Eternal Supreme

Chapter 826


Ye Qianran was taken aback, Room 35, is that him? It seems that it was because of his urging just now, but I didn't expect that the urging was just to ask for a price, so I put it down and stopped playing now, more than 50 million gold coins, even selling a kidney can't be exchanged.

So after being ashamed, he still chose to keep a low profile, that's right, let's keep a low profile.

But after putting it down, he thought that there would be someone calling for the price, but he found that the surrounding area was very quiet, and most of the eyes were looking at him, with surprise and weirdness on his face.

Someone actually dared to lower the price of the city lord's mansion?

Although this scene is all from the City Lord's Mansion, this thing is really novel when it comes out, but now the City Lord's Mansion is asking for a price, they still have no bids, because no one in Tianfu dares to confront the City Lord's Mansion Ru.

What room is room 35? It seems to be an ordinary area, so high-profile, who is it?

In the room where the City Lord's Mansion is located, Rong Silan also froze for a moment, this is the first time she has seen such a situation...

"Number 35? Who is so courageous?" The old man sitting opposite Rong Silan had a gloomy face, which was definitely provoking the coercion of Tianfu.

Although the auctioneer was stunned for a moment, his reaction was relatively quick, and he immediately said: "Nobody raises the price for the first time, no one raises the price for the second time, the deal..."

When the word "deal" came out, Rong Silan also came back to his senses, looked at the sign in his hand, and bit his lips tightly, thinking about standing up, what a damned bastard, he was so embarrassed.

"Si Lan, where are you going?" The old man asked in a daze.

"I'll go find that guy!" Rong Silan's face was full of anger.

"No, it's still in the auction!" The old man was taken aback, and quickly said, "That's good, I'll help you get it back after the auction is over!"

Rong Silan frowned, finally nodded and said: "Then thank you, Grandpa Zhou!" After speaking, she walked towards the other side of the room. She likes to take a bath when she is in a bad mood, so maybe it will be easier.

The old man obviously understood, he smiled helplessly and turned his eyes back to the meeting place outside.


In Room No. 35, Ye Qianran instantly petrified, damn it, it was such a success, what and what, isn't this a good thing? Wasn't someone robbing it? Now everything is low-key.

More than 50 million, it is not enough to grow two kidneys...

"Husband, you..."

Yao Qianyu was also stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of strangeness.

"Ahem, I'll try..." Ye Qianran smiled wryly.

"Does that husband have so much money?" Yao Qianyu asked.


Ye Qianran smiled wryly again and shook his head. This auction is definitely not simple. He understood when the powerful aura swept through the door.

"Then what should we do now?" Yao Qianyu couldn't help asking after hearing this.

"What to do, find a way to escape!"

Ye Qianran coughed dryly, and the sound of knocking on the door rang out at this moment, his expression became tense, he hesitated and said: "Come in!"

After the words fell, a woman came in, holding a tray in her hand and placed it in front of Ye Qianran, saying: "Please inspect the goods, sir!"

"So fast?"

Ye Qianran's eyes widened, and then his eyes fluctuated quickly and said: "Okay!" After speaking, he opened it and took a look, the corners of his mouth twitched suddenly, and couldn't help saying: "Carrot?"


After Ye Qianran finished speaking, the woman was stunned for a moment, her face full of doubts, she didn't understand what the carrot in Ye Qianran's mouth meant.

Yao Qianyu and Yan Ruxue also looked at him curiously.

"Ha, carrot means that many spirits..."

When Ye Qianran said this, his heart was dripping with blood. Why did you buy a carrot for more than 50 million yuan? Of course, he still didn't say what he thought in his heart, and he still nodded very satisfied and said: "Well, this thing is genuine, I want it... Now that the auction is still going on, I want to auction a few more, and we will pay the bill together at the end." Bar!"

"Okay!" The woman nodded, picked up the tray, turned and walked out.

"What should we do now?" Yan Ruxue was full of worry.

"What can I do, I can't get the money out, let's run!" Ye Qianran's mouth twitched.

"How to run?"

Yao Qianyu was taken aback, this auction belongs to the City Lord's Mansion, and there are many masters here, so it's not easy to leave?

Ye Qianran thought for a while and said, "I know the power of space!"

Ye Qianran actually doesn't know if he can do it, but right now he can only try, thinking of this, he said directly: "You two come here, I will try to see if I can take you out!"


The two nodded and came to Ye Qianran's side.

