Eternal Supreme

Chapter 872

"Hey, let's go!"

Ye Qianran turned his eyes back from the direction of Tianfu, and didn't say anything more at this time, under the guidance of Yao Qianyu, he galloped directly towards the secret realm.

There is still a long distance between Tianfu and the secret realm, it will take at least a week, and it is still under Xiao Hei's absolute speed.

If Ye Qianran was alone on this journey, it would be absolutely boring, but fortunately, there were Yao Qianyu, Yan Rubing and Yan Ruxue accompanying him on the way, which gave him some comfort during this journey.

Yao Qianyu is introverted, Yan Rubing is introverted, and Yan Ruxue is shy.

The three of them are together, and it's very interesting to joke around.

For example, when he was bored, he would say: "Ru Bing let me hug, Ru Xue let me lean on for a while, can Qian Yu give me a hug..."

These are all jokes on the personality loopholes of the three, so it's quite interesting.

Time passed day by day, and after about two days away from the secret realm, Ye Qianran met a lot of people, many of whom were of the younger generation, and they all seemed to be looking for the secret realm to recruit relatives.

But if the person recruiting relatives in the secret realm was really Xiao Mengyao, how could he give it up and grab it back...

No matter whether he comforts himself or is firm, he is sure that Xiao Mengyao has her own difficulties, otherwise, she would never do this.

After all, if Xiao Mengyao hadn't liked him, he could have left without any three-year contract.

And during that period, what Xiao Mengyao did for him, imagining now, he was very moved...

Two days later, when the secret realm appeared in front of him, he was immediately amazed. The secret realm was completely different from the huge city he had imagined.

Even the scene in front of him shocked him, it was very beautiful.

It seems to be a huge ring existence.

The outer ring is a town, and the inner ring is a single mountain.

The outer ring and the inner ring are completely separated, and there is a huge river in the middle, which looks absolutely shocking.

In addition, in the direction of the mountain peak, the clouds and mist are filled, which looks like a fairyland...

"Is this the secret realm?"

Ye Qianran said something in surprise.


Yao Qianyu nodded lightly and said: "The secret realm was established the earliest among the four major forces, and there are countless masters inside!" He glanced at the surrounding city and said, "In addition, there are many powerful forces in this city, but the big Most of them are vassals of the secret realm, and those disciples of these vassal forces who perform well can be recruited to the secret realm for systematic training."

Ye Qianran nodded slightly, he could understand this at that time, his eyes were cheap again, when he landed on the secret place, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, Xiao Mengyao's figure appeared in his mind again, is he now closer to her? How close?

"Let's go, go and see what the situation is now!"

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes slightly, and galloped out under Xiao Hei's acceleration.

Once you reach the secret realm, you can know whether it is Xiao Mengyao who is recruiting relatives...

At the gate of the city, the three of them landed, looked at the people coming and going there, with a slightly surprised expression, then involuntarily looked up at the plaque and found that there were two characters written on it, the secret mansion chain, knowing that this place should represent the city outside the secret realm up.

"go in!"

Seeing that the young man was still coming in and out of the huge door, Ye Qianran said something briefly, and then took the lead to walk inside.

After coming inside, Ye Qianran's expression became strange again. There was a long street in the direction facing him, and along the street to the end, he could see the blue water surface.

At this time, they walked forward for a certain distance, and then found an arc-shaped main road that just intersected with his one.

At this time, they walked along the arc-shaped road, and after walking a short distance, they would see a crossroad, and the horizontal roads all pointed to the direction of the water surface...

After Ye Qianran observed it for a while, he didn't pay attention to these anymore, because he just wanted to confirm whether the person recruiting relatives was Xiao Mengyao, but after they went to the restaurant to stay until the evening, they couldn't confirm it.

Yes, recruiting relatives is still the hottest topic, but the exact person is still unclear.

However, he also heard a fairly good news, that is, the recruitment of relatives is still in the process of registration, and his final decision is to try to register. If the person who recruits relatives is not Xiao Mengyao, he can withdraw temporarily.

Because it was very late now, they also temporarily found a place to live.

Just like what he expected, the inns were almost full because of the recruitment of relatives in the secret realm. When they were about to go around the whole city, they finally found a...

Although the room is not too big, there should be no problem for the four of them, after all, both Yan Rubing and Yan Ruxue can become their bodies.

But in the end, Yan Rubing changed, because she was used to staying in Ye Qianran's arms...

