Eternal Supreme

Chapter 881

"Elder Fu, what do you think I should do?"

In the room, Xiao Mengyao bit her lips tightly, her face was full of sadness, while Fu Xiaoqing stood behind her.

Fu Xiaoqing's expression fluctuated, and he didn't know what to do, because Xiao Mengyao had too much burden on him, he couldn't move forward, he couldn't retreat, what else could he do?

Miracle? Will there be a miracle at this time?

Xiao Mengyao turned her body around at this time, her eyes fell on Fu Xiaoqing's body, her expression showed a firm look again and said: "I will choose to go to the ice pool after tomorrow, I can't let him down!"

"Has the saint really decided?" Fu Xiaoqing's voice was slightly changed.

Going to the ice pool may be able to take out the holy bead, but Xiao Mengyao who is integrated with the holy bead will also fall because of this.


Xiao Mengyao nodded lightly and said: "The holy bead is in my body, according to my inquiry, if I want to take it out, that's all I can do!"

At this time, she was still thinking of luck. After all, the holy bead was a fetish. Although it was integrated with her, it was impossible for her to disappear after her death.

So it may be feasible to go this way, but she really can't do it by letting her marry someone else. Thinking of this, Xiao Mengyao looked at Fu Xiaoqing firmly and said again: "So, I need Elder Fu to help me once more!"

Fu Xiaoqing nodded slightly after hearing this, and didn't say anything more.

She understood Xiao Mengyao's meaning very well. The first was to ask him to help take the holy bead, and the second was to help her hide the aura of the holy bead at the same time, because only in this way could Xiao Mengyao succeed completely.

Otherwise, the contemporary Holy Master would choose to seal Xiao Mengyao down. In that case, there would be no success at all.

After a night of nothing, Ye Qianran woke up the next day and felt his own state. After stretching his waist, he felt very good.

Opening the door, breathing the fresh air outside, Xiao Mengyao's figure involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Thinking of the conversation with Nie Qingcheng yesterday, she felt extremely refreshed, Xiao Mengyao really had no other choice.

What touched him the most was that Xiao Mengyao changed the rules to what they are now for him, and even made Elder Fu look for him.

That woman Xiao Mengyao still remembered him, and a smile appeared on her face just thinking about it.

When he came outside the door, Ye Qianran moved his body, then left and walked outside.

And when he came outside, because he didn't know how to get past the hall, he could only ask his disciples. After searching for a long time, he finally found one, and that one was the female disciple who stopped him in the gazebo yesterday.

"Come with me!"

The woman didn't say much, and walked towards the hall with Ye Qianran.

On the way, Ye Qianran looked at the woman and couldn't help but asked, "Are you a saint dressed as a saint?"


The woman nodded slightly.

Ye Qianran's eyes fluttered, and he said again: "What about the saint? Why did you only see yourself?"

"The saint has gone to the temple!"

The woman said: "Because today is the championship match between the three of you, the saint needs to watch!"

"Is she there?"

After Ye Qianran heard this, surprise appeared on his face, but he was very excited inside.


The woman nodded slightly, and looked at Ye Qianran with a little surprise. She didn't understand why he was so excited. After all, it might not be his turn in the championship match between the three, right?

All the way to the hall, Ye Qianran glanced inside, my dear, he saw that there were a lot of people inside, definitely similar to what he saw in Fucheng, and the two from Tongtian Pavilion inside were already there, and finally he simply also went in.

As for the woman who brought him here, she chose to leave because she was not allowed to enter here.

After coming inside, Ye Qianran once again felt a lot of aura falling on him, his brows were slightly frowned, and the divine sense that was suppressing him had not erupted, then he raised his head and looked again.

At this time, he was stunned for a moment, because the person sitting in the first place turned out to be the person he chatted with yesterday.

Nie Qingcheng also saw Ye Qianran's gaze, and there was a more or less smile on his face, which was regarded as a greeting to Ye Qianran.

After Ye Qianran moved away from Nie Qingcheng, he scanned again. At this time, he saw the familiar Elder Fu, and then beside Elder Fu, he saw a figure.

Although she was covered with a veil at this time, he still felt familiar, so his expression became dull in an instant, and a strange feeling emerged from his heart.

But at this moment, Xiao Mengyao looked a little dazed, looking ahead, not knowing what she was thinking.

When he withdrew his gaze, Xiao Mengyao might have sensed something, raised his head and looked at each other, but quickly moved away.

Ye Qianran was taken aback, this woman doesn't know him?

