Eternal Supreme

Chapter 856


Seeing that Zhong Chuchu opened her eyes, Ye Qianran said such a sentence, and suddenly felt amused and said, "Do you think you are dreaming?"

After he finished speaking, Zhong Chuchu's expression became clearer, but at this moment, she couldn't help biting her lips tightly again, and the pain made her lock up again.

Outside, in fact, everyone feels surprised now.

Because of the previous fluctuations, everyone was sweating, even worried, especially the Holy Lord, it is a little too early to wonder if it is too early for Zhong Chuchu to bear these, but the baptism has already begun, if you want to stop , it is simply too late.

But now?

Now the originally restless spiritual power suddenly became extremely stable at this time, which is really unbelievable.

Rong Silan understood something, and couldn't help but put a smile on her face.

At this time, Zhong Chuchu's divine sense was obviously concentrated because of Ye Qianran's appearance, but would things develop as she thought?

Thinking of this, Rong Silan's face showed anticipation, she had no experience in some aspects, otherwise Zhong Chuchu would not have let Zhong Chuchu try it first in Danta.

But Zhong Chuchu didn't understand it very well at the time, but if the two of them can do it this time, then he can also ask Zhong Chuchu for advice on this issue...

In Xuanyin, Ye Qianran didn't know what to do when she saw Zhong Chuchu's pain. Before, she just watched from a distance, but now beside Zhong Chuchu, she can feel her pain is extremely deep, and her body keeps curling up and twisting. .

After hesitating for a while, Ye Qianran simply jumped into the water as well.

After entering the water, Ye Qianran instantly felt the extreme coldness. The mysterious ice beads in his body, the ice beads were extremely restless in an instant. In addition, the pure spiritual power surging out of it, and the degree of its richness is really amazing.

And the feeling he endured at this time was like the feeling of entering the ice pool in the ice cave.

It's no wonder that Zhong Chuchu is in such pain, it's very uncomfortable to put on him.

When he thought this way, his mental power surged at this moment, and he found that Zhong Chuchu's divine sense had changed again at this time, and the feeling of floating became stronger than before, giving people a feeling of discomfort again. smooth.

Slightly shocked in his heart, he hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand and patted Zhong Chuchu's body, the purpose was to wake her up at this time, but when she touched it, the blue light attached to Zhong Chuchu's body immediately wrapped him up up.

At that moment, he had a strange feeling all over his body, but his heart beat involuntarily, and his abdomen was even more restless.

"what happened?"

Ye Qianran's face obviously changed slightly at this time, and then his eyes fell on Zhong Chuchu's body. At this time, he found that Zhong Chuchu's face was also flushed with rosy color. It was very beautiful, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated again...

His throat moved, and Ye Qianran was a little at a loss. Now he had an idea in his mind, hug her... hug her...

When this idea kept reacting in his mind, the restlessness in his heart became more intense. He felt that maybe it was because of the spiritual power surrounding him at this time, but at this time he really did not resist at all.

His eyes flickered again, at this moment, Ye Qianran finally couldn't help but hugged Zhong Chuchu completely in his arms.

The spiritual power in Zhong Chuchu's body surged, and the familiar feeling made her wake up a little bit. She reached out and hugged Ye Qianran. At this time, she only felt that the pain in her body seemed to have eased at this time, and The fluctuating divine sense also stabilized a little at this time.

A pair of sapphire-like eyes opened again, and looked at Ye Qianran obsessively. When the strange feeling spread, he waited eagerly.

Ye Qianran leaned over slowly at this time, and then kissed Zhong Chuchu's lips lightly. It was a very natural feeling, and this feeling was also the most thrilling.

The contact of his lips made Ye Qianran's mind blank for an instant, and at that moment, his spiritual thoughts also surged, as if there was a feeling that his soul was about to come out of his body, as if there was a kind of sublimation.

The people outside felt the surge of divine thoughts, and their expressions showed doubts at the same time.

what happened?

Because in addition to the surge of divine sense, they also felt the breath of another person, how could there be an extra person inside?

Although extremely puzzled and curious, the choice at this time is to wait, to wait quietly.

As time passed, the sky soon approached the evening, and the onlookers all frowned. The baptism took too long, right?

Rong Silan was also a little anxious at this time, she was considered the most calm one at first, because she understood something, but now, she also felt that the time was a bit long.

And just when they thought this way, the divine sense that was originally extremely stable suddenly surged rapidly at this time, the degree of fluctuation was very large, and even one of them was shocking, how could such a strong divine sense be possible? Woolen cloth? Who is the person inside?

When everyone was thinking this way, they suddenly felt that the two strands of divine sense fluctuated extremely powerfully again, and then quickly converged at this time, the speed was very fast, and a golden streak flashed clearly in the blue light shine.

And after the golden light flashed away, the two auras disappeared completely, and the elder who maintained the mysterious seal was stunned at the same time, what happened?

In the process of their thinking like this, the blue light group began to converge at this time and began to fade.


Such a strange scene really made people unable to catch it accurately. At this time, after an old man opened his mouth, the mysterious seal surged again, and the spiritual power began to converge at this time.

When the mysterious seal completely dissipated, the surging power of the mysterious ice also disappeared at this time, and everyone looked at this moment, where is there still a figure?

Rong Silan and Yan Rubing looked at each other at this moment, understood something in an instant, and then galloped out at the same time, as for the rest of the people who looked at each other, they still didn't understand what happened...

And when everyone was surprised, the room where Zhong Chuchu was was filled with space, and two figures emerged at this moment, it was Ye Qianran and Zhong Chuchu...

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