Eternal Supreme

Chapter 766

"Brother, are you okay?"

Seeing that Ye Qianran remained silent, Sophie still spoke out worriedly.

After Ye Qianran heard Sophie's words, she also came back to her senses. After noticing the worry on her face, she forced a smile and said, "Feifei, do you think she can return to her family smoothly?"

"Well, it should be possible!"

Sophie nodded, thought for a while and said, "She...although she was seriously injured, but because her brother's blood has also reached the god level, as long as she doesn't meet a strong opponent, there should be no problem going back safely!"

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, his expression was obviously relaxed at this moment, his black eyes floated, and finally said: "It seems that I will work hard!"

He said this because a heavy burden appeared in his heart once again, that is to go to the other side and confirm what happened to the little mink beast. Maybe he will be completely relieved after confirming that it is completely fine.

Seeing that Sophie was still worried, Ye Qianran's expression fluctuated. At least he couldn't let his emotions affect everyone. In fact, it's okay to think about it, so he grabbed Sophie's hand and said: "Feifei , don’t worry, I’m fine now, don’t worry!”

After speaking, he smiled and kissed the back of that white hand.

Sophie was taken aback, and quickly withdrew her hand. When her heartbeat accelerated, she quickly lowered her head, not to mention her rosy face, and her eyes showed shyness at this time, and she didn't dare to look up. At this moment, Ye Qianran was stunned.

Ye Qianran moved his body at this time, and then mobilized his spiritual power to warm and nourish his body, and after he felt about the same, he forced himself to sit up, and finally walked down from the bed and said, "By the way, how many days have I slept? "

"It's been a week!"

Sophie raised her head and said, "The scourge of the day did a lot of harm to my brother, and it was obviously deliberate, maybe it wanted to try, but because of the dzi bead, it still failed!"

"So long?"

Ye Qianran couldn't believe it when he heard it. He was in a trance, feeling that it hadn't been long, at most two days. Now it seems that it is not that simple. Thinking of his state at that time, his future Cold sweat broke out on the back.

It is indeed a very powerful spiritual power, but as Sophie said, the scourge is not yet under his control, so he should calm down. If she can use it in the future, she will never have the slightest thought. It seems to be enough.

If one time, he was really controlled by the scourge, he might disappear completely at that time. Thinking of the people around him, his sister, he decided that he would never take risks in the future, because he Now I am no longer alone, and sometimes I must not be too unscrupulous...


Sophie interrupted Ye Qianran's thoughts at this time, as if thinking of something, she said: "Brother, the power of Tongtian Pavilion knows your existence, and maybe they will trouble you in the future, you must be careful!"

"What kind of force is Tongtian Pavilion on the other side!"

After hearing what Sophie said, Ye Qianran couldn't help asking again.

Are you looking for him? Then the object of his hatred is Tongtian Pavilion. After all, if it weren't for this force, he probably wouldn't have so many things happen.

"Tongtian Pavilion is considered a relatively mysterious force on the other side. Usually, it rarely moves around. I have only heard of it, but I have never seen it. It is said that they were formed by the peak existence of various forces! The specific reason is not very clear. Clear!" Sophie also said what she understood.

Ye Qianran nodded, and didn't ask too much at this time, anyway, he will understand sooner or later when he goes there.

Because he knew in his heart that the escaped man knew a lot about him and would definitely report it, so he would definitely accept the search and arrest of Tongtian Pavilion, right?

Forget about the Land of Nine Serenities, but now Tongtian Pavilion has popped up again, and his head has really grown bigger.

With Sophie's support, Ye Qianran also came under the bed, moved around, and after feeling that there was nothing wrong with her, she also took the initiative to walk outside.

And after coming outside, I found that Long Wushuang, Bai Bingbing, Cheng Yuling, and the two men who followed Sophie were there, besides Han Xiangrou who was lying in front of his bed earlier, and the girl in a long purple dress. Han Xianglian, and several girls standing together, the scene was really amazing, at least he was dumbfounded when he saw this.

At this moment, he couldn't help fantasizing about what kind of scene it would be if all the sisters gathered together at the same time.

And seeing Ye Qianran get up, several people felt relieved from their worried expressions.

However, a few people also supported Sophie, so they were still worried that Ye Qianran would have trouble, but soon their thoughts disappeared, because Ye Qianran said directly at this time: "Come on, sisters, give me a kiss, and express my condolences." Soothe my wounded heart!"

When Ye Qianran was speaking, he took the lead in hugging Han Xiangrou and Han Xianglian in his arms, and kissed her. The two girls hadn't seen each other for a long time, and seeing that they were safe and sound, she was completely relieved down.

Han Xiangrou's face was blushing, it was fine if it was just her and her sister, but with so many people, she felt embarrassed.

And Han Xianglian was even more so, her face was full of unnaturalness, but she didn't say anything, and she was also very touched in her heart, because Ye Qianran endured such a big injury because of them, if it wasn't for this If not, they will probably be taken away by the people from Tongtian Pavilion.

In addition, during the few days when Ye Qianran was in a coma, they also got in touch with You Wushuang and the others, and found that they were all very nice, so they became familiar with each other, which Ye Qianran might not have thought of.

As for Ye Qianran kissing quickly at this time, but when Cheng Yuling and You Wushuang came, the two girls ran away. At last, seeing Sophie still standing there, she pulled her over and kissed directly on that little face. He nodded, and then he laughed, and in the midst of Sophie's rosy face, he grabbed Long Wushuang and Cheng Yuling, and there was a lot of laughter for a while, which sounded indescribably cheerful.

"He actually kissed the princess!"

The two people following Sophie had strange expressions.

"Yeah, after kissing one after another, the princess didn't feel disgusted at all!" The other person nodded.

"It seems that the princess really likes this kid!"

"Don't count on the mission, it's about to fail..."

"That's right, don't count on the last heavenly weapon, it's probably too much..."

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