Eternal Supreme

Chapter 791

"Go and call out your patriarch!"

After coming to the lobby of the Bai family, Ye Qianran landed on an old man and said coldly: "Don't try to escape, run away and die!"

After the old man heard Ye Qianran's words, his heart trembled. He was also an elder of the Bai family, and he never thought that he would get to where he is today.

Who is Ye Qianran? How can he have such a strong strength at such a young age? It's really unimaginable...

After the old man left, Ye Qianran was not in a hurry. With the corners of his mouth raised, he took Sophie and the others to sit beside him, and waited patiently. He glanced in the direction of Anya.

And when he looked over, a pair of eyes also quickly dodged at this time, it was Ansha.

Ye Qianran's face is full of strangeness, the relationship is complicated now... But now is not the time to think about this problem, so he temporarily put this thought out of his mind.

That's right, don't think about it now, and wait for one thing to be solved before talking about one thing.

Not long after footsteps sounded, Ye Qianran looked up and saw the old man walking in with a young man.

After the man came in, his eyes fell directly on the Great Elder, and a look of joy also appeared at this time.

Seeing the old man bring the man over, the Great Elder's face suddenly changed slightly, and at this moment the man said: "Grandpa, the problem has been solved?" Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, saw Ansha and Anya again, and said in a daze, "Grandpa, who are these people, and how did these two elves come out? Has the Concordance Disbandment been lifted?"

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the man with a glance and said with a smile: "Brother, is it possible that you are the patriarch of the Bai family?"

"That's right!"

The man nodded and said proudly, "Who are you?"

"Shut up!"

The Great Elder's face changed slightly, and he spoke out angrily.

"What's wrong, Grandpa!" The man's face was full of doubts.


Ye Qianran glanced at the great elder, and after speaking with a smile, he looked at the man and said, "You are just the grandson of the great elder, how can you be qualified to be the head of the Bai family?"


At this time, the man also saw that things seemed to be not that simple, so he hesitated at this moment.


Ye Qianran said indifferently, a huge coercion fell on the man, and his voice was full of murderous intent at this moment.

The man's face was full of horror, and he said immediately: "Grandpa thinks that the patriarch is too cowardly and dare not try many things, so the joint elders abolished him, so I came up!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran smiled and said, "Isn't that good? What about the former patriarch? And maybe not all the elders support it? What about the other elders?"

"Those who disobeyed killed two, and the other two stayed and were imprisoned with the former patriarch!" The man's expression was full of panic.

Ye Qianran's face was full of helplessness, it seemed that it was really the same as he imagined, but the former patriarch and the two elders did not die, which is still good news, although they don't know the purpose of the other party, but this is definitely not bad.

"What about them? Let's invite them together!"

Ye Qianran spoke again, anyway, it's all like this, so it can be solved once.

The old man also understood what he heard, nodded and turned back again, and Ye Qianran's eyes fell on the elder at this time and said: "Senior is really a good way to play, why do you like to play this tune?" ? It’s not yours, it’s yours if you snatch it?”

"It's not up to you to care about it!" The Great Elder snorted coldly, and his voice sounded full of anger.

Ye Qianran smiled immediately and said: "But I'm in charge!" After speaking, he glanced coldly at the elder, leaned back on the chair and continued to wait.

And Bai Bingbing looked outside the door from time to time, the former patriarch, that should be her uncle, right?

In anticipation, footsteps sounded very quickly. Not long after, the old man came in with three people. A middle-aged man and two old men looked weak and pale. It seemed that the days of being detained were not great.

After the three of them came in, their eyes fell on the great elder at the same time, and unspeakable anger appeared at this moment.

"Hmph, I don't know what the Great Elder meant by calling the three of us here?" The middle-aged man spoke at this time, although his voice was weak, but his voice still sounded resonant.

The Great Elder snorted coldly, turned his head without opening his mouth, and at this point, he could only admit defeat, what more could he say?

The middle-aged man was full of doubts, and at this moment he also noticed Ye Qianran and his party. When he saw Xing Lao, he was stunned and said, "Xing Lao, why are you here?"

Xing Lao smiled and said: "I'm not the only one here..." He said and looked at his granddaughter.

But at this time, Bai Bingbing stood up, looked at him with purple eyes, and felt a familiar feeling in his heart. It was his uncle Bai Shuheng, and said with a trembling voice, "Uncle?"

After the words fell, the middle-aged man looked at Bai Bingbing, his expression unavoidably dumbfounded, and after a careful look, he said tremblingly: "Bingbing?"

