Eternal Supreme

Chapter 854


Yan Rubing blushed when she heard Ye Qianran's words, and finally said, "My lord, you don't even let my sister go!"

Speaking of this, Yan Rubing's face also showed a look of extreme miss at this time. After she was injured, she went back here and went directly to the Xuan Mink Clan. It might be possible for the Yanying Clan to break off the engagement with her.

Then after she recovered by herself, she could go to Ye Qianran again, but she never thought that Ye Qianran would find her on her own initiative. At this moment, when she thought about it, the emotion in her heart surged out again.


Ye Qianran smiled, stretched his waist and said: "I really hope that the matter here will be settled as soon as possible, and then I will take you to play around!"

He is telling the truth now, he is relatively lazy by nature, but at this time it is because of various things that he has come to this point.

If possible, one day, he might choose to enjoy it...

However, since there are so many things now, it should be done before enjoying them.

"What are you thinking, young master?" Yan Rubing asked after Ye Qianran finished speaking, looking thoughtful.

"Of course I want a better life in the future!"

Ye Qianran chuckled, looked directly at Yan Rubing and suddenly thought of a question, and couldn't help asking: "Do you think we two will have a baby?"


Yan Rubing was actually in a good mood, but after hearing Ye Qianran's words, she couldn't help feeling shy, but then she thought about it and said, "If the young master doesn't have the blood fusion, it must be impossible, but because the young master's blood problem, so..."

When Yan Rubing said this, his voice stopped, Ye Qianran should know what he meant.

Ye Qianran's face did show surprise, but he didn't expect it to be possible. In that case, the boundary between the two would be gone, and he kissed Yan Rubing's face again while being happy...

Tianchi, the forbidden area of ​​Xuanbing Pavilion.

When Ye Qianran and Yan Rubing came out, they happened to meet Rong Silan, and followed her here.

Before coming here, he thought that Tianchi should be a pool, but when he came here, he realized that it was a big platform.

The platform occupies a large area, and there is indeed a pool, but the pool is not that big, and it is located in the center of the platform, which seems rather abrupt.

The pool is blue and looks very beautiful.

In addition, Ye Qianran also feels that this place is full of pure spiritual power, which makes people feel very comfortable. The most important thing is that the place where it is located is prominent, so when you look around, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. There is really a feeling of overlooking the mountains.

The elders of the Xuanbing Pavilion, the Holy Master gathered together at this time, and the owner of the Xuanbing Pavilion, who he had never seen before, also came out.

The owner of the pavilion is also a woman. Although she looks in her thirties, she still looks pretty...

Zhong Chuchu was standing next to the Pavilion Master and the Holy Master at this time, her expression seemed quite calm, without the slightest nervousness, it is not difficult to see that Zhong Chuchu's mentality is still very good.

As time went by, Ye Qianran's face was full of doubts, why not start now? When he just thought of this, he suddenly felt that the spiritual power of that day's pool was surging at this moment, and at this moment, eight figures floated and landed around the platform.

At this time, Zhong Chuchu's expression fluctuated, and he walked up at this time, and when he came to the central pool, he walked in directly.

Just when Zhong Chuchu walked in, the elders around shouted at this moment, and slapped their right hands on the ground at the same time, the thick spiritual power was turbulent at this time, and after rippling surges emerged, a mysterious seal appeared on the ground floated out.

The mysterious seal was very big, except for the place where they were standing at this time, it almost covered everything else.

Along with the surge of the mysterious seal, Ye Qianran also clearly felt the surging power of the mysterious ice spreading out from the pool, directly wrapping Zhong Chuchu inside.

The blue light bloomed, and not long after, Zhong Chuchu's figure became blurred.

Just after Zhong Chuchu's figure disappeared, the mysterious seal became even more dazzling, and then a huge enchantment appeared at this time, wrapping the entire platform in. It seems that under this situation, other people cannot went in.

"Is her chance of success high?"

Ye Qianran's eyes fell on Rong Silan at this time, she is from Tianfu herself, so she should know a little better relatively speaking.

"The function of Tianshui is to cleanse the soul, so that Chuchu can better control the power of Xuanbing!"

Rong Silan said: "She went to get that Binghuo at that time because she wanted to lay a foundation in advance, but you took it!"

Ye Qianran was taken aback, and then coughed dryly. If he had known this, maybe he would not have taken it away, but now there is no other way.

"Cleansing the soul is the most painful thing!"

Rong Silan's expression became solemn, and his voice paused: "But with her current strength, it should be fine!"

Although Rong Silan said so, he also heard that she was not sure, so when he looked up, there was more or less worry on his face, and he continued: "Then what will happen if she fails?"

"If she fails, her strength will remain at the current level forever. In addition, her soul will be severely damaged, and she will not be able to recover within a few years. Of course, this is also the good side of failure. If it is not good, she may There will be danger to reputation!" Rong Silan hesitated.


Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, his eyes floated, his eyes floated at this moment, and then the phoenix eyes opened directly at this time, and the spiritual power that penetrated through the layers fell on Zhong Chuchu's body.

When he saw it clearly, he found that Zhong Chuchu's face was covered with pain, and when he went deeper, he found that Zhong Chuchu's body was full of blue spiritual power, obviously in the process of washing...

"Under what circumstances is the washing successful?" Ye Qianran asked.

Rong Silan looked up, and also noticed the strangeness of Ye Qianran's eyes at this moment, and when the strange look appeared on his face, he continued: "After you have the soul imprint!"

"Soul imprint?"

Ye Qianran looked away, and looked at Rong Silan curiously.


Rong Silan nodded and said: "My lord, there is one between the eyebrows, right? I remember it appeared when you used the sky fire..."

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