Eternal Supreme

Chapter 879


After hearing the voice, all the people present showed weird looks at the same time, and soon their expressions changed from weird to surprised.

Because they saw the man from Tongtian Pavilion flying out.

And at the moment of flying out, illusory shadows pierced through the void, and criss-crossed towards the man at high speed. Under the illusory shadows one after another, people were dazzled to see.

The man in Tongtian Pavilion became more and more embarrassed, wondering how Ye Qianran did it?

In fact, when Ye Qianran used the spirit needle to seal the acupoint, he thought of the sealing power of his phoenix-eyed blood. It should be easy to control it with his spiritual sense at this time.

Just as he thought, when the phoenix eye opened, it directly sealed the man's Wu Yuan, and then he didn't intend to give the other party any chance, after all, he knows the power of blood, and the other party will too.

So he was going to forcibly suppress it for ten seconds when he couldn't figure it out.

The people around looked more and more surprised at this moment, with faces full of disbelief, how did Ye Qianran do it?

And the man's face was extremely ugly at this time. The first time Wu Yuan fluctuated, he forcibly broke through, but now, Wu Yuan was completely suppressed by an inexplicable spiritual power. Failed.

As an excellent disciple of Tongtian Pavilion, how could he fail here?

You must know that if they can successfully marry the saintesses in the secret realm, their status in Tongtian Pavilion will also change dramatically.

He managed to win a spot, how could he be so defeated by Ye Qianran?

Anger surged in his eyes, and the next moment, the strange spiritual power spread like ripples. At this time, he had already decided to use the power of blood.

And the power of his bloodline is still very special, and this specialness allows him to have an extremely terrifying body in a short period of time, and it is precisely because of the power of his bloodline that he has reached his current position.

The weird spiritual power converged at this moment, and the man's whole body changed drastically at this time, the skin of his whole body turned golden, wrapping his hair...

And when the man formed such a transformation, Ye Qianran's attack presented a dull voice, which sounded like a drum...

The man stood there, as if he couldn't be shaken by any kind of attack.


Ye Qianran was surprised.

The people around were also very surprised when they saw this scene. Although Ye Qianran's attack was not very strong, it was also very fierce. The man's body was not damaged by such a hammer.

Is this not a bad golden body?

This bloodline is so strong!

Many people around were amazed, and Ye Qianran was able to force the man to this point.

So next, is it Ye Qianran's bad luck?

After all, in the current state of the man, there is nothing to be afraid of attacking. If the reversal is reversed, Ye Qianran will undoubtedly lose.

The old man also narrowed his eyes slightly. He also knew this bloodline very well, one of the legendary three bloodlines, the Immortal Bloodline.

However, the man's bloodline obviously hasn't been evolved. If it evolves, he will really be immortal...

"Damn you!"

The cold voice was full of murderous intent, the man was really angry that he was suppressed to such an extent by an almost ignored existence.


Ye Qianran chuckled at this time, the man's blood is indeed very strong, but there are rules here, the golden light in his eyes also surged, his right hand clenched tightly, the fusion strength in his body gathered, and finally added A second level of sword intent.

Isn't it bad for the golden body? Still off...

Ten seconds, he only needs ten seconds, he has suppressed for seven or eight seconds before, as long as he can suppress the man again this time, then victory is in sight.

For all of this, he opened the eight doors to the sixth again. Under the rapidity, the figure was hard to catch, and because it was hard to catch, the changes in his body at this time were also hard to see.


A muffled voice burst out, and everyone's eyes blurred at this moment, the man's body trembled, and everyone was amazed, can it be shaken?

The man stood there feeling the force acting on him, his face changed instantly, it was very terrifying, and at this moment he also saw a pair of golden cold eyes, the next moment, the extremely terrifying force came from Ye Qianran's body It surged out, and then the whole person flew out backwards.

And Ye Qianran, who had done all this, also restrained his spiritual power, backed away, and looked at the man who stood up with a sluggish face with a sneer.

The old man was also shocked at this time, Ye Qianran actually shook the opponent, so how much strength does Ye Qianran need?

Are you hiding your strength?

The old man thought that Ye Qianran was also ahead in speed, but now he knows that he also underestimated Ye Qianran.

Ye Qianran is definitely a very strong person, at least he can't see through Ye Qianran at all now, and he can't figure out what level Ye Qianran's strength has reached.

The man stood up, his breathing was a little short, and his eyes fixed on Ye Qianran, with surprise and unwillingness.

