Eternal Supreme

Chapter 800

"Why does it feel weird!"

In the middle of the night, Ye Qianran took Bai Bingbing to the outside. At this time, his face was full of strange colors, because it felt like he was 'stealing', but there was no way, both Sophie and Guoguo here I am……

"What's wrong?"

Bai Bingbing's face was still rosy, and her expression seemed a little nervous, but she already had her own heart, and now she just gave it to Ye Qian wholeheartedly, so she was very happy in her heart.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Qianran spoke again, and galloped out again with Bai Bingbing.

And after the two left, a figure came out from the wooden house, rubbing those eyes with both hands.

The person who came out was Guoguo. She sensed Ye Qianran's departure, so she followed. When she regained consciousness, a pair of purple eyes looked curiously at the direction where the two left. Just as she was about to follow Ye Qianran When going up, the space surged, and Sophie's figure appeared beside Guoguo.

"Sister Sophie!" Guoguo said after seeing Sophie.

Sophie nodded, and looked at the direction in which Bai Bingbing and Ye Qianran were leaving. She was full of doubts. She naturally felt it, but the reason why she didn't follow must be that there was something wrong with the two of them, but seeing Guoguo They all came out, so this one also came out.

"Brother and Sister Bingbing are out!"

Guoguo said something, and then she was full of worry: "Is my brother leaving?"

"Probably not!" Sophie was taken aback when she heard this, and then she denied it. But when she was about to say something, the purple awns surged, and Guoguo rushed forward.

"Guoguo!" Sophie said quickly at this time, because the girl was only wearing a simple apron, her face flushed a little, and she quickly chased after her.

And when Ye Qianran and Bai Bingbing came to the vicinity of Yinyang Lake, the spiritual power of Ye Qianran surged, and the flowers and plants filled the air at this time, and then the trees surged, and a simple tree house appeared like this. At this time, he also Pulling the slightly nervous Bai Bingbing into it...

When she came inside, Ye Qianran also pulled Bai Bingbing to sit beside the 'bed', seeing her nervous face, she couldn't help but smiled, whispered, and kissed her lightly when Bai Bingbing turned her head, But not long after, he let go of Bai Bingbing and covered his lips with his hands.

"I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean it!"

Bai Bingbing became even more nervous, she really did not expect to bite Ye Qianran's lips.


Ye Qianran simply said two words, and then said with a gentle expression, "Do you still have to say sorry to me?"

Bai Bingbing was stunned, then looked at Ye Qianran's gentleness, warmed his heart, and nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran felt that Bai Bingbing had relaxed a bit, and kissed her lightly at this time. This time it was much better than the first time. Gradually, Bai Bingbing also relaxed more...

Not long after, the light bloomed at this moment, and Ye Qianran's spiritual power also surged and bloomed at this moment...

In fact, Ye Qianran is a little surprised now, because the spiritual power in Bai Bingbing's body is very strange. When it was transferred together, his sky fire did not swallow it, but it remained in his body. It is a special toxin of disaster. what?

When he was surprised, he didn't pay attention to it. The existence of heavenly fire on his body will definitely not have any effect on his body...

"Sister Sophie, why don't you go!"

Outside, after Guoguo and Sophie came near Yinyang Lake, they found that Sophie had stopped, so her face was full of doubts.

Sophie's face turned rosy. They felt that the two of them came out alone, so they were a little confused, but after following them, she found something wrong, and after seeing the simple wooden house, she also guessed something, and She was even more aware of the huge surging divine sense, so she stopped blushing.

At this time, when Guoguo asked him this question, she really couldn't answer, so she could only say unnaturally: "The two of them have something to do, let's not go, let's go!"

After hearing this, Guoguo became even more curious and said, "Then I'll go and have a look, Sister Sophie, wait here!" After speaking, she galloped towards the wooden house.

"Guoguo!" Sophie said quickly, wanting to stop her, but Guoguo's speed was so fast that she could only watch her get in, and her footsteps could only stop halfway, her red eyes, Glancing at the wooden house again, he finally bit his lower lip lightly, and turned back with a rosy face.

Although she also likes Ye Qianran in her heart, how can she be ashamed to face such a thing...

In the simple wooden house, the spiritual power became more and more intense, but when it reached a certain limit, it began to restrain itself, and then gradually disappeared on the two of them.

