Eternal Supreme

Chapter 773

"What do you think?"

After a simple kiss, Ye Qianran also let go of Feng Ruolan, the corners of her mouth were raised, and she asked with a smile.

"You're a bad guy!"

Feng Ruolan blushed and said it.

After hearing this, Ye Qianran chuckled and said, "That's right, he's a villain!" As he said that, he tightened his hands and hugged the two of them tightly at the same time.

Li Muyun leaned against Ye Qianran's arms. At this time, she also breathed that familiar breath, and her pair of jade hands tightly grasped Ye Qianran's clothes, as if she was afraid that Ye Qianran would leave again.

After the three of them were silent for a while, Li Muyun's pink lips moved, and finally couldn't help saying: "My husband, you must have had a hard time after you left!"

Unknowingly, Li Muyun had already changed her name, and she was sure it was Ye Qianran, so she didn't think about it so much.

"No hard work!"

Ye Qianran said three words with a smile, the corner of your mouth curled up and said: "After going outside, I have various adventures, and at some point my strength has soared in various ways. I am quite lucky!"

Li Muyun naturally wouldn't believe it. She knew in her heart that there would be such a lucky thing. Even if it was an adventure, it would be impossible for Ye Qianran to have such a powerful ability without suffering. There must be some reason of.

The same is true for Feng Ruolan, and she took the initiative to say: "Then can you talk about it?"

Ye Qianran agreed, and simply began to narrate.

At this time, the two leaned against Ye Qianran's arms and listened. This time was definitely relatively long, but they listened with gusto...

And when Ye Qianran narrated, he also deliberately lowered the danger, it was just a simple experience... But would the two of them believe it?

When Ye Qianran narrated some girls, his expression was a little embarrassed, because he didn't know whether he should say it or not?

Finally, after thinking about it, this kind of thing has to be faced sooner or later, so he gritted his teeth and began to narrate, but when he narrated, he was cautious, for fear that the two of them would get angry at this time.

Although there is no concept of monogamy in this world, who doesn't want their husband to treat themselves sincerely?

So when he narrated his sister paper, he looked at the two of them cautiously...

Then he found that Li Muyun was fine, but Feng Ruolan stretched out her hand to pinch him from time to time, but the pinch was very light, and Ye Qianran didn't feel much pain at all...

Time passed by little by little, and at noon, Ye Qianran also finished his brief narration from the beginning, and after the narration was finished, he had a dry smile all over his face.

Li Muyun raised her head and glanced at Ye Qianran at this time, her expression slightly resentful, but then she pursed her lips and smiled and said: "My husband is very suave...but when we are no longer, he will take care of you, so Husband, don't worry too much!"

Ye Qianran was stunned, why did he have such thoughts?

Han Youyu is like this, Cheng Yuling is like this, he found that everyone is kind...

"Even so, you are not allowed to look for it anymore, there are... so many, if you are looking for it, I will ignore you in the future..." Feng Ruolan said from the side.

"Yes, yes, I am content with you!"

When Ye Qianran spoke with a smile, she was really relieved, it's okay, it's okay, otherwise the two women would get angry, and she would really be coaxed for a while.

And the two of them are like this now, which also made his heart full of emotion, and immediately hugged the two of them and kissed them on the face.

"At first we wanted to tell you about Sister Bingbing, but now it seems that there is no need for it!"

Li Muyun spoke again, because Bai Bingbing left at that time, but this time she didn't expect that Ye Qianran would be with Bai Bingbing when she came back this time.

Ye Qianran nodded, he understood what happened to Bai Bingbing, but now he was worried about what happened to Elder Xing.

"Then when are we going to see them?" Li Muyun hesitated and spoke again.

Feng Ruolan also nodded lightly. In fact, they were all a little worried. Will they be unhappy after meeting?

"The day after tomorrow will be fine!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile, he was actually counting the time, he was at the Li family today, and he would definitely go to the palace to meet the emperor tomorrow, otherwise it really wouldn't make sense, so after he finished speaking, he blinked and said: " Now I just want to be with you! Come and hug..." After finishing speaking, the two exclaimed at the same time, and Ye Qianran hugged her on the bed...

They didn't eat lunch, they just hugged and chatted together...

After an afternoon passed, the three of them left the room. Ye Qianran must at least meet Mr. Li when he comes back this time...

Feng Ruolan left at this time. In fact, she didn't want to leave, but she also chose to let Ye Qianran and Li Muyun have a space to be alone.

In the lobby of the Li family, Ye Qianran and Li Muyun were sitting on the side, Mr. Li was sitting at the first place, and there were some important figures of the Li family in the lobby. They all looked at Ye Qianran with surprise at this time, and perhaps they didn't believe Ye Qianran. However, it has changed so much.

In order to prove his identity, Ye Qianran summoned Xiao Hei, followed by the Li family's jade pendant, and finally the medal as a teaching assistant. Only at this time did the Li family believe it.

Mr. Li was not in a hurry at this time, and asked about Ye Qianran's strength.

Ye Qianran smiled, and his mental power surged, and the coercion caused by that had already decided everything.

Mr. Li was indeed shocked. He really didn't expect Ye Qianran to have such terrifying strength in such a short period of time, but then he thought of something and said directly: "On the side of the Or Mountain Range, the former emperor Is it you who released the person?"


Ye Qianran was startled, he thought that he would definitely be asked about it when he came back, so he shook his head decisively and said: "How could that be, I happened to pass by at that time, so let me know, if it was me, I can definitely bring you People leave, there is no need to tell!"

After hearing this, Mr. Li nodded and said: "That's good..." After saying the three words, he paused for a moment, then asked again: "How many heavenly weapons do you have?"

At that time, he heard the emperor said it, but now that he thinks about it, he still can't believe it.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and finally said slowly: "There are seven in total, and one of them is in a sealed state, and one is comparable to a heavenly weapon, but it is not a heavenly weapon!"

Mr. Li's body trembled, and he was shocked again. It is very difficult for ordinary people to see one. Having one is simply a gift, but what about Ye Qianran? To have so many? It's really unimaginable...

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