Eternal Supreme

Chapter 897

"Brother, when I came, I didn't tell me the rules. I want to ask, what are the rules?"

After walking a certain distance, Ye Qianran decided to get the words out of this person.

"Well, it's the game of summoning beasts. Since brothers can replace our royal family in the competition, the summoning beasts must be very powerful. We must work hard!"

The man smiled and said: "We must defeat the summoned beasts of the other three forces! We are number one all year round, so we can't be snatched away by the other party this time."

"It's natural!"

Ye Qianran nodded heavily after hearing this, and then said bluntly: "Is it just the three forces?"

"Hehe, of course it's three parties!"

The man said with a smile at this time: "Aren't we here the three forces? Could it be possible that other royal families can emerge!"

Ye Qianran was stunned for a moment, and his expression showed a little disbelief at this moment. Could it be that this place is so big?

"This competition is said to be very important, but which side will take the lead!" The man sighed slightly, then looked at Ye Qianran again and said, "Didn't brother change into the competition costume?"


Ye Qianran was stunned after hearing this: "This..."

"Hehe, it seems that brother is a backup fighter!"

The man smiled and said: "Fengdu never needed backup fighters before, but now it does. It seems that this match is indeed very important!"

"Yes, backup fighters!" Ye Qianran bit the bullet and nodded again.

"Hehe, although the chances of backup fighters appearing on stage are very small, it's still an honor!" the man said with a smile again.


Ye Qianran nodded and didn't say anything more, he was really afraid of being seen if he said more, so he turned his eyes and looked around curiously.

During the process of sizing it up, he found that the place is indeed quite big, and there are many other people, and everyone is also carrying monsters, and his expression suddenly became more surprised. Is it mainly summoned beasts here?

When he was curious, the man's voice also sounded at this time: "Okay, we're here!"

After Ye Qianran heard this, she turned her head, looked up curiously, and found that it was a golden pavilion, which looked very beautiful.

When the man led him in, he found that it was a very large lobby with two rows of seats, and there were already many people sitting there.

Taking a look, Ye Qianran found that there are four kinds of people in completely different clothes here, some are blue, some are gray, some are golden, and some are cyan...

Except for the golden one, there are four people in each of the other three types, and one of them is dressed slightly differently from the other three, who seems to be preparing for battle.

After he came in, he also attracted a lot of attention.

At this time Ye Qianran was surprised, he felt a lot of powerful aura, he thought it was purely relying on summoned beasts, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

The gaze fixed on him, after sweeping his eyes twice, turned his head away.

"Brother, sit down!"

At this time, the man brought him to the place in the golden clothes, and asked Ye Qianran to sit down.

There were two people wearing golden clothes at this time, and he immediately attracted the attention of those two people as he sat there. While he was thinking so, the man who brought him in also turned and left.

The eyes of the two men in golden clothes fell on him before, and at this moment one of them said, "Are you preparing for battle?"

"Ah!" Ye Qianran nodded.

"Hmph, do we need to prepare for the battle in Fengdu? Adding Princess Mengying is enough!"

The man frowned after hearing this and said, "Isn't increasing our preparations to lower the level of our Fengdu?"

"This time is completely different from before, maybe the higher ups are paying enough attention!"

The other person took a look at Ye Qianran and said something slowly, but then asked curiously: "Is your excellency also from the royal family? Why have you never seen it before?"

"Well, I just joined in!" Ye Qianran answered briefly after hearing this. After speaking, his expression showed a thoughtful expression. Should he leave here now? After all, his current situation is very serious. easy to spot.

In addition, he came here to see what relationship there is with Tianfu, but now he is here, what kind of situation is this...

But now that he's sitting here, what kind of excuse should he find to get out? His eyes floated, and he began to think secretly.

While he was thinking, everyone was sitting together in the secret temple. At this time, Nie Qingcheng frowned slightly. Yesterday they made a special trip to Tongtian Pavilion to take a look, but in the end they found nothing. Their eyes passed Xiao Mengyao. She was pale and looked haggard.

