Eternal Supreme

Chapter 837

"Chuchu, in a few days you will..."

Seeing that Zhong Chuchu followed out, the old man couldn't help but change slightly, but before he finished speaking, Zhong Chuchu's voice rang out again: "I don't need you to worry about it!"

A simple sentence blocked everything the old man wanted to say later, and at this time, the two of them also left here.

The old man came back to his senses with a wry smile on his face, why did her granddaughter suddenly become so capricious.

You must know that although her granddaughter is a little quiet and indifferent on weekdays, she has never disobeyed him, but now it is because of Ye Qianran that she has come to what she is today. If she had doubts before, he His granddaughter may be interested in Ye Qianran, so now it is certain.

Otherwise, I wouldn't take the initiative to offer to help.

What does he do now? Go out and stop it? He guessed that even if he succeeded in blocking it, his granddaughter would probably try every means to help.

Unless...unless he cancels his request to Ye Qianran, but he has already proposed it, and it seems not good to take it back now.

When he came outside, Zhong Chuchu let go of Ye Qianran with a rosy face and said, "Young master Ye, don't worry, I didn't expect my grandpa to embarrass you so much!"

Ye Qianran saw that Zhong Chuchu was still struggling with this matter, which proved that she still cared about this matter, and immediately said: "It doesn't matter, I am very grateful for you being able to do this, and besides..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qianran's voice paused and said: "I'll go by myself, you will be baptized in a few days, and now important things are on you!"

Zhong Chuchu bit her lower lip after hearing this, and finally said firmly: "Young Master Ye, I will definitely accompany you there!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, and just when he was about to persuade Zhong Chuchu, Zhong Chuchu said again: "What I have decided will not change, so Mr. Ye, don't try to persuade me!"

"All right!"

Ye Qianran was silent at this moment, and finally nodded in agreement, but he still asked: "Then how long are you until your baptism?"

"Five days!" Zhong Chuchu said.

"Okay, then let's do it as soon as possible!"

Ye Qianran saw that Zhong Chuchu was determined to follow him, so he was even more moved in his heart, and he didn't want to waste other people's time, so he had to finish it as soon as possible.

Because he heard it very clearly that day, if Zhong Chuchu couldn't break through the current level, then during the baptism, there might be problems due to the lack of support from the power of Xuanbing, and he would naturally not allow such a thing occurring.


Seeing that Ye Qianran agreed, Zhong Chuchu immediately nodded happily, with a little excitement in her expression.

"Then let's go now!"

Ye Qianran also relaxed, and after saying something with a smile, she followed Zhong Chuchu out.

When he came outside, Ye Qianran realized that the sky outside had already reached noon, and it was slightly warm under the sun.

At this time, Xiao Hei floated out of his body, and when he became bigger, Ye Qianran grabbed Zhong Chuchu and jumped up.

Coming to the top of Xiao Hei, after Ye Qianran asked Zhong Chuchu's location, he also let Xiao Hei gallop out.

The distance behind the mountain was farther than he had imagined, and now he also knew how huge the mountain range was. After galloping for a while, the sky was so dark that it couldn't be described. out of the suppressed.

And when the back mountain was reached, about an hour had passed, and Xiao Hei's speed was absolutely fast enough.

Feeling the cold wind all around, Ye Qianran's face was slightly surprised. After looking down, the color of surprise deepened. The mountain range was much bigger than he imagined. In addition, it was also affected by the surrounding area. , the trees in that mountain range are also extremely strange, like an ice forest, and the ice crystals are transparent, and there are white snowflakes...

"The location here is a bit special. It is surrounded by snow peaks, so the heavenly weapon is not stable, and there will be a lot of white snow..."

Zhong Chuchu saw Ye Qianran's surprise, and immediately explained: "However, although the environment here is a bit harsh, the power of heaven and earth is very strong, and it breeds a lot of medicinal herbs. Because of this, the monsters here are very strong. Those at the spiritual level are even more terrifying!"

At this point, Zhong Chuchu's voice paused, and he said again immediately: "Because of this, the monsters here are stronger than those outside!" As he spoke, his face was full of solemnity at this time.

In fact, it was because of these considerations that she felt very angry after her grandfather made this request. There was nothing so embarrassing, so she also chose to face it firmly with Ye Qianran.

"Then how powerful is that phantom snow leopard?" Ye Qianran asked curiously.

"There are several phantom snow leopards in this forest, but what grandpa said is the strongest one, which is equivalent to the existence of the overlord of an area..."

Zhong Chuchu said: "According to reliable information, that phantom snow leopard has already reached the high-level spiritual level, and it may be able to transform into a form after raising a level, so the degree of danger this time is still relatively high."

"How strong is that?"

Ye Qianran didn't know how to judge, and then said: "Where is the master of transformation than the Xuan mink clan?"

"Be strong!"

Zhong Chuchu said bluntly: "The Xuanzhao clan is an ancient clan of monsters. They are born with a certain bloodline, so they can transform themselves at the spiritual level. It's hard to judge if two people of the same level are compared, but I guess or fantasy. The snow leopard should be stronger!"

At this point, Zhong Chuchu's voice paused and said: "In addition, the phantom snow leopard has many talents. It can control the snow. So much snow in this mountain range is their masterpiece. In addition, this time we are facing a spirit beast. Because of the existence of super-levels, it will be stronger, and perhaps have stronger talents!"

Ye Qianran was shocked when he heard it. If so, it is really difficult. I guess there will be some difficulties for Qiqi, but thinking that there are two of them, it is a big deal. In short, he must take it. As far as the crystal nucleus and blood, this is the only way to recover Yan Rubing in his arms...

After letting Xiao Hei gallop again for a while, the surrounding area became more depressing, the snow clouds in the sky were thick, as if snow might fall at any time, but looking at the surrounding environment, it was a vast expanse of whiteness, it seemed It is very distinctive.

"Mr. Ye, let's go down. Not far ahead should be its habitat. If we pass by like this, we will definitely attract him, and I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to do so!" Zhong Chuchu said at this time.


Ye Qianran nodded, without thinking too much, she stretched out her arms and hugged Zhong Chuchu's waist, and her body fell downwards.

And Zhong Chuchu's heart was pounding like a deer at this moment, and her little face was flushed and hot.

Landing on the ground, Ye Qianran also let go of Zhong Chuchu, glanced forward, and did not use his divine sense easily, but chose to put his eyes on Zhong Chuchu, just when he was about to say something, he couldn't help noticing Zhong Chuchu's expression said: "Chuchu, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine!" Zhong Chuchu's face became even more rosy, and after she said something quickly, she walked forward, leaving behind Ye Qianran with a weird face...

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