Eternal Supreme

Chapter 883

"What a speed!"

Song Wei's pupils also contracted, he thought it was a hit, but seeing the faded afterimage, his heart was still shocked once.

The next moment, divine thoughts surged at this moment.

And when he opened it, he felt something in an instant, turned around quickly, spread his right hand, Wu Yuan surged again with strange fluctuations, and the same sharp penetrating power bloomed instantly.

"Are you still here?"

A cold voice sounded, and the next moment, Song Wei suddenly felt that his condensed spiritual power disintegrated rapidly at this moment.

"what happened?"

Songwei froze for a moment, his expression was full of disbelief, and at the next moment, a fierce breath surged instantly, covering his body directly.

His reaction was still very fast, his hands were interlaced quickly, and when a mysterious seal appeared, it wrapped his body inside.


The same ear-piercing sound sounded, and when the mysterious seal trembled, the sword light faltered...

With a sword?

No, Ye Qianran doesn't have a sword in his hand at all...

"What a strong sword intent, tsk tsk, second floor?"

Nie Qingcheng looked at his face full of admiration, sword intent is a good thing, if it can be condensed, it will be a very great support, but because it is very difficult to condense sword intent, few people will use it in this regard To waste this time.

What he didn't expect was that Ye Qianran condensed, and judging from the degree of fierceness and the substance of the sword light presented, it definitely reached the second level. How did he do it?

The ear-piercing voice fell, and the mysterious seal on Songwei's body also showed cracks at this time.

The next moment, an illusory shadow passed by, and the power of heaven and earth bloomed again. When it covered Song Wei's body, the mysterious seal finally couldn't hold it, and collapsed in an instant, and the surging spiritual power swept across again, giving people Still feeling crazy.

Song Wei frowned, swung his right hand, and when the majestic force surged up, his body moved back quickly.


Between the collision of the two spiritual forces, a figure quickly penetrated everything and got entangled with Song Wei again.

The super fast speed and the ghostly figure in the surging space are simply elusive.

In an instant, Song Wei was completely suppressed, because at that speed, it was already impossible for people to react.

In ten seconds, Songwei will be defeated...

You know, the speed of ten seconds on weekdays will be quite fast, but now it feels a little slow.

Everyone waited with bated breath, wanting to see if Ye Qianran could win with this method?

But to win, this method is too...

Songwei frowned tightly, and more and more cold light appeared on his face. He was so suppressed, and his inner displeasure was fully revealed.

After ten seconds, he will be defeated, so he definitely can't do this, then he really needs to show some strength.

When he thought of this, he let out a cold snort, and spread out his hands at the same time, and at the moment of interlacing, a palpitating breath surged out.

How could he be suppressed by Ye Qianran in turn?

Wu Yuan boiled like boiling water, and the light swelled up, like a dazzling sun.

"This is……"

After feeling the breath, the people present were surprised at the same time.

"Hehe, I didn't expect him to be a descendant of this bloodline... This skill, no wonder, then there should be blood successors in him?"

Nie Qingcheng was surprised, and then his eyes fell on the illusory figure, so how should Ye Qianran deal with it now?

"Chiyue Qianjiyin!"

When Nie Qingcheng thought of this, Songwei's extremely cold voice also sounded at this moment...

As the voice fell, a dazzling light bloomed, and a half-moon could be seen rising in the blur, and at the moment of rising, Wushuangdao's fierce aura swept out to the surrounding area, and the scale caused by that moment was very terrifying and powerful. It makes people feel a sense of horror.

The penetrating ability can be said to be extremely terrifying, at least each one carries a surge of space, of course the purpose is needless to say, it is a means to make the opponent have nowhere to hide.

Ye Qianran was also stunned, and when he was a little dazed, the tingling sensation swept across instantly, leaving many scars on his body, but under the power of Jiuyou, he recovered quickly.

Seeing the surging force getting stronger and stronger, Ye Qianran's thoughts turned rapidly, and at this moment, the pores of his whole body opened, and he just received an unprecedented crisis. When he looked up, the dazzling light It made people unable to open their eyes, only to see that half moon swept his body with a soul-shaking breath.

"This technique is so powerful!"

The people present were shocked at the same time, the initial fierceness of such an attack was also a lock, and after the lock, the condensed strongest imprint would burst out in an instant.

If it hits, Ye Qianran will be severely injured even if he does not die.

At this time, Ye Qianran had time to admit defeat, because as long as he said, the experts present could definitely save him, but how would he choose?

Will Ye Qianran admit defeat?