Ye Qianran felt his own divine thoughts at this time, and found that it was very strong, but the distance breakthrough was not enough. He thought he had to try a few more times. In addition, he also deliberately felt the source of his own body, and found the source of five colors Among them, there is already another origin, which can be mobilized alone or combined, which is indescribably strange.

And that source should contain toxins, but the strange thing is that his sky fire never devoured it...

But this is also good, so does it count as an extra source in his body?

After feeling it, Ye Qianran also opened his eyes at this time, and when he turned his head to look at Bai Bingbing, he found a pair of purple eyes looking at them curiously, and his face was also slightly rosy.


Ye Qianran froze there for a moment, then his mouth gradually opened wide, and then his face was full of embarrassment, why did Guoguo follow?

But Bai Bingbing didn't know that she had no strength at this time, and she curled up against Ye Qianran's arms, never noticing Guoguo beside the bed.

"Brother, what are you doing with Sister Bingbing?"

Guoguo finally asked, and when she spoke, her face was flushed. She had been in for a while, so she looked at it for a while, and this time, she was full of curiosity and doubts. In addition, she also felt Feeling a little strange, a pair of legs are involuntarily pressed together.

After Guoguo's words fell, Bai Bingbing's body trembled involuntarily, and a pair of eyes opened at this moment. The next moment, her face was extremely red and shy. When did Guoguo come here?

When she thought of this, Guoguo also came to the simple bed at this time, and got into Ye Qianran's arms...

Ye Qianran's restlessness that had been suppressed also surged at this time, and he was at a loss for a while. You must know that he has no clothes on his body, and although this girl has them, it is just a simple bellyband, almost is negligible...

"Brother, are you okay!"

Guoguo whispered something, her little face was also slightly rosy, her body twisted involuntarily at this moment, and with the twisting, the strange feeling also began to spread at this time, and the purple eyes gradually revealed out of embarrassment...

Ye Qianran looked at Guoguo at this time, her heart beat even stronger, her agitation was even more boiling, she opened her mouth but said nothing...

Guoguo's body was still twisting, and finally raised her head to look at Ye Qianran and said, "Brother, Guoguo is so uncomfortable...uh..." When Guoguo was halfway through her words, Ye Qianran couldn't help but kiss him lightly. go up...

Guoguo's mouth is very sweet, still smelling of candy, and gradually his mind is immersed in it. Anyway, it's the same, so let it be, thinking of Ye Qianran also feels relieved...

Bai Bingbing's face was rosy at the side, and she finally turned her body, but the pervasive voice made her body tense up again...

"Well, brother, it hurts..."

The small voice fluctuated again with the huge spiritual force. When it spread completely, a strong light surged from the two of them again. Suddenly, a dragon and a fire phoenix surged and intertwined with each other. That's right, when After Ye Qianran and Guoguo combined, the blood power in both of them surged and exploded.

Under Ye Qianran's situation, his divine sense was also united with Guoguo's spiritual world. At that moment, his spirit reached a peak in an instant, and his soul received a certain impact. At that moment, Ye Qianran's mind went blank...

After a night of nothing, when Ye Qianran woke up the next day, the first thing he felt was the changes around him, as if everything in his eyes was full of life. Yes, he felt the power of heaven and earth as if there was life. Some are active, some are dull...

Spread out your right hand, with a slight fluctuation of your spiritual sense, a light cluster instantly gathered in your hand...

Have you broken through?

Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise at this time, the first level of soul cultivation, is it the soul level?

While the light was floating, Ye Qianran also entered his own spiritual space, and found that the dragon had disappeared, but a miniature version of it was floating there, and there was a dragon hovering around the miniature version of it, which seemed to be full of emotions. surprise.

When he saw all this, he knew that he might really have made a breakthrough, because such a change had never occurred before.

"My brother has actually entered the level of soul cultivation!" At this moment, Xiao Mei walked up, her expression full of joy.

"Is that really the case?" Ye Qianran was stunned, thinking about asking Xiaomei why.

Xiaomei thought for a while, and finally said: "Well, I only know that my brother's bloodline and her bloodline have undergone a huge fusion..."

"Is it?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, and after a brief chat with Xiaomei, he also exited the mental space. When he turned his head and looked at Guoguo, he was stunned again, because Guoguo's body had grown a lot again , and the appearance is more detailed, and the figure is close to perfection...

"what happened?"

Ye Qianran's face was full of curiosity instantly, Guoguo's stimulation to him can definitely be said to be very great, otherwise he would not be able to reach this state now, let alone break through to soul cultivation...

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