Eternal Supreme

Chapter 870

"My lord, do you want news?"

Yan Rubing could see what Ye Qianran was thinking, and asked curiously at this moment.


Ye Qianran sighed, Yan Rubing was also very familiar with the matter between him and Xiao Mengyao.

Although Xiao Mengyao hasn't seen him for a long time, in his heart, he is really a very caring person.

Because Xiao Mengyao was the one who didn't care about everything about him and came together with him when he was the weakest in strength and reputation, and even in the trough of his life.

So even though he didn't say anything on his lips, he really cared very much in his heart.

Yan Rubing blinked, looked at Rong Silan and said: "Silan, where is the most famous restaurant in Tianfu, and there are so many people?"


Rong Silan's face was immediately full of doubts, but she still said: "Zuixianlou, it is the most lively place in Tianfu!"

"Then go there!"

When Yan Rubing spoke, her eyes also fell on Ye Qianran.


Ye Qianran quickly understood Yan Rubing's meaning, nodded in agreement and said, "Then let's go!" As he spoke, his eyes fell on Rong Silan.

Rong Silan understood something, took the lead and walked directly, in fact, she wanted to say that it was not good to go to the restaurant last time? But thinking that there might be something going on this time, so I didn't ask too much at this time.

But when she brought it over, she seemed to guess something in her heart.

Because she remembered that Ye Qianran's expression obviously changed when her Grandpa Jiu mentioned the matter over there in the secret realm, which may have something to do with this matter.

Zuixianlou is indeed the most popular restaurant in Tianfu, and it is also the one with the largest number of people. People who come and go to Tianfu will go there, so the news of coming and going is also very circulated.

After arriving there, Ye Qianran looked at the people coming in and out, and was a little amazed.

Perhaps it was also due to the large number of people here, so the Zuixian Tower was much larger than he had imagined, and it looked majestic.

At this time, Ye Qianran's face showed anticipation. According to his speculation, if it is the saint of the secret realm, that is, Xiao Mengyao, this matter is definitely a big event at present, and it must be discussed.

So with anticipation, Ye Qianran took the lead and walked in.

The space inside was much larger than he had imagined, and the other rows of tables were full of people, and the noisy appearance seemed very hot.

And when they came in, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The first is Ye Qianran, although he looks young, but his temperament is revealed, giving people a very different feeling. In addition, there are five women who follow Ye Qianran, each with their own characteristics and looks. So after they came in, the hustle and bustle in the hall became a little quieter.

Most of the eyes are focused on them, and when the strange look is revealed, they also look a little envious.

That's right, everyone envied Ye Qianran at this time.

Ye Qianran glanced around at this time, and sat down on a free table in the hall, and the atmosphere around him was unavoidably quieter.

"That woman, with blue hair and blue eyes, looks like she belongs to the Xuanbing Palace. It is said that the saintesses of the Xuanbing Palace are like this..."

"Why did the saintess from Xuanbing Palace come here?"

"Hey, why is that woman so similar to Miss Rong from Fucheng?"

"What imagination, that's what it is, but how did she come here?"

At this time, every voice in the discussion was extremely puzzled and surprised. Thinking that it seemed that Ye Qianran took the lead when they came in, the exclamation became clearer at this time, so most of the eyes were on Ye Qianran. Ran's body turned around.

What kind of character is this?

When everyone was puzzled and curious, an old man came up at this moment, his eyes fell on Rong Silan and said: "Miss Rong, why are you here?"

"Well, come and have a look!"

Rong Silan nodded, then his expression fluctuated, looked at the old man and asked directly: "Is there any news circulating here?"

When Rong Silan asked, Ye Qianran's gaze also fell on the old man, and a strange look appeared on his expression.


The old man was taken aback for a moment, then understood Rong Silan's intentions, and then said: "There is still a lot of news recently, what news does Miss Rong want to hear?"

Because the old man was not sure at this time, if he told each thing one by one, it would really waste time, so he chose to ask directly at this time.

"About the secret realm!" Rong Silan said.

