Eternal Supreme

Chapter 851

"Hiss, what's the matter?"

Seeing such a scene, everyone gasped at the same time, their faces full of astonishment and shock.

What kind of situation is this?

As the eldest lady of Fucheng, she actually went to apologize to a man, this kind of thing is extremely unimaginable.

Because who doesn't understand Rong Silan's temperament?

"Is it possible..."

At this time, everyone thought of a possibility, that is, Ye Qianran is Rong Silan's favorite man, otherwise, it would definitely not be the case.


But it seems a little uncoordinated, right?

With Rong Silan's identity, isn't she beckoning what kind of man she wants?

But why did Rong Silan do this? Then there is only one reason, it must be that Rong Silan likes the other party to a certain extreme, and the reason for liking to the extreme, then Ye Qianran must be very good.

At this time, Ye Qianran's performance was indeed very good.

First of all, it is the sky fire controlled by it, and the other point is the Nine Heavens Divine Beast. Of course, the most puzzling thing is the transformation of Ye Qianran's spiritual power, which is really weird...

Ye Qianran's eyes widened when he heard Rong Silan's words, his face was full of disbelief, Rong Silan didn't look like this in his memory?


He seemed to remember that Rong Silan was wearing a face scarf the last time he saw her... But why did she become like this.

Well, it is very beautiful, and its temperament is also very prominent, with unspeakable nobility.

Seeing Ye Qianran like that, the corners of Rong Silan's mouth turned up. He can have such an expression, which proves that it is worthwhile for her to change so much.

"Are you still angry?"

Rong Silan blinked her eyes, her voice was slightly strange.

Ye Qianran's momentum was quite strong at first, but after confirming it, the whole person was discouraged in an instant, with a wry smile on his face, how could it be this woman, anyway, he was still quite afraid of this woman, but this fear was not The other one is afraid.

And he was afraid that it was because Rong Silan wanted to have a baby with him from the beginning, but later on, this woman almost made him fall for it once. Now that I think about it, it's fortunate that he couldn't at that time, otherwise, wouldn't it be a lifetime Famous names are ruined.

Perhaps it was this early impression that always made him feel weird.

Seeing that Rong Silan was still looking at him, Ye Qianran smiled dryly and said, "There's nothing to be angry about. Since it's Miss Rong, there's nothing wrong with it!"

After finishing speaking, Qiqi returned to his previous appearance, and then his whole person shrank down at this time, and completely disappeared in the back, in the mysterious seal.

The power of the mysterious ice was withdrawn at this time, and Ye Qianran's whole body was restored to its original state at this time, and his spiritual thoughts also fell at this time.

And the people who came up from the Fucheng saw that Rong Silan was like this, what else could they say, their aura also restrained at this time, and they also followed.

As soon as Ye Qianran came down, Rong Silan came to his side, stretched out her hand to hug his arm, her face was a little rosy, she finally bit her lower lip and said: "Young Master Ye, is it okay now? I want to be with you..."


Ye Qianran didn't wait for Rong Silan to finish, and coughed dryly, there were quite a few people around, Rong Silan was fine, he still felt a little embarrassed.

Rong Silan also heard Ye Qianran's words, and immediately understood what it meant: "Then come down and talk!"

The corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched again after hearing this, his face full of helplessness, but now that there are so many people watching here, it's hard for him to say anything, so he nodded and agreed immediately.

Seeing Ye Qianran nodding, Rong Silan couldn't help but deepen the smile on his face at this moment, pursed his lips and smiled, then looked at the Holy Master of Xuanbing Pavilion and said, "Let's go, let's go in!" After finishing speaking Holding Ye Qianran's arm and walking towards the inside.

What can the people who came with Rong Silan say, they can only follow at this time...

Zhong Chuchu and Yan Rubing also followed at this time. At this time, Zhong Chuchu was completely relieved, and it was good in the end. At least the two of them were not as she thought...

When everyone gathered in the ice hall, Ye Qianran realized that what was involved was Zhong Chuchu's baptism tomorrow.

Xuanbing Pavilion is the biggest force under the Fucheng, and Rong Silan almost came to watch the ceremony on behalf of it.

Ye Qianran didn't pay too much attention to the specific matters. In short, the ultimate goal is to finalize the matter of Zhong Chuchu's seat...

This matter lasted for a long time, and it was only at noon that it was considered to be discussed.

After the negotiation was settled, Ye Qianran, Rong Silan, Zhong Chuchu, including Yan Rubing, came to the room at the same time.

Ye Qianran has heard this sentence about three women playing a scene, but she has never understood it very well, but now... at this time, Ye Qianran has fully understood it.

Sure enough, it was because when the three of them were chatting, Ye Qianran didn't care at all. insert. I can't talk...

You must know that he originally wanted to have a good chat with Yan Rubing, but now it seems that this opportunity is gone.

In the evening, after the four of them had a simple meal, Ye Qianran accompanied them around. When they came back, Ye Qianran originally thought that the three of them were going to chat alone, but it was different from what he thought. concentrated together.

Ye Qianran was helpless again, because he still couldn't answer at this time, so when the three of them were chatting, he simply lay down on the bed and rested, no matter how long the three of them would chat.

After a night of nothing, the next day, when Ye Qianran woke up in a daze, he could feel the aroma and softness in his arms. At this time, he didn't think much about it, and was still resting comfortably.

But during the rest, it didn't take long before he gradually came back to his senses, and at this moment he also felt something was wrong, so he slowly opened his eyes.

When he woke up completely, he glanced left and right and his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

First, in his arms, Yan Rubing turned into the original form, in his arms, and then Zhong Chuchu and Rong Silan were on both sides of him, and they fell asleep sweetly in his arms.

In addition, Zhong Chuchu didn't care, because she was still wearing clothes in his arms, but when Rong Silan touched it, first of all, he felt the extremely smooth skin, which made his heart speed up involuntarily, and his face also changed. Slightly reddened at this time...

What happened to the three of them? Could it be that we talked very late yesterday, so we simply took a rest here?

The three of them may be nothing, but for him, at least now... that is an absolute torture. After all, he is also a normal man, and as a normal man, should he do something?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianran glanced left and right, her throat moved...

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