Because he also fully understands that Ye Qianran is also hiding his strength, even now, if he continues, he may also lose...

Although he can't accept this now, he is even more curious about who Ye Qianran is? Why is the strength so terrifying?

"Number five wins..."

The old man came back to his senses and announced the result at this time...

And just after the old man announced the result, the people watching around gradually came back to their senses, and after they came back to their senses, they were surprised... Ye Qianran actually defeated the opponent?

After the old man announced the result, the power of the blood in his body also dissipated at this time, he clenched his fists, and finally let go. He had already decided in his heart that this place must be won from Ye Qianran.

Without stopping, the man left here directly, and now he can't afford to lose this man...

"Continue, No. 5 vs. No. 10..."

The old man withdrew his eyes from the man, and said a simple sentence again.

The voice fell, and the last person came up. Ye Qianran was able to defeat such a strong person, and he knew that he was not an opponent, so he took the initiative to admit defeat not long after the opening. So far, Ye Qianran won the victory of this group. The first place, successfully advanced to enter the ranks of the championship.

"This change..."

The old man looked at Ye Qianran with a smile on his face, and he couldn't help expressing his surprise again. He thought that the three people from Tongtian Pavilion would be the final contest, but he didn't expect to kill a dark horse, but how long can this dark horse last? ?

Tomorrow's championship game, because it is very important, there must be many people watching in the secret area.

Even if Ye Qianran fails tomorrow, if he joins the secret territory, he will receive enough attention.

After the game ended, Ye Qianran did not leave in a hurry, but looked at the unfinished matches on the other two sides. The final result was predictable. As he had imagined, the two Tongtian Pavilion's approvals won the first place. name.

And after the same session ended, the two of them might have also heard the news of the defeat of another Tongtian Pavilion disciple, their eyes were focused on Ye Qianran at the same time, and then they couldn't believe it, how did they lose?

When Ye Qianran left here and walked towards his residence, he couldn't help but look in the direction of the gazebo, but he didn't see the familiar figure there anymore.

Although he was a little disappointed, he quickly adjusted his mentality. Tomorrow is the championship match, and the champion will be able to marry Xiao Mengyao. Then... such an important match, will she not be present?

Thinking of this, my heart was really excited, I looked away, and walked towards the arranged residence.

After arriving at the residence, he didn't waste any time, and directly entered into the practice. The purpose was also very simple, that is to adjust himself to the best state.

In the evening, in a huge hall, all the elders and masters of the secret realm arrived...and this included Xiao Mengyao, but at this time her expression was indifferent, and nothing could be seen from her expression.

"Tomorrow's championship match will be held outside the hall!"

A majestic voice sounded, and the person who spoke was Nie Qingcheng, the master of the secret realm.

Naturally, no one objected after hearing this.

"The people who passed this time should all be from Tongtian Pavilion, right?" Nie Qingcheng saw that no one spoke, and his eyes fell on one of the old men.

The old man shook his head after hearing this and said: "There is a person who is not from Tongtian Pavilion. According to the recorded information, he comes from the junction of Tianfu and Yaosen. He is a person from the Wuming sect, and his name is Ye Qianran!"

When the old man mentioned the name Ye Qianran, Xiao Mengyao's expression fluctuated for a while, but soon became sad again. This Ye Qianran may be very strong, but he is not the person she wants to see.

Because she knew that no matter how fast Ye Qianran's strength developed, he might not be able to compete with the people from Tongtian Pavilion.

All of this may be her fantasy...

Fu Xiaoqing also saw Xiao Mengyao's expression from the side, couldn't help sighing secretly, shook his head in the end and didn't say much.

"Is it?"

Nie Qingcheng looked surprised after hearing this, and said: "Is there such a thing, Wuming Sect? Is there such a sect?"

Since Ye Qianran performed so well, the sect behind him should not be weak, but he has never heard of the Wuming sect.


The old man shook his head and said: "According to the investigation, there is no such sect. It seems to be a fiction. The specific identity needs to be verified."

Nie Qingcheng nodded slightly, glanced at Xiao Mengyao, then pondered, and at this moment the old man said again: "Secret Master, do you need to talk to him and let him take the initiative to lose tomorrow?"


Nie Qingcheng raised his head and said with a smile: "Why is this so? Aren't the people in Tongtian Pavilion very strong? Wouldn't it be better to have one more variable? After all, they also agreed to such a rule, but I don't know if this variable can win the championship... ..."

After finishing speaking, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured: "If you get it, it will be more interesting..."

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