"Is it a secret place?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If it is a secret realm, there is indeed one thing. It is said that a certain character in the secret realm is about to recruit a relative, so at this time, many young talents have rushed over in advance!"

"Who is that important person?"

At this time Ye Qianran couldn't help asking.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes fell on Ye Qianran. Although he was puzzled about his identity, he didn't ask too much. After all, sitting with Rong Silan was not easy, so he was here Shi Shi said directly: "I don't know who it is, but this matter is causing a lot of trouble now, and it is very difficult to think about it!"

"Could it be the saint of the secret realm?"

After hearing this, Ye Qianran asked with a puzzled face, with a serious expression on his face.


The old man frowned slightly, and said with a slightly hesitant expression: "There is such a possibility, but the probability is not too great!"

Ye Qianran was stunned, still no specific news?

Seeing Ye Qianran's expression at this time, Rong Silan was really surprised. Could it be that Ye Qianran cares about the saint of the secret realm? Ye Qianran knew her too?

But thinking of this, she thinks it is unlikely, because as far as she knows, the saintesses in the secret realm rarely go out, so how did Ye Qianran know her? But if you don't know each other, why do you ask such a question at this time?

But although he was very, very curious in his mind, he didn't ask too much, because if Ye Qianran wanted to say something, he would definitely say it.

"Does Miss Rong have any other questions?" The old man asked again in doubt.

"there is none left"!

Rong Silan shook her head and said, "If you have any questions, I'm looking for you!"

The old man nodded after listening, and also chose to turn around and leave at this time.

After the old man left, the five people's eyes focused on Ye Qianran at the same time.

Ye Qianran's brows have been slightly wrinkled at this time, and now it seems that the exact news still hasn't come, choose to wait?

He is really very scared, what if he is really afraid? Then if he waits here, he will definitely miss something, so he must not sit still, he must go to the secret realm to see in advance, otherwise he will never feel at ease here.

But now that he left suddenly, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After all, there were Zhong Chuchu and Rong Silan here, and it was impossible for the two of them to go with him, after all, their identities were too sensitive.

"But how is that to be done?"

Thinking of this, the helplessness deepened, why is there no definite news? If so, perhaps he would not have been so hesitant.

If it is, he will leave in two days, if not, he will stay for a while...

When he thought of this, four or five people walked in from outside, glanced around, and sat beside them.

Ye Qianran didn't pay much attention to it at this time, but at this time, he clearly heard one of them say: "Tsk tsk, we all have to work hard. If you get the first place, you can marry someone from the secret realm if you are interested." Where is the saint!"

As he spoke, his face was filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Haha, what are you thinking!"

The other person laughed out loud after hearing this, but just when he was about to say something, a voice rang out, "Is the person who invites relatives in the secret realm a saint?"


The man frowned slightly after hearing this. It was very uncomfortable that what he wanted to say was suddenly planned. He looked up, and when he saw a young man, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "Why tell you?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense!"

Ye Qianran's voice was cold at this time.


The man chuckled, and just when he was about to say something, a blue light bloomed at this moment, and the temperature in the entire hall dropped instantly, and an ice sword was placed directly on the man's neck and said: "Answer me The problem!"

The voice is simple, but it sounds very domineering.

The people present were amazed at the same time. Feeling the pure power of Xuanbing, the astonishment inevitably deepened. Is it also from the Xuanbing Pavilion?

But when did such a number one figure appear in the Xuanbing Pavilion?

When everyone was surprised, the man trembled, and his face turned pale. At this moment, he felt a terrifying pressure falling on him.

He trembled slightly, opened his mouth, looked at the man who spoke first, and said, "He...he knows better than me, you can ask him!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, and at this moment his cold eyes fell on the man who spoke earlier: "Say it, or he will die!"


After hearing Ye Qianran's words, the man held hostage by Yu He Qianran's eyes widened. What kind of situation is this?

When he was thinking this way, the man who was questioned by Ye Qianran moved his throat and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

"How do you know?"

Ye Qianran frowned, and asked again.

" uncle has a position in the secret realm, he sent the news!" The man also felt a little oppressed at this time, so his voice also had slight fluctuations.


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