Eternal Supreme

Chapter 769

When he came to the gate of Shenfeng Academy, Ye Qianran stopped again. At this time, he found that there were many people entering and leaving Shenfeng Academy, and he was surprised again. After a simple inquiry, he realized that the enrollment of the new season had begun.

Now that I think about it suddenly, it's definitely quite interesting.

Passing by the people who were coming in and out, Ye Qianran also walked in at this time, but was stopped by the people from Shenfeng Academy.

Ye Qianran just remembered something, spread out his left hand, and a medal appeared at this moment, and then put it on his chest.

The people who blocked Ye Qianran were stunned when they saw the medal, and looked a little disbelieving. They really didn't expect Ye Qianran to have the medal of teaching assistant.

But if Ye Qianran was a teaching assistant in Kamikaze, they must be very familiar with it, but Ye Qianran and the others have indeed never seen it, so they carefully checked Ye Qianran's medal at the moment, but the final appraisal result It is true.

"Where did you steal this medal, kid!"

One of them frowned slightly, looked at Ye Qianran coldly and said.


The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched after hearing this, but it's no wonder that his appearance is quite different from before, and he should be unfamiliar now, and he hasn't appeared in such a long time, it's quite normal to think about it, and he explained immediately: "It's not stolen. I can't steal this thing even if I want to. I used to be a teaching assistant here. I left because of some things. Now I just came back!"

"Really?" The two sounded suspicious.

"It must be!" Ye Qianran said helplessly, and after a pause, he said again: "I know many people in the academy, such as Elder Xing, Mentor Li, Feng Ruolan..." Ye Qianran said Also read a few names.

The two looked slightly surprised after hearing this, and then looked at Ye Qianran again before letting go.

In fact, it was true. The teaching assistant's medal was not so easy to get, so they didn't have any doubts at this time.

Walking into the academy, Ye Qianran breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced around. At this time, he found that there was not much change in the surroundings. When passing through the Alchemy Pavilion, Ye Qianran couldn't help but stop, and then went in to look After a glance, I found that everything was so familiar, but Elder Xing was missing.

Thinking back now, he didn't know what happened to Elder Xing, after all, he was poisoned by Bai Bingbing's poison...

Ye Qianran turned around, and then came to the classroom taught by Li Muyun. When he came there, he found that there were already some people inside. When he looked carefully, he found that the faces were quite strange. It looks like a replacement, but is Li Muyun still teaching here?

Thinking of Ye Qianran's expression, there was also some anticipation, he took off the medal on his chest, and sat down at a random place, and his figure was attracting the attention of many people at this time.

After all, Ye Qianran at this time is handsome and has a temperament, so the man looks jealous, and the woman is bright, but Ye Qianran has remained silent after sitting there, So until now, no one has come up to strike up a conversation.

As time passed, the surroundings soon became quieter. Ye Qianran looked up and found a familiar figure walking in. That person was none other than Feng Ruolan.

At this time, Feng Ruolan still looks very beautiful, or even more beautiful than before, her expression is less childish, but more mature and noble, she looks very moving, Ye Qianran looked at her face Unable to help, fluctuations also appeared, and the unspeakable feeling in my heart welled up in my heart.

Also, is Feng Ruolan still attending classes at this place?

When he was full of doubts, he also noticed a medal on Feng Ruolan's chest, which was the medal of the teaching assistant. That is to say, Feng Ruolan is also a teaching assistant now?

Then if Feng Ruolan is the teaching assistant, then the person who should assist is Li Muyun?

After all, the relationship between the two is so good, so when I think of this, my heart beats again unavoidably, and the strange color emerges again.

Seeing Feng Ruolan sat down at the front desk, Ye Qianran couldn't help but scrutinized her. The more she scrutinized, the more she found that Feng Ruolan was pretty, especially her small mouth, which was pink and moist, and her heart was agitated. People have an urge to kiss.

At this time, Feng Ruolan also felt that someone was always staring at her, she frowned slightly, and couldn't help but look up. When she saw Ye Qianran, she froze for a moment, feeling a little familiar, but full of He was unfamiliar, and he had never seen Ye Qianran before, but he was quite good-looking and tall.

"Who are you?"

Feng Ruolan hesitated for a while, and asked at this moment, looking at Ye Qianran with burning eyes.


Ye Qianran smiled, stood up and said, "Assistant Feng, I'm the latest student..."

"Ah oh..."

Feng Ruolan understood something, because it is the freshman season now, it seems that Ye Qianran must have performed very well, otherwise she would not have been arranged to come in, and said again immediately: "Then what is your name?"