At this moment, Ye Qianran exhaled and said: "It must be successful!" Thinking of this, he stretched out his hands and hugged the waists of the two of them. When the spiritual thoughts surged, the power of space also extended at this time When they got up, a certain distortion appeared around them in an instant, which looked extremely strange.

In fact, Ye Qianran at this time understood that it would be convenient to go out incognito by relying on the distorted space, but the chance of being discovered is too high, and if it is not done properly, he will never be able to leave if he wants to, so he must transfer.

He has been in contact with the transfer, and the contact person is Sophie. He and Sophie have a short-distance transfer, which is to use the power of the mind to perceive and transfer there, so when he thought of this, The mental power also opened up at this time...

At this time, he opened his mouth very carefully, there was no way, and he was still afraid of being discovered by experts, so now he had to keep a low profile, completely low profile, and there must be no accidents or situations.

When he thought of this, the sound of water suddenly came to his ears, huh?

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, the place where he was was instantly distorted, the next moment, the sound of water sounded, and all three of them entered a pool.

"what happened?"

Ye Qianran opened his eyes to look, and found a startled woman looking at them...

"Uh, is it her?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and found that it was the woman he had seen through the crack of the door before, and what he saw was the proof, that pretty face was slightly rosy, and the slightly familiar eyes looked full of astonishment...

His eyes shifted, and when the snow-white skin appeared in front of his eyes, his expression was obviously stunned. After a daze, his throat suddenly moved. His reaction was super fast. Although he really wanted to take another look, he continued. , is definitely going to die, and immediately opened the divine sense without any scruples, the space fluctuations surged again, and the bodies of the three disappeared again.

And just after the three of them disappeared, Rong Silan came back to his senses, and after he came back to his senses, his face was filled with anger and murderous intent, his chest heaved even more, and the palpitating Wu Yuan was even more turbulent He got up, quickly put on his clothes, and rushed outside.

And the place where Ye Qianran came out this time happened to be on the street. At this time, the three of them were all wet, but he didn't care so much at this time. Amidst the surge of space, the two of them hid at the same time, and walked towards Xuan He galloped out in the direction of the ice pavilion.

It's better not to stay in this prefecture, otherwise she will definitely die if she is found out, after all, that woman is from the city lord's mansion... and judging from her temperament, her identity is definitely not simple.

And after they rushed out, a graceful figure appeared in the position where the three of them had appeared before. Although the face was covered with a veil at this time, the anger in those eyes had reached the limit, damn it...

"Silan, what's going on?"

At this time, an old man appeared beside Rong Silan, Rong Silan came out so quickly, the worry on his face was self-evident.


Rong Silan bit her lower lip tightly, the murderous intent still hadn't dissipated, it would be fine if Ye Qianran was a woman, but he happened to be a man, and she already had a heart in her heart, so she was seen by someone while she was taking a bath Yes, the inner anger can be imagined.

She has now decided that no matter what method she uses, she must find that person...

At this moment, the two old men reappeared, frowning slightly.

"Why are you here?" The old man saw the doubts on the faces of the two old men.

"The people in room 35 disappeared and left!" One of the old men's face was full of surprise, because when they disappeared, they also felt a very powerful divine sense, so they followed the fluctuation of the divine sense , and then came here, but only two people were seen.

"Number thirty-five?"

Rong Silan was shocked when she heard this, she clenched her jade hands tightly, and said with a cold light in her eyes: "It turned out to be him, did you notice that breath?"

"En!" The two old men nodded at the same time.

"Investigate, we must not let them leave the Tianfu area!" Rong Silan said coldly.

The three old men were stunned at the same time, and looked at each other. How could Rong Silan's reaction be so strong, but the two old men nodded, and rushed out to search for it...

On the other side, after Ye Qianran galloped away from Fucheng, he galloped again for a long distance before stopping. Then he exhaled, wiped off his cold sweat and said, "Damn it, I finally ran out!" After looking at Yao Qianyu and Yan Ruxue, he said, "Are you all right?"


The two shook their heads, their faces were still rosy, and they naturally saw the previous scene very clearly.

"That's good!"

Ye Qianran breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and his whole body also relaxed at this time. After the surge of spiritual power covered their bodies, their wet bodies also became dry at this time.

"It's dangerous..."

After finishing everything, Ye Qianran glanced back, still a little bit terrified, because he felt very clearly that when they moved out, at least two people were watching them. If they ran slowly at that time, they would definitely will be blocked...

This is a trivial matter, the big deal is to find a way to escape, but he seems to have seen someone who shouldn't be seen, that is an absolute big deal...

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