Eternal Supreme

Chapter 845

"Qiqi, be quiet..."

Just when Zhong Yihao was at a loss, a helpless voice sounded.

Zhong Yihao was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he found that the separated six heads and nine heavens stretched out their hands, and they were combined at this moment, and the huge body that was combined suddenly shrank down at this moment.

After shrinking down, he turned around and jumped out, then jumped directly beside a person and squatted down.

Zhong Yihao's face was full of astonishment, who has such great ability to subdue all the beasts of the Nine Heavens?


A happy voice sounded, and Zhong Yihao was taken aback again. At this time, he saw clearly that the person who subdued the Nine Heavens Beast was not Ye Qianran, and the one beside Ye Qianran was Zhong Zhong Chuchu who called his grandfather just now, wasn't it?

At this time, the two also came up, Ye Qianran smiled dryly, looked at Zhong Yihao and said: "Senior, are you okay!"


Zhong Yihao's expression became a little weird, and then his eyes fell on Qiqi's body and said: "Your?"


Ye Qianran nodded and said: "My little friend!" With a smile all over his face, he saw that Qiqi was fine, and he was completely relieved in his heart.

Zhong Yihao's expression became surprised again, he took a deep look at Ye Qianran and said: "The young man is actually not bad, he is worthy of my granddaughter!"

That's right, now Zhong Yihao is only because of the Nine Heavens Divine Beast.

Because the strength of the Nine Heavens Divine Beast is recorded, so his heart is very deep, and Ye Qianran can tame such a powerful existence, and he definitely has a strong talent, otherwise, he would never be able to do this.

Zhong Chuchu didn't expect her grandfather to say such words suddenly, her face turned red immediately, but she also had some joy in her eyes, since Zhong Yihao was like this, it could be regarded as recognition of Ye Qianran.

Even though he thought so, Zhong Chuchu still said at this moment: "Grandpa, why are you here!"

"Isn't it because I'm worried about you!"

Zhong Yihao glanced at Zhong Chuchu and said: "You will be baptized the day after tomorrow, if you delay here, you will definitely not be able to finish it, and you have not moved for three days, I am also afraid that something will happen to you! "

Zhong Chuchu nodded slightly, her heart was still warm, at least her grandpa still loved her so much, and said bluntly after thinking: "Grandpa, something happened to us, about the phantom snow leopard...we...we No successful kill!"


Zhong Yihao was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the corpse of the phantom snow leopard and said, "Isn't that right?"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran and Zhong Chuchu were stunned at the same time, and then turned their heads to look over. At this time, they also saw the blood-stained phantom snow leopard, and their expressions instantly became even more astonished.

Especially Ye Qianran quickly recognized that the appearance of the phantom snow leopard is definitely Qiqi's masterpiece. Sure enough, Qiqi also called out twice at this time.

Ye Qianran smiled, spread out a few pills with his right hand, and threw them to Qiqi at this time.

At this time, Zhong Yihao glanced at Qiqi again, and then walked towards the phantom snow leopard, spread out his right hand, took out the crystal nucleus in a surge of spiritual power, then took out a bottle, and got some of the plasma again, there was no way Well, the blood froze in this kind of weather, but it was precisely because of this kind of weather that the phantom snow leopard's blood would not deteriorate.

"Senior, did our folic acid complete the task?" Ye Qianran asked cautiously.

"Of course!" Zhong Yihao nodded with a smile after hearing this, and then said, "It should be easier to treat the black mink in your arms with these, and maybe it can improve her strength!"

After Zhong Yihao's words fell, Ye Qianran and Zhong Chuchu were stunned at the same time. At this moment, Ye Qianran finally couldn't help but said: "Do you need these to treat it, senior?" As he spoke, Ye Qianran's face was full of surprise.

"Of course!" Zhong Yihao nodded lightly, otherwise what would I ask for this! "

As he said that, he gave Zhong Chuchu a helpless look. He knew her granddaughter's temper very well, but he didn't say it out because of face, but it seems that it's not too late to say it now.

Ye Qianran understood a lot in an instant, and Zhong Chuchu's expression was also a little moved.

"Okay, let's go back, no matter what, I can rest assured that you are fine!" Zhong Yihao said with a smile, and then took the lead and galloped out.

"Then let's go too!"

Ye Qianran said something simply, at this time, she naturally took Zhong Chuchu's jade hand and followed.

Ye Qianran may not have thought much about it, but when Zhong Chuchu was pulled by him, her heart beat obviously accelerated, and an unspeakable feeling echoed in her heart involuntarily.

Taking a sneak peek at Ye Qianran, Zhong Chuchu also noticed that through this contact, their relationship has progressed a lot invisibly...

All the way back to Xuanbing Pavilion, Zhong Chuchu was also worried about his grandfather, so he also told about his breakthrough.

After Zhong Yihao heard this, he couldn't believe it. He really didn't expect the two of them to go this once and have such an encounter. It was an extremely rare thing, and he felt more at ease in his heart.

Back at Xuanbing Pavilion, the three of them came to the place where Zhong Yihao received his daily treatment.

After arriving there, Zhong Yihao also said directly: "Tiangang Seal is considered to be a yang technique, and the effect of this kind of thing on a woman's body will be more prominent. Absorption is a way, but if you use relative spiritual power to make her merge , will make her strength more refined.

Are yin and yang harmonious?

There was a little surprise on Ye Qianran's body, it should be similar to this principle, right?

Zhong Yihao also explained the method at this time. The first is to let Yan Rubing swallow some blood of the phantom snow leopard, so that the process of integration will be relatively smooth, and the second is to stimulate the spiritual power of the crystal nucleus. Yan Rubing's body was wrapped, and then the seal was opened...

This process is quite dangerous, so it needs a master to control it... The last point is the final reconciliation of the Yushen Dan. If it goes smoothly, Yan Rubing will also recover completely, and even her strength will increase completely. stand up……

"It's okay to control me, but this needs to be more meticulous. It seems that I need to ask a master from Xuanbing Pavilion to help, but who should I turn to?"

After Zhong Yihao finished speaking, he frowned slightly and began to think.

And just as he was thinking, a confident voice came into his ears: "Otherwise, I'll do it myself..."

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