Ye Qianran raised his eyebrows and said to his confidant: "Xingran, named Qianye!"

Immediately after he finished speaking, he felt that he was very smart, and it was okay to reverse the name.


Feng Ruolan said something suspicious at this time, but she didn't think much about it, she nodded and said, "What strength do you have now?"

"Oh, I'm at the Tianyuan level now!" Ye Qianran said.

"Tian Yuan?"

Feng Ruolan was surprised when he heard this, and many students around him also landed on him, and their expressions were also surprised.

"Uh, is it too high?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts at this time, but it seemed to be true, otherwise, the people around would probably not look at him like this.

"Tian Yuan should be in a higher grade, why are you arranged here!" Feng Ruolan asked aloud.


Ye Qianran coughed dryly and said: "I plan to start from a little bit, so that I will be more solid!"

Feng Ruolan was not suspicious when she heard Ye Qianran's words, she nodded and didn't ask too much...

And Ye Qianran sat there and continued to look at Feng Ruolan, this girl really looks more and more beautiful, the more she looks at it, the more she wants to look at it, the more charming she is.

Feng Ruolan naturally also noticed Ye Qianran's gaze, frowned slightly, somewhat disgusted, and then quietly waited there...

Not long after, there were more people around him. At this time, a man sat down next to him. He may have noticed his gaze. He reached out to touch Ye Qianran and said, "Isn't the assistant very good?" Does it look good?"

Ye Qianran turned his head and took a look, then nodded slightly and said, "It's really pretty..."

"But don't think about it...the teaching assistant has a husband, and he was appointed by the emperor..." the man shrugged helplessly.


Ye Qianran was taken aback after hearing this, could it be another prince? Immediately, I was anxious in my heart, and said quickly: "Who is that person, and when did it happen?"

"It seems that I used to be a teaching assistant. As for who it is, I don't know who it is. I also heard it from hearsay, and I have never seen it before!"

The man said something with a smile, and then suddenly said mysteriously: "Besides, I heard that the assistant's husband seems to be the same as our tutor's husband, tsk tsk, that guy is really enviable!"

"Ha ha!"

After Ye Qianran heard this, his voice disappeared immediately. Damn, I was really scared to death by this guy, but at that time he remembered that he was only acquiesced by the emperor, and he hadn't been hand-picked. Could it be that Feng Ruolan worked hard later? Did you take a handful?

When he was curious, the surroundings became quieter again. At this time, he was also touched by the people around him. He turned his head and found that the man was looking at the door, and immediately looked up.

When his gaze also looked over, he was stunned for a while, and his expression was also stunned at this time. Looking at the graceful figure, he couldn't look away for a while.

That's right, the person who came in at this time was Li Muyun, and Li Muyun was wearing a plain long skirt, her long hair was hanging loose, her expression looked a little soft, and she was also very beautiful, it was really shocking...


When he was fascinated, the man sitting next to him touched him and said: "Don't look around, these two are both famous people, hey, I really envy that kid more and more It's..."

"Hey!" The corners of Ye Qianran's mouth curled up. He really wanted to say that the person he admired was sitting next to him.

"Brother, my name is Tian Yonglin, what's your name!" the man asked suspiciously.

"Oh, Ran Qianye!"

Ye Qianran said his name upside down again.

"That's right, it seems that you are a newcomer who has rushed in, so I will take care of you in the future!" The man said again, and then he couldn't help but glanced at Ye Qianran's back. When he saw the two swords, his face was full Surprised, he immediately said: "This blue transparent sword is so beautiful..." He reached out and touched it.

Ye Qianran noticed the man's movement, stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed it: "Don't move, this sword... This sword is a family heirloom of our family, and cannot be touched by others!"

"Is it that exaggerated?"

The man curled his lips immediately after hearing this, and then turned his head, but his expression was unavoidably strange. It seemed that the sword was indeed quite beautiful...

Seeing that the man was not touching, Ye Qianran felt relieved, then turned her head and looked at Li Muyun again, her blank expression appeared again, she was really beautiful, and at this time Li Muyun's whole body revealed a woman Mature charm...

Glancing at that graceful figure, Ye Qianran couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Although he had intercourse before, they all ended in failure. Now that he doesn't have this influence, it's okay... Thinking about it, the light came out at this moment.

And Li Muyun also noticed something, looked up, and when she saw Ye Qianran, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she also frowned, because Ye Qianran's gaze made her feel very uncomfortable...

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