Eternal Supreme

Chapter 811

"May I have your name?"

Ye Qianran put away his smile, looked at the girl and said.


The girl replied: "My name is Yan Ruxue..."

Ye Qianran raised her eyebrows and said, "What about your sister?"

"My sister's name is Yan Rubing..." Yan Ruxue said.

"All nice names!"

Ye Qianran exclaimed, now he also knows Xiaobai's name, Yan Rubing? Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth turned up, he looked at Yan Ruxue and said, "Then how far is it from your Black Sable Clan, can you take me there?"


Yan Ruxue nodded slightly. She felt that Ye Qianran was not a bad person. Otherwise, she would not have saved her at all, let alone fed her with blood. Okay, so she has an unspeakable gratitude to Ye Qianran in her heart.

But after agreeing, his expression became hesitant again.

Ye Qianran also saw Yan Ruxue's expression and understood what she meant, and said with a smile, "You are afraid that you will be forced to marry when you go back, right? Don't worry, I'll help you out!"

"En!" Yan Ruxue nodded heavily after hearing this, she didn't know why, but she chose to trust Ye Qianran.

Yao Qianyu also heard the conversation between the two, and when she opened her eyes and saw Yan Ruxue, she didn't show any surprise.

As Ye Qianran who fused bloodlines, the more fusion origins contained in his body, the more prominent the effect of bloodlines, and according to her calculations, there are many origins in Ye Qianran's body, and they are all unique, so Yan Ruxue Being able to change form is definitely within the normal range.

After simply eating, Ye Qianran followed Yan Ruxue and started on the road.

Although this area is extremely dangerous, Qiqi seems to be fine, after all, the aura is there.

In this case, the higher the IQ, the stronger the monster will not approach, because it understands, so even if it is close, although the strength is very strong, it can be easily dealt with by Qiqi.

Three or four days passed, Ye Qianran looked at Yan Ruxue and said, "How long will it be?"

"Well, if you hurry up, you may be able to arrive this evening!"

Yan Ruxue looked at the sky and said, "We, the Black Sable Clan, are right in the mountains ahead!"

Ye Qianran raised his head and glanced at the mountains in the distance, his heart couldn't help being agitated again, he immediately summoned Xiao Hei, temporarily called Qiqi to the sealed space, took the two of them, and galloped towards the mountains in the distance out.

As time passed, when Ye Qianran came to the mountain range, it was approaching evening. At this time, Ye Qianran glanced at the mountain range, and found that the space inside the mountain range was very large, and there was even a waterfall, which looked quite spectacular Yes, in addition, he also discovered a lot of stone house tribes, and here I think it is the Xuanmao tribe.

As for the Xuan mink clan, it is absolutely rare to be able to choose to live in this kind of place, because the power of heaven and earth here is so strong.

"Don't be too nervous!"

Ye Qianran seemed to turn his head to look at Yan Ruxue, and found that her expression was nervous, so he couldn't help saying something with a smile, then turned his head and landed in the tribe, causing Xiao Hei to stab and circle around. And when he was not far from the ground, he stretched out his arms to hold the two of them and fell down, and Xiao Hei also got into the scabbard.

After they came down, Ye Qianran looked around first, and found that although it was in the middle of the mountains, the environment was unspeakably good.

Two white shadows passed by and landed not far away. In the hazy white light, two figures appeared at this moment. They were two young-looking men wearing white robes. At this time, they looked at them with a slight frown. , but when he saw Yan Ruxue, his expression was stunned at the same time.

"Ru Xue?"

One of the men said in great surprise, because Yan Ruxue gave them a sense of familiarity, and the reason for the surprise was simple, that is, Yan Ruxue's strength was not enough to transform into form, but now It has reached the level of transformation.

"Two uncles!"

Yan Ruxue said timidly at this time, her expression became more nervous, so she couldn't help but leaned against Ye Qianran's back.

Just because of this, the eyes of the two fell on Ye Qianran at the same time, and after looking at each other, their expressions suddenly became vigilant.

Yan Ruxue's sudden transformation was definitely not accidental, and according to normal thinking, it might have something to do with Ye Qianran.

With such a calculation, it is easy for people to mistakenly think that Ye Qianran has some purpose. After all, it is not so easy to transform Yan Ruxue.

Ye Qianran also saw the vigilance of the two, and immediately said: "I'm not a bad person, I just came to visit the Xuan Diao clan!"

"Really?" The two looked at each other, and the expression still didn't have the slightest belief.

Ye Qianran naturally saw it too, shrugged helplessly and said: "Of course, otherwise, do you think the two of us can make any noise against you as a group? Besides, even if there is a real purpose, there is no need for us to come here Already!"

Hearing what Ye Qianran said, the two felt that it was very reasonable, and said immediately: "Then who are you?"

Ye Qianran glanced at Yao Qianyu, and then said with a smile: "The heavenly family!"

"For God's sake?"

The two of them had obviously heard it before, so when they heard about the Tiansuan family, they were obviously surprised.

Yao Qianyu also understood something at this time, the strange spiritual power fluttered, a pair of pupils changed slightly, and a faint mark between the eyebrows also appeared.

The two could also see clearly, but they still asked: "Then what is the purpose of you coming to the Black Sable Clan!"

"Both uncles, it was Brother Qianran who saved me. If it wasn't for Brother Qianran, I... I had already been taken away by the bad guys. Besides, Brother Qianran knew my sister. They came here to see if my sister came back. !" Yan Ruxue chose to speak, and when she spoke, Ye Qianran's gaze was also full of gratitude.

Ye Qianran originally wanted to explain, but since Yao Qianyu said so, he also chose to shut up, because the effect of what Yan Ruxue said would have a lot more weight than him, after all, what Yan Ruxue said was also true. The mink family.

The expressions of the two changed slightly after hearing this, and they looked at Ye Qianran and said, "How did you know that Ru Bing is back?"

Ye Qianran's body visibly trembled at this time, and then unspeakable surprise surged from his heart, and he said quickly: "Could it be that she really came back? Then how is she now? Is she injured?"

He asked several questions one after another, because he was really too worried...

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