The answer is absolutely no, we have come so far, admit defeat? Just kidding?

The attack in front of him did make him feel the danger, but it hadn't reached the level that made him admit defeat.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold look flashed from his eyes. Since he couldn't dodge, he should carry it. This attack is indeed very terrifying... But...

Dazzling golden light bloomed from within the body, and the roar of the dragon chant instantly resounded through the heavens and the earth. The right hand was spread out, and the spiritual power of the original bead gathered, and the next moment, it directly hit it...

What he mobilized was the breath of the dragon clan, and he wanted to give the other party the impression that he was also a dragon clan, but an abandoned dragon clan. After all, he could mutate.

The stimulation of dragon blood made him even more fearless...

Under the sudden surge of spiritual power, dazzling swept everything...

When the two strands of spiritual power collided with each other, everything seemed to be still, but it didn't last long, and the suffocating spiritual power turbulently moved towards the surroundings, but at this moment, a thick surge of force instantly shook the The surge of spiritual power stopped him.

And when the light dissipated and everyone looked up, their expressions became shocked at the same time, with disbelief all over their faces.

At this time, Ye Qianran was suspended there, golden light surged all over his body, and his long hair and eyes all turned golden. An illusory dragon shadow hovered in front of him, and his temperament changed even more. Coercion, that is definitely the breath of the emperor.


This word, pleasing to the eye, appeared in everyone's mind.

Isn't the dragon clan preparing for the battle of Longyuan now? How come someone left the Dragon Clan and came here?

It's no wonder that the identity is mysterious, but now it seems that he is a member of the Dragon Clan...In an instant, everyone's face was full of solemnity.

Should this game be cancelled?

But the rules do not seem to say that other races except humans cannot participate...

Xiao Mengyao had been depressed all the time, but after feeling the aura, she couldn't help but look up, and her expression showed disbelief, maybe she never thought that the Dragon Clan would come to participate in this competition.

We must know that the Dragon Clan has always been at the top level, but what kind of situation is this now?

The focus, at this time Ye Qianran has definitely become the focus of the audience...

"This he really fused with blood? He even fused with the blood of the Dragon Clan!"

Nie Qingcheng's eyes narrowed slightly, although his expression was calm, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves.

Shock, absolute shock.

He knew about the fusion bloodline, but it had disappeared for nearly twenty years, and all that existed were records. He really didn't expect that the fusion bloodline could be so powerful.


Song Wei looked at Ye Qianran at this time, and the shock directly appeared on his face.

Feeling the coercion, solemn, that is absolutely solemn, Ye Qianran has always been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

But can he lose? He absolutely can't lose, absolutely can't lose, because Tongtian Pavilion has entrusted him with a heavy responsibility.

If he fails here, his status will also be reduced.

There is no shortage of talents in Tongtian Pavilion. If it weren't for his blood, it would not be where it is now.

He clasped his hands tightly and narrowed his eyes slightly. Now that things are going on, he can no longer hide his strength...

And Ye Qianran felt very happy at this time, he hadn't been in this state for a long time, although he couldn't use weapons, but it shouldn't be a problem to get Songwei done.

Thinking of the harm that Songwei caused to Yan Rubing in the secular world, the cold light in his eyes appeared to some extent.

Also because of the change in his mentality, the aura on his body has also changed, and the coercion he brings to people has become stronger.

"I really didn't expect that you dragons would still participate in this competition. What I hope now is that if I have any disrespect, I hope to forgive me!"

Feeling the coercion, Song Wei took a deep breath, said a simple sentence, closed his eyes, the next moment, put his hands on his chest, and then when Wu Yuan surged, a mysterious seal bloomed at this time .

But when the mysterious seal bloomed, he was imprinted on his body, and at that moment, the imprint instantly converged.

Not long after, a dazzling light burst out from Song Wei's body, and his cold aura surged wildly.

"Has he still unlocked the seal?"

Another man in Tongtian Pavilion said something in surprise, his expression was full of fluctuations at this time.

While the others felt the sudden increase in Songwei's momentum, and were shocked at the same time...

what's the situation?

"The sealed spiritual power in the blood..."

Nie Qingcheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally said slowly: "It seems that his Ling Tian blood has been awakened, no wonder, no wonder he will be sent to the competition..."

"The three legendary bloodlines, fusion bloodline, immortal bloodline, Lingtian bloodline, hehe, have you seen them all?"

Nie Qingcheng said with a smile, but the eyes were full of light, fully showing the blood of the two legends, which one is stronger?

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