Hearing the man's words, Bai Bingbing knew that he had recognized the wrong person, bit her lips and nodded lightly. She remembered that when she was a child, her uncle would bring a lot of fun things with him every time he went home, and he was very kind to her, but Now that's just a memory.

"Bingbing, why are you here? Who are these people?"

As Bai Shuheng spoke, he also noticed the taste.

Ye Qianran stood up at this time, glanced at Bai Shuheng and said, "Hello, uncle, I am Bingbing's husband, and I am here to rescue you this time!"

Bai Shuheng was stunned, no wonder it was so. After taking a deep breath, he glanced at the old man, and finally withdrew his eyes and said bitterly: "Thank you very much, but the Bai family is like this, so I let you see the joke, but you Why did you come here?"

Ye Qianran also knew Bai Shuheng's doubts, and immediately described the ins and outs of the future completely.

After hearing this, Bai Shuheng's expression changed slightly, his eyes fell on the great elder and he said angrily: "Although the Bai family is a poison sect, they have never harmed people like this before, and now the face of the Bai family is really embarrassing to you all." Yes, it's really good!"

As he spoke, Bai Shuheng's face was full of anger.

Ye Qianran sat down at this time. Now it is the Bai family's own business, and he is not suitable for meddling, but he still has a doubt, that is, why did the great elder keep them until now?

When Ye Qianran was puzzled, Bai Shuheng's eyes fell on the elder, and he said for a long time: "According to the rules of the Bai family, you should understand the consequences, but you are also the elder of the Bai family, so I punish you to swallow the ten thousand evil pills." , if you perform well, I will give you the antidote on a regular basis, if not, then let it go!"

"Evil pill?"

Ye Qianran was puzzled when he heard the name, at this time Bai Bingbing seemed to understand something and said: "Wan Evil Pill is slow. Sexual. Poison Pill, I heard from my mother when I was a child that everyone and everyone's refining can't understand. And the purpose of Wan Evil Pill is also to control those disobedient members of the family!"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran suddenly realized, nodded slightly and said: "It's interesting!" After speaking, his eyes fell on the elder.

And the face of the great elder really changed slightly, but in the current situation, resistance would not do him any good. He clenched his fists and finally compromised. After all, Ye Qianran is here, and they seem to have no other choice. .

The few people following the Great Elder also frowned, but they didn't say anything in the end...

Next, under Ye Qianran's supervision, Bai Shuheng used materials to refine the poisonous pill, and it was not over until several people swallowed it.

Ye Qianran and his party did not leave that night, but chose to stay in Bai's house. After eating the thank-you banquet set up by Bai Shuheng that night, Ye Qianran and his party also returned to the room early.

Lying on the bed, Ye Qianran couldn't help thinking of Ansha and Anya again. The affairs of the Bai family had stopped, and this matter should really be thought about carefully, otherwise it would be really uncomfortable to hold it in her heart.

But during the consideration, he never thought of any better solution, because he didn't know Ansha's thoughts in his heart, and it was difficult to make a decision at all. Could it be possible to pretend that it never happened and let it go?

After a long time, Ye Qianran sighed, feeling a little helpless, it seems that he needs to find a chance to talk to Ansha, this kind of thing is a hurdle for him, and it should be for her too.

Unless we don't meet in the future, meeting is embarrassing!

But Anya is here, how could it be possible not to meet?

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Ye Qianran and his group did not leave, and Bai Bingbing also chatted with Bai Shuheng, and finally when it came to how to solve the problem of the criminal elder, Bai Shuheng took Ye Qianran's problem into consideration. Come up with a way.

However, this method sounds simple, but in reality it is very difficult.

Because the sky fire can restrain any toxin, Ye Qianran must use the sky fire to incinerate and run around in Xinglao's body.

But it's nothing if you can control it well. If you can't control it, it will definitely kill Xing Lao on the spot.

It is definitely a very bold decision to control the operation of Tianhuo in other people's bodies. Ye Qianran thinks that there is no problem in controlling it. After all, his spiritual cultivation has also reached the level of crossing the gods, but after all, Tianhuo is too domineering. Any problems during the period Will be life-threatening.

Moreover, the source of Xing Lao's body is also rendered by toxins, which is the most difficult.

So this also made Ye Qianran a little cautious. After all, if the degree of grasping is not good, the problem will be serious. However, after thinking for a long time, he finally decided to try it. After all, even if the situation of Xing Lao is not like this, it may continue Life is in danger...

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