then he can only go there in person , and since he has to go sooner or later, why not leave?

Thinking of this, the light floated, and the dzi bead levitated out at this time, and after summoning Qiqi back, he also jumped on it and rushed up.

The elders on both sides who missed the battle had no choice, the root cause was no longer here, and there was no way to stop them, so he came directly to the two people not far away, saw that the two were still fighting, and immediately said: "You guys The two of you stop, we have something to discuss!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran felt a few crows flying over his head, because the two of them remained unmoved...

This feeling... It's like the battle between Zhong Chuchu and Sophie, he was ignored at that time, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Dizzy!" Ye Qianran took a deep breath, and finally the Aolong Jue was mobilized again. There is no way, the spiritual impact caused by the two is too strong...

However, after Aolong opened it, he could bear the force of the impact. At that moment, his eyes floated again, and the phoenix eye also opened quietly at this time. An opportunity, now we must seize an opportunity. After all, the battle between the two is fierce. If you rush up, you will die on the cliff.

So he had to find an extremely opportune time, at least when the spiritual energy of the two of them dissipated, and every time they erupted, it happened to be an opportune opportunity, so he was not in a hurry to wait there patiently.

And it didn't take long for this opportunity to come. When the howling dragon roar sounded, the two chose to attack at the same time. The torrential force cut through the void and collided together.


The violent voice was once again turbulent with surging spiritual energy.

"It's now!"

With a smile, his body jumped up in an instant, and the moment he jumped up, the eight gates also opened instantly, and at the same time, the Huagong Jue in his body was also surging at this time, so when the surrounding forces hit, he was also blocked. He resolved part of it, and with the help of Bamen, the speed was also very fast.

Almost the moment the two separated, Ye Qianran came to their side, stretched out his hands, and hugged their waists.

The feeling of softness has a different aroma, it is really charming, suppressing the heartbeat, when the dzi bead floated over, Ye Qianran also brought the two of them down.

Long Wushuang was taken aback at this moment, he really didn't expect Ye Qianran to rush up, and Long Ying was also taken aback, because of the familiar aura? Thinking of this, he quickly raised his head and glanced at Ye Qianran?

Dragons? Not quite like that? Could it be that the person who saved her that day suddenly had a slightly faster heartbeat...

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