Eternal Supreme

Chapter 848

"Are there so many people in the hall?"

Ye Qianran originally planned to go out for a stroll, but forgot how to go out, remembering that Bingdian can go out, but when he went out, he found a lot of people, his expression was stunned, his face was full of weirdness The color, what kind of situation is this.

But when he was about to retreat, he found that everyone's attention was on him.


Ye Qianran's expression was startled, his face was full of embarrassment, and he coughed dryly: "I'm a passerby, so what, I'm just going out from here!"

After speaking, Ye Qianran walked forward. In fact, he intended to turn back, but he saw it anyway. The past is also the past, and going back is also going back. It might as well go out for a walk.

But when he had such an idea to go out, he completely regretted it in his heart, because the whole hall was very quiet, and everyone's eyes were all on him.

The pressure is definitely there, because he can feel the very powerful aura all around him.

His throat moved, and now he only wanted to leave here quickly, and it was impossible to go back, so he could only speed up his pace and walked forward.

"Your Excellency?"

When he walked halfway, a suspicious voice sounded.

Ye Qianran looked back, and found that the person who spoke was a middle-aged woman, who was sitting in the first place and looked at him suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm an asshole..."

Ye Qianran didn't know how to get back, so in a trance, he also revealed his identity when he came here before. After saying one sentence, Ye Qianran didn't dare to stay any longer, and walked out directly .


The voice of the middle-aged woman sounded again, Ye Qianran was so suspicious, and Ye Qianran's temperament was obviously different, miscellaneous? Who would believe it?

Ye Qianran's expression froze for a moment, then he turned his head and said, "Is there anything else you need to do, Senior?"

"Who the hell are you?"

The middle-aged woman frowned, and looked at Ye Qianran coldly. Ye Qianran's appearance became a little unpredictable, so she had to figure out Ye Qianran's identity.

"Ahem, actually I'm not from Fucheng, but I was also selected as a miscellaneous cadre. In addition, I came here to find Mr. Zhong. By the way, I also know Chuchu..."

Ye Qianran originally planned to leave in a hurry. Under such circumstances, no one should be able to stop him, but he did not do that. After all, he is not alone now. If the investigation starts, Zhong Chuchu may be implicated, so He still spoke the truth.

"Is it?"

The woman frowned slightly, and after taking another look at Ye Qianran, she looked at someone and said, "Fifth Elder, go and let that girl Chu Chu come out!"

When the woman said this, it was obvious that Ye Qianran was still a little worried.

"Holy Master..." At this moment an old man stood up, hesitated and said: "I have seen this little brother before!"


After hearing this, the woman was full of doubts, and finally said: "What's going on?"

"This little brother fought against the saint once, and after he finally stopped, the two did leave together!"

The old man said: "Besides, this little brother seems to be a miscellaneous worker!" After speaking, he narrated the matter that Ye Qianran gathered all the petals together with his spiritual sense.

After the old man finished narrating, the woman's face showed a shocked and unbelievable expression, she looked at Ye Qianran and said, "You also have the power of black ice? The divine sense is still very strong? Who are you? "


Ye Qianran's expression froze for a moment, and then said: "How should I put it, I actually came from the secular side, and the power of the black ice on my body was guided by me from an ice bead! "After speaking, he spread his right hand, and the ice beads obtained from Yinyang Lake were suspended at this time, and the extremely pure spiritual power surged out towards the surroundings.

That's right, he can't play dead now, if the mysterious ice bead he got from Long Wushuang shows up, it will cause a big mess.

Although the spiritual power of Xuanbing beads and ice beads are very similar, but in terms of purity, ice beads seem to be purer and closer to nature.

"What pure spiritual power!"

After the woman felt it, her face was full of surprise, and she said: "You said you came from the secular side?"

"That's right!"

Ye Qianran nodded in response, put away the ice beads and said, "I know Chuchu there too!"

"I see!"

The woman nodded, she understood, and at the same time she chose to believe it, because Zhong Chuchu had indeed left, and she left with Rong Silan.

When she was about to ask something, a man came in from the outside, his eyes fell on the woman and he said: "Holy Master, people from Fucheng are here!"

"Well, please come in quickly!" The woman said after hearing this.

The man walked out immediately after hearing this.