The next day, after the three of them got up early and had a simple meal, they walked towards the registration office that they had inquired about yesterday.

It is the jurisdiction of the secret mansion, and it can be regarded as a place similar to the city lord's mansion...

When they inquired and came there, Ye Qianran once again habitually glanced at the plaque and found that the word "Secret Mansion" was still written on it.

The jurisdiction was much bigger than he had imagined. He looked surprised at the people coming in and out, because most of them were young people. From his feeling, he seemed to have seen a few very good ones.

Walking inside, under the guidance of the guards, he also came to the registration place.

It is a big square where three teams are registering.

At this time, the corner of Ye Qianran's mouth twitched, because there were a lot of people who signed up. You must know that the time is very early now. With so many people this early in the morning, you can also see the influence of the secret realm here. It is also very profound.

After observing for a while, Ye Qianran found that during the registration process, many people left with disappointed expressions. After careful observation, he realized that the registration process was carried out at the same time as an assessment.

Imagine also, if everyone who signed up can participate, how long will it last?

After letting the three of them wait by the side, he also began to enter the ranks of waiting for registration.

Because of the need for an assessment, the progress was a little slower, and it was his turn in the morning.

"Which force do you come from?" The old man's voice sounded simple and direct, with no extra words at all.

"The Wuming Sect is a small sect!" Ye Qianran replied.

"Name!" The old man frowned, and his voice became even colder.

In fact, he is still quite irritable. He is most annoyed by people who don’t know themselves well, because there are so many experts in the secret realm to recruit relatives, but there are people who are weak but still want to try. Is this a waste of time?

"Ye Qianran!" Ye Qianran simply said two words.

"Ye Qianran?"

The old man was taken aback for a moment, his brows raised immediately, his eyes fixed on Ye Qianran and he said, "Your name is Ye Qianran?"

"Yes!" Ye Qianran was taken aback, his face was full of doubts, what kind of situation was the old man's sudden expression like this?

Just when he was full of curiosity, the old man looked at him and said, "Which sphere of influence does the Wuming Sect belong to?"

"Uh, Tianfu!"

Ye Qianran didn't know how to answer, so he just said: "It's the boundary between Tianfu and Yaosen..."

"Is that so?"

The old man frowned again, and his expression showed a little disappointment. You must know that the person above was staring at the name. Although he didn't know its purpose, he kept staring at it. He really didn't expect that he would actually meet him this time. , but it's a pity that it's not the same as what he thought.

Looking at Ye Qianran again, the old man said, "Well, I know, let's test it!" After speaking, his eyes fell on the crystal ball beside him.

Because Ye Qianran has seen it before, he also understands something. To put it bluntly, this crystal ball is a standard for testing a person's strength. If that standard has not been met, this crystal ball will not light up.

This was not difficult for him. He stretched out his right hand and touched it directly. With the injection of the power of heaven and earth, the crystal ball lit up after a while, and it even looked a little dazzling.


The old man was surprised at this moment, seeing Ye Qianran looked a little different, finally nodded and said: "Congratulations, you passed!!"

After speaking, he handed a silver sign to Ye Qianran and said, "In a week, you can take part in the next assessment. If you still pass, you can enter the rice territory for the final assessment. I wish you success !"

Ye Qianran took the sign, looked it over, nodded slightly, turned around and left.

And when he was leaving, what he was thinking was, if the brand in his hand was sold at this time, it should be sold at a very good price, right?

Of course, this idea was just an imagination, but he didn't decide to do it.

"My lord, have you succeeded?" Yan Rubing asked Ye Qianran when he saw the smile on his face.


Ye Qianran nodded slightly, then looked at Yao Qianyu and said, "Qianyu, if she is really the one who recruits a relative, will I succeed?"

Because there are so many people participating, there must be a strong master. If he shows his full strength, it will definitely attract the attention of many people, so he needs to be conservative.

Yao Qianyu blinked her eyes, thought for a while and said, "Then I will help you do the math tonight!"

"Forget it!"

Ye Qianran shook his head after hearing this and said: "Although you are good at Tiansuan, it will do you a lot of damage. In addition... I don't know if it is better, I am more inclined to control my own destiny... "

Yao Qianyu didn't expect Ye Qianran to say such words, she was a little moved in her heart, and finally nodded slightly: "Well, I also believe that my husband can solve it..."

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