Eternal Supreme

Chapter 753


You Wushuang's face turned red obviously, but they were married under the notarization of her mother, and she should have changed their address.

After Ye Qianran heard You Wushuang's address, he immediately smiled all over his face, and said immediately: "Then let's rest now!" After speaking, he stretched out his hand to wrap You Wushuang's waist.

You Wushuang's body was tense, and a pair of jade hands pinched his clothes at this moment. He could see that he was very nervous, and finally he bit his lower lip and sat up quickly.

"What's wrong?"

After Ye Qianran saw You Wushuang's movement, his face was full of doubt and curiosity.

You Wushuang was afraid that Ye Qianran would misunderstand, so he said immediately: "I will serve my husband to take a bath!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran also understood that this seemed to be the rule here, because Cheng Yuling had done this before, so she nodded with a smile and stood up directly, and accompanied You Wushuang to another room.

When they came there, You Wushuang lowered his head completely, his little face was flushed, and he looked very cute shyly. At least Ye Qianran couldn't see her showing her appearance and state at this time. Blinking his eyes, he put his hand on You Wushuang's waist and said, "Otherwise, I'll serve you!"

After speaking, he twitched his right hand, and the red belt was immediately pulled away...

You Wushuang was obviously stunned at this moment, and then put his hands on his shoulders, his face full of shyness, like a flower that has just bloomed.

Ye Qianran's expression was full of changes at this time, he took off the robe on his body, hugged Wushuang and walked towards the pool...

You Wushuang closed her eyes at this moment, she had never been so shy before, her heartbeat at this moment made her dare not look up at all, maybe she herself never thought that she would have such a day.

After entering the water, seeing You Wushuang's appearance, Ye Qianran laughed again, it's really rare to see her like this.

"why are you laughing!"

After You Wushuang heard Ye Qianran's laughter, he couldn't help feeling even more shy in his heart, and stretched out his jade hand to pinch Ye Qianran's body immediately.

And Ye Qianran was pinched like this, and after suffering the pain, he laughed even bigger. He lowered his head and kissed You Wushuang's mouth, and the corner of his mouth turned up: "Come on, I will help you!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and put it on You Wushuang's back.

Half an hour later, Ye Qianran put You Wushuang beside the bed. Seeing her curled up, her heart was really agitated again, and then she also lay down, holding that soft body in her arms, and at the same time He also kissed directly.

Feeling Ye Qianran's tenderness, You Wushuang finally closed his eyes and responded...

Half an hour later, You Wushuang bit her lip tightly, and the furrowed eyebrows proved the pain she was enduring.

Ye Qianran obviously understood something in his heart, so he kissed him again, trying to distract You Wushuang.

At this time, You Wushuang's slightly frowned brows gradually loosened, and at this time, Ye Qianran also slowly entered in. When the spiritual power of the two surged at the same time, their expressions inevitably showed surprise At this moment, he couldn't help recalling what the senior of the Feng clan said, the blending of spiritual thoughts.

When his expression sank into surprise, his spiritual power surged up at this time, and when he was in the fish and water, when he devoted himself wholeheartedly, his spiritual power accompanied his thoughts, and kissed You Wushuang's lips again.

At this time, his mental power also surged, and then he immersed himself in it. At this moment, he felt You Wushuang's thoughts, and felt You Wushuang's feelings for her. When his heart was warm, he hugged You Wushuang more at this moment. tighten up.

You Wushuang closed his eyes, opened his small mouth from time to time, and a pair of jade hands held Ye Qianran tightly at this time, and he was reluctant to let go for a while.

Both of them were so engrossed. At this time, the light surged, and the bodies of the two of them were enveloped by the light ball at the same time. Before that, Ye Qianran was still thinking about how to blend the divine sense, but he found that when he mobilized his mental power, , When you are completely new, you are in an extremely magical state, and you don't need to do anything deliberately.

And in the midst of immersion, Ye Qianran could see the existence of You Wushuang when he closed his eyes. In an instant, the two of them were in the white world at the same time, looking at each other, the feeling was full of warmth.

At this time, Ye Qianran also grabbed You Wushuang, and kissed him...

When he kissed deeply again, Ye Qianran's mind went blank for an instant, and when he was blank, his mental power surged wildly at this moment, surging towards the surroundings.

The spiritual power became stronger at this moment, and the bodies of the two became completely blurred at this moment...

"What a strong wave of spiritual cultivation!"

Sophie opened her eyes at this time, her expression was full of surprise...

And when he was astonished, many people in Qinghong Palace also opened their eyes. Astonishment is inevitable, but the mental power didn't last long, and it quickly retracted...

There was nothing to say all night, the next day, when Ye Qianran opened his eyes, his eyes fell on You Wushuang in his arms. Seeing her arms hanging out, she couldn't help but carefully retracted her outstretched hands, and then put them under the quilt Li, after kissing that little face, hugged her and rested again.

And after he calmed down, he also felt the changes in him at this time, the subtle mobilization of mental power was actually a big fluctuation.

At this time, he couldn't help but think back to yesterday. When he thought of that scene, he felt as if he had wrapped up the Qinghong Palace.

Have you broken through?

Ye Qianran couldn't help but feel it carefully at this time, and found that when the spirit is open, the feeling is very delicate, distracted? But he didn't feel quite right. He felt it carefully again, and found that when the mental power was opened, he could capture any spiritual power flow, and he could feel any changes around him with a subtle thought.

That feeling was very strange, so strange that he himself was surprised...

"Can't you transform into a god?"

Ye Qianran was shocked, and his mental power was completely opened at this time, covering the entire Qinghong Palace almost instantly. At this time, he could feel all the movements of Qinghong Palace, and the pictures kept reappearing in his mind, swallowing With the next mouthful of saliva, shock emerges, is it really a transformation of a god?

Because turning into a god is like integrating spiritual thoughts into the world, and now he has such a feeling...

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