Eternal Supreme

Chapter 841

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Qianran woke up at this time.

At this moment, it was still dark all around, Ye Qianran frowned again, the pain in his body made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

When he endured it, he also felt a person in his arms trembling there, and faintly crying sounds came from his ears.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and after recovering, he murmured softly.

And after his murmured voice fell, he clearly felt the person in his arms tense at this moment, and at this moment a cold little hand was placed on his face, and then a pleasant voice sounded: "Ye Son, are you alright?"

Zhong Chuchu also just woke up, and after she woke up, she felt that Ye Qianran seemed to have no breath. Looking back on everything, she thought that Ye Qianran lost her life in order to protect him, that's why she was so sad.

Although she heard Ye Qianran's voice at this time, she still didn't dare to be too sure in her heart, so after the surprise voice fell, a blue light bloomed at this time, and in an instant, the surroundings were also bright at this time up.

At this time, Zhong Chuchu also found that Ye Qianran opened his eyes and looked at her, but his face also looked a little pale, and he looked quite weak.

And Ye Qianran was also stunned, because Zhong Chuchu's face was full of tears at this time, giving people a feeling of weakness and beauty, just like a temporarily put flower.

"Master Ye, you..."

Seeing Ye Qianran's weakness, Zhong Chuchu couldn't help but twitched again, tears fell down again.

Ye Qianran wanted to laugh at this time, because Zhong Chuchu's current appearance completely overturned Zhong Chuchu's previous image in his heart.

It seems that there is no distance between the two, and there is also a distressing beauty.

"Where is this place?"

Ye Qianran asked at this time, his first thought was to divert Zhong Chuchu's attention, and the second was also a doubt in his heart, and after he finished speaking, he also took a quick look at the little mink in his arms , After confirming that there is no problem, I am relieved.

"I, I don't know too well!" Zhong Chuchu shook her head, amidst the blue light blooming, she looked forward, and found that the surroundings were transparent and bright, as if she was in an ice cave, there would be such a place here, she I really don't know.

Ye Qianran thought for a while, and in a simple calculation, he probably thought that they should be under that mountain, but he can't estimate how far they have fallen, and he can't estimate how far they have fallen.

In short, it should be very long and far away, but when he came down, the cost was huge, and the eight gates had been developed to the limit, and now he is in the weakest state, so he can't go out now, even if he wants to go out, I'm afraid it's too late. Just wait until it recovers.

When he was thinking this way, Zhong Chuchu also helped him up, and finally spread his right hand, and a pill emerged, which Ye Qianran swallowed.

And after Ye Qianran swallowed it, he felt a burst of warmth flowing, his whole body was indescribably comfortable at this moment, and his strength seemed to recover a little in an instant.

"There is still a road ahead, let's go over and see if we can get out!" Ye Qianran found that there was still a road where they were facing in the blue light, and couldn't help but say something immediately.

"But Mr. Ye can do it now? Otherwise, I'll go and see, you can rest here!" Zhong Chuchu was also worried that Ye Qianran's state was not good enough, so she was also a little worried.

"It's okay, let's go and have a look together!"

Ye Qianran felt pretty good because of Zhong Chuchu's elixir, so his body also recovered some strength, and said while holding the little mink with one hand.

"Oh well!"

Zhong Chuchu didn't want Ye Qianran to stay here alone, after all, he was worried in his heart, so he reached out his hand to help Ye Qianran up, and walked forward with one hand holding his arm.

Ye Qianran had a slightly strange expression at this time, looked at Zhong Chuchu many times, and her heartbeat also accelerated slightly.

Is Zhong Chuchu still the Zhong Chuchu he knew before? So his eyes will look at her from time to time...

Zhong Chuchu naturally felt it too, so her heartbeat also accelerated slightly, and her face flushed involuntarily. Thinking of the scene when Ye Qianran hugged her tightly when they were buried in the snow, thinking back now, she really felt that way at that time. but without the slightest fear,

And looking back now, she was really touched in her heart...


Just when she was thinking this way, Ye Qianran's figure came to her ears, and at this moment she suddenly felt that she had stepped on the ground, and after a cry of surprise, her body fell down.

Ye Qianran also followed at this time, but at this time, he also hugged Zhong Chuchu's body.

Anyway, he already has this kind of virtue, and the other technique of being beaten is probably used at this time.

And just when he thought of this, there was a touch and the sound of entering the water, and the two of them fell into the water at this moment.

Originally, these were nothing, but Ye Qianran felt the extreme biting cold in an instant, which he had never experienced in Yinyang Lake. The whole person seemed to be frozen in an instant, but the ice beads and mysterious ice in his body The ice beads are also very active at this time.

After Zhong Chuchu entered the water, she also felt the biting coldness. At this time, she first mobilized the exercises in her body, and then her expression froze, and she felt the amazing spiritual power rushing out of her body, and she froze. After getting off, I also felt the stiffness of my body.

And the water has no buoyancy at all at this time, and their bodies have been sinking.

Ye Qianran gritted his teeth, knowing that if this continues, even if there are mysterious ice beads in his body, the ice beads are unbearable. Seeing that the dive is getting deeper and deeper, and the biting cold is more thorough, the divine sense is in the air. At this moment, it surged, supporting their bodies to float upwards.

During the process, he found that Zhong Chuchu's whole body was stiff, and his face was even paler. He was slightly taken aback, the old way, resisting the stiffness, and kissed Zhong Chuchu's lips. The limit was reached, and the bodies of the two were also pulled out at this time...

And when they came outside, the two of them lay on the ground at the same time, but because their bodies were stiff, they still maintained their posture in the water at this time, which looked extremely weird...

Ye Qianran thought that his physique was absolutely good enough, but at this moment, he felt extremely cold. Where is this? How can it be so cold?

His words seemed to want to look around, but his body was still stiff and he couldn't move at all. Looking at Zhong Chuchu who was close at hand, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and at this moment, Zhong Chuchu's blue eyes also opened, and at that moment , which is full of shyness...

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