Eternal Supreme

Chapter 876

"I know!"

Xiao Mengyao's expression changed, and then her eyes fell on the old woman again and said: "Is there anything else that the Holy Master asked me to come over?"


The old woman nodded lightly, pondered for a while and said: "Then do you know why the owner of the Tongtian Pavilion came down to force the marriage in person this time?"

"It should have something to do with the holy pearl in my body!" Xiao Mengyao replied.

"That's right!"

The old woman nodded again and said, "Then do you know how the Tongtian Pavilion was formed at that time?"

"How did it form?"

Xiao Mengyao was full of doubts after hearing this, because she seemed to have read the records. The formation of Tongtian Pavilion was established by the top masters of the four major forces at that time. learn.

"Because it's empty!" The old woman's expression was full of solemnity at this moment.


Xiao Mengyao's face was full of doubts after hearing this.

"That's right..."

The old woman nodded lightly and said: "At that time, a void appeared inexplicably, and many powerful creatures came out of it, and the leaders inside were also extremely terrifying races. The Tongtian Pavilion was built to resist at that time!"

Xiao Mengyao's face was full of surprise, he really didn't know much about this matter.

The old woman guessed Xiao Mengyao's expression, and said again immediately: "The holy bead in your body was born with the hole at that time, and now the sealed hole has loosened again, so the holy bead is needed to strengthen it, so Tongtian Pavilion wants to take it out of your body , and to take it out, it must be combined with that woman, this time you understand it!"

Xiao Mengyao was startled, he really didn't think of these things.

"You may already have a sweetheart, and you have fought for it. Although it is in the form of a competition now, it is a certainty that Tongtian Pavilion will win the first place! Even if your sweetheart comes, he is still secular after all. , I am afraid it is not the opponent of Tongtian Pavilion!"

When the old woman said this, her voice paused, she looked at Xiao Mengyao and said, "Mengyao, do you understand what I mean? Sometimes, in order to take care of the overall situation, some personal interests must be sacrificed!"

There was a little exclamation in his expression.

Xiao Mengyao was stunned, and bit her lips again, her expression was a little bit at a loss and a little sad, did she and Ye Qianran really have nothing to do with each other?

The old woman glanced at Xiao Mengyao again, sighed secretly and said, "Think about it carefully!"


Xiao Mengyao nodded lightly and said: "Then I'll go first!" After speaking, she turned and left the room.

The old woman looked at the closed door, her expression fluctuated, and finally she shook her head and closed her eyes again...

After a night of nothing, Ye Qianran woke up early the next day. Feeling the abundant spiritual power in his body, he put a smile on his face, and at the same time, his expression was full of determination. He wanted to win the championship. It's decided, whatever you say, you have to take it down...

Time passed, and at about eight o'clock, Ye Qianran felt the presence of a very strong breath, and then an old voice sounded in his ears: "Everyone gather at yesterday's gathering point!"

Ye Qianran was surprised, did he tell thirty people at the same time? This divine sense is also powerful enough.

While thinking this way, he also chose to leave the residence and walked towards the huge platform that he passed yesterday.

The three groups competed at the same time, that is, ten people, and it was still a knockout match, so if it was faster, the day's time might be over.

Because they were inside, and the platform was still outside, he originally planned to gallop over directly.

But in the end, I chose to walk there, because when they came, the three elders led them like this, and there might be some restrictions.

The environment in the secret realm is definitely good. Along the way, I feel indescribably comfortable and feel extremely good.

When passing through a corridor, Ye Qianran glanced casually, but at this moment, his eyes froze for a moment, because in a gazebo in the distance, a woman was sitting inside, although her back was facing her, but He still felt a very familiar feeling.

"Is it her?"

Ye Qianran was stunned, and after a murmur, there was a huge agitation in his heart. When his heart was turbulent, he couldn't help walking in that direction, but it didn't take long before he was stopped by two female disciples.

"Sorry, no outsiders are allowed here!"

One of the women said softly, before, she would have treated Ye Qianran indifferently, but now she treated Ye Qianran with a significantly softer voice.

First of all, it can be seen that Ye Qianran is a contestant, and may become the husband of the saint. Another point is that Ye Qianran is very handsome and handsome, and his temperament is very prominent...

"Is it……"

Ye Qianran said two words, looked at the gazebo again, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and finally chose to leave.

Familiar, indeed very familiar, but now there is no need to bother, I have waited for such a long time, and now it is not bad.

After he turned and left, Xiao Mengyao seemed to feel something in the gazebo. She turned her head and frowned slightly when she saw Ye Qianran's figure, and finally looked away.

Is it a contestant?

After Ye Qianran came to the platform, he found that there were already several people, and the three old men he saw yesterday were also standing there, as if they were waiting.

Ye Qianran glanced over those people, and found that Song Wei was among them. At this time, the corners of his mouth were curled up, and there was a smile on his face, with a confident look, which really made him feel very uncomfortable.

Don't give him a chance, as long as there is any chance, he will suppress Song Wei, suppress it fiercely, thinking that the sneer will disappear in a flash...

It didn't take long for the thirty people to gather at this time.

Perhaps the news of the competition here has also spread, many disciples of the secret realm are watching from a distance, and some other elders obviously want to see how they perform.

"Now start grouping!"

The old man standing in the center said something plain, let everyone stand together, and directly divided them, simple, direct...

Ye Qianran looked a little regretful at this time, he didn't even meet Songwei, if he did, he would definitely let Songwei be eliminated here.

But even though they didn't meet Songwei, one person from Tongtian Pavilion was also arranged with them.

Since three people signed up for Tongtian Pavilion, it shouldn't be easy for these three people to come.

Thinking that his parents' family may be caused by the Tongtian Pavilion, he has no good impression of the Tongtian Pavilion, what else can he do now, let's step on them one by one...

The corners of his mouth turned up, and Ye Qianran's cold eyes revealed it again.

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