Ye Qianran's expression stiffened at this moment, for some reason, when he heard this prefecture, his scalp became numb, and he coughed dryly and said, "Holy Master, can I leave then!"

"Well, since you and Chuchu really know each other, and what you said is true, go!" The woman nodded and agreed after hearing this.

Ye Qianran's face was filled with surprise when he heard it, and he walked directly outside, and when he walked to the door, he happened to see a few people walking in.

At this moment, Ye Qianran took a quick look, and when he saw a woman wearing a long dress with a chest, his expression was stunned, mother, is it such a coincidence?

Although he only saw it at the time, his memory is still very deep, because the woman is very beautiful, and her temperament is also very outstanding, so it is easy to leave a very deep impression on people.

After reading it, Ye Qianran quickly lowered his head, muttering in his heart: "Don't see me, don't see me, don't see me..."

While muttering inwardly, he walked out like this...

And just as he stepped out of the door of the ice palace, a voice sounded at this moment: "Wait a minute..."

"It's not me, it's not me, it's definitely not me..."

Ye Qianran's expression was tense, and he muttered again, and while he was muttering, he stepped out of the door of the Ice Palace. At this time, his expression obviously relaxed, and when he relaxed, the fragrance was fragrant, and a figure stood in front of him. before his eyes.


Ye Qianran lowered his head and felt it, and his expression became even more rigid. This woman's eyes are poisonous enough, but he still took luck, and changed his voice: "What are you doing?"

During this period of time, Rong Silan felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She was actually seen by a man, so she asked all the people in Fucheng to search for it, but it didn't work, so she was always very irritable.

And this time she went out because Zhong Chuchu was about to be baptized and promoted to the Holy Lord, so she followed her out, and when she entered the hall, she didn't actually care about Ye Qianran.

But Ye Qianran lowered his head in an instant, which caught her attention, and when he turned his head to look, he felt familiar, so he asked Ye Qianran to wait, but this guy was As if she didn't hear it, she continued to walk forward, which immediately made her even more confused.

That's why she went up and stopped Ye Qianran. At this time, she heard that weird voice again. Even if she didn't see Ye Qianran's appearance, she was 90% sure, and sure, what? The person who saw her in the sky was this guy in front of her.

Biting his lips tightly, when his face was flushed, a cold murderous intent surged out at this moment.

At this time, Ye Qianran naturally felt the murderous intent, and his throat moved immediately, "Damn it, there are so many masters here, if there is a conflict, it is absolutely impossible for him to leave.

Regret, he is also idle this time, why come out when he has nothing to do, how nice it is to chat happily with the two girls, he is also idle, but now it is obvious that it is too late to regret.

At this time, the people in the ice palace looked at the two of them suspiciously, what happened?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Rong Silan's voice sounded again: "Look up for me!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's expression became stiff again, and he said with a dry smile: "I'm so ugly, forget it, then what, I'll go first!" After speaking, she missed Rong Silan and quickly walked outside.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

Rong Silan spoke out in a very angry manner at this time, and the 10% uncertainty in her heart disappeared in an instant. The bastard in front of her was definitely absconding in fear of crime, and an astonishing spiritual power surged out of her body at that moment , spread his right hand, and patted Ye Qianran's back very fast.

Ye Qianran naturally felt it clearly, his face changed slightly, and the feeling on his back made it impossible for him to escape. If he still escapes like this, he will definitely be caught. How can such a thing be possible? So when he turned his body around, the power of heaven and earth in his body surged out at this moment, and he went directly to meet him.


A muffled voice sounded at this moment, and Ye Qianran's body immediately stepped back, his expression was full of astonishment, what a strong force.

And when he was surprised, Rong Silan also saw Ye Qianran's appearance clearly, her body trembled, her murderous intent became more intense, and a voice that almost gritted her teeth: "It really is you bastard..."

Ye Qianran was taken aback, then thought of something, and coughed dryly: "Ahem, yes, hey, it's quite a coincidence, but you still have business this time, so what, wait until you're not busy, the two of us Let's have a good chat, I'm leaving now..."

After finishing speaking, his spiritual power surged, and he rushed out at this moment, damn it, he is completely recognized now, don't you run away? There are so many masters here, and Xuanbing Pavilion is still a sect under the Fucheng, so you are a fool not to run away...

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