But after thinking of this, he suddenly thought of something again, that's right, that is his change at this time, his change is so huge, he can't recognize himself when he sees him, let alone the person who hasn't seen him for so long Xiao Mengyao is gone.

But it won't be long, he will be able to confess his identity. At that time, this woman will definitely be very happy. Thinking of this, I can't help feeling a little more restless in my heart.

Withdrawing his gaze, he felt two gazes again, looked up, and found that it was Song Wei and another member of Tongtian Pavilion looking at him.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he smiled and turned his head away.

In fact, Song Wei and the other person were a little surprised, they still had some impressions of Ye Qianran, because in the previous assessment, Ye Qianran also walked out of that environment very quickly.

Recalling what Ye Qianran said at that time, they were contemptuous, but Ye Qianran can stand here, in fact, it is enough to prove that Ye Qianran does have some skills, maybe it was a means of pretending before.

After all, he was able to eliminate their companions, and even with their bloodlines activated, they would be a bit difficult to meet, but Ye Qianran really did it, and it seemed that it was very easy at the time.

So now they don't despise Ye Qianran in any way, instead they are getting serious...

"Okay, since we're all here now, let's start earlier!"

Nie Qingcheng said something simply, his expression showed anticipation at this time, he was very much looking forward to Ye Qianran winning the game, it would be really fun.

Naturally, the people present had no objections, and they all hoped that the game could start early, start early and end early.

"Well, the rules are the same as before. I won't say more, but I want to add one more. I don't know if you have any opinions!" Nie Qingcheng said again.

"What kind of rules does the secret master want to add?"

The person who spoke at this time was the old woman sitting not far from Nie Qingcheng, who is also the current Holy Master of the secret realm.

Nie Qingcheng's eyes fluttered, and he said directly: "Cancel the round-robin competition and proceed directly to the knockout round, because if the strength is strong enough, you can stand at the end, and the round-robin is at most one more chance, but this chance does not mean anything , Maybe this can further promote your persistence and hard work!"

The people present looked at each other after hearing this, and finally fell on the three of Ye Qianran at the same time.

At this time, the Holy Master also directly said: "Look at the opinions of the three of them. If you agree, then follow what the Secret Master said!"

"I have no opinion!"

At this time, Ye Qianran took the initiative to speak out.

And with his leadership, the people in Tongtian Pavilion couldn't say much more. They nodded and chose to agree, expressing that they didn't have any opinions.

"Hey, it's fine if you don't have an opinion!"

Nie Qingcheng gave a rare smile, and after finishing speaking, he stood up and said: "Let's start now, everyone is just outside the hall!"

The voice fell, and he took the initiative to walk outside.

Under the leadership of Nie Qingcheng, the people present also stood up one after another. At this time, Ye Qianran, Song Wei and another person from Tongtian Pavilion turned around and came outside.

When everyone gathered outside, Nie Qingcheng said with a smile: "There are two people in Tongtian Pavilion and one person from Wumingzong. That's good, the people from Tongtian Pavilion come first!"

After the words fell, Ye Qianran's expression suddenly showed a strange look. Why did he always feel that this Nie Qingcheng seemed to be standing next to him, did he want him to win the game?

When he thought of this, Song Wei and another man also came out. At this time, the two looked at each other, and their expressions were quite calm.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Nie Qingcheng didn't bother to talk nonsense at this time, and directly let the game choose to start.

After the words fell, the aura of both of them soared at this time, and then they rushed towards each other at the same time.

Ye Qianran narrowed his eyes and looked carefully, because it would definitely be beneficial for him to know more about the two.

But after the pure Wu Yuan of the two collided a few times, they were separated, and then the man who was fighting with Songwei raised his head and looked at Nie Qingcheng and said: "Brother is very strong, this time I take the initiative to admit defeat!"

After the words fell, everyone present was stunned at the same time, Nie Qingcheng was not surprised at all, nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Songwei and said: "Do you choose to take a break, or continue?"

"Of course it continues!"

The corners of Songwei's mouth curled up, and his eyes fell on Ye Qianran, saying: "I really want to see how strong the person who can beat my classmate is!"

"as you wish!"

Ye Qianran raised his brows, and naturally he didn't have any opinions. Although he didn't see some of Songwei's strength, he didn't have any fear. On the contrary, now that the champion is close at hand, he wants to win it no matter what. First.

When thinking of this, his eyes fell on Xiao Mengyao.

He doesn't know what the purpose of Tongtian Pavilion is, but his purpose is very simple, that is, Xiao Mengyao is his, and no one can take it away, even if his identity is exposed...

After thinking of this, I walked up calmly...

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