He sighed secretly, how could such a thing happen?

"Secret Master, do you think the people from Tongtian Pavilion arrested Mr. Ye and deliberately refused to let him go?" An elder asked curiously at this time.

"probably not!"

After hearing this, Nie Qingcheng shook his head and said: "Miss Long also picked up on Longyuan's matter at that time. Longyuan is the most important thing for the Longzu, but the other party has been denying it, so it shouldn't be the case!"

"Where will Mr. Ye go?" The old man frowned and sighed secretly.

Nie Qingcheng lowered his head at this time, and began to think again, and just when he couldn't figure it out, a man walked in, and then his eyes fell on Nie Qingcheng and said: "Secret Master, there is someone outside who claims to be Mr. Ye's friends are here to visit!"

After hearing this, Nie Qingcheng's expression suddenly fluctuated and said: "Well, invite them in!"

After finishing the words, the man nodded, turned around and chose to leave. Not long after, three figures came in from the outside, it was Yan Rubing, Yan Ruxue and Yao Qianyu.

After the three came in, they were surprised to see so many people. At this time, Nie Qingcheng sized up the three of them, and then said curiously: "Beast race?"

Yan Rubing nodded and said: "My name is Yan Rubing, this is my sister Yan Ruxue, we belong to the Xuan Diao clan, and this is Yao Qianyu from the Tiansuan clan!"

"The heavens belong to the family?"

As Yan Rubing's voice fell, everyone present was amazed at the same time. At this moment, Xiao Mengyao's expression also fluctuated. She raised her head, and a pair of beautiful eyes fell on Yan Rubing's body. At this moment, she felt a very familiar aura , and asked curiously, "Is that you?"

After the words were finished, Yan Rubing's eyes also fell on Xiao Mengyao, and she nodded slightly.

When she first followed Ye Qianran, she met Yan Rubing and was even hugged by her, so it's not surprising that she knew her.

"Qianran, did Qianran look for you?" Xiao Mengyao asked quickly.

Yan Rubing shook her head after hearing this, and at this moment Nie Qingcheng said: "I think Miss Yao from the Tiansuan family must have calculated something, and that's why she came here?"

Yao Qianyu looked surprised and said: "Well, I deduced that the young master's luck is still there, but the fate disappeared, which is very strange, so we came here to see what happened!"

Nie Qingcheng was pleasantly surprised when he heard this. With such a person from the fortune-telling family, he might be able to accurately calculate many things, and immediately described the whole process of the matter.

Yao Qianyu's expression showed surprise after hearing this, but the worry on his expression was completely relieved at this time, and then said: "Since the holy bead is related to the hole, then the young master may have entered the hole because of the holy bead!"

"In the hollow?"

After hearing Yao Qianyu's words, the expressions of the people present changed slightly at the same time, showing an unbelievable look on their faces.

Nie Qingcheng's face also changed slightly and said: "How could this happen?"

"According to our Tiansuan family's understanding, the Holy Bead is divided into two parts, one Yin and one Yang. They are the most mysterious things in the world and have extremely special characteristics. The other side!" Yao Qianyu deduced.

"Then can he come back?" Xiao Mengyao asked anxiously at this moment.


Yao Qianyu nodded affirmatively and said: "Young Master, his luck in the early stage is very good. Although there will be some hardships, they are all safe and sound, so he should be able to come back!"

Xiao Mengyao's expression also showed surprise after hearing this. Yao Qianyu is a member of the fortune-telling family, and he is with Ye Qianran, so she should not cheat, so she is relieved...

"Hehe, three please sit down!"

Nie Qingcheng said something with a smile at this time, with a slightly strange expression on his face. It can be seen that the relationship between the three of them should be similar to that of Ye Qianran...

The three of Yan Rubing looked at each other and sat down...

On the other side, Ye Qianran didn't think of any good excuses while waiting, and after thinking about it for a while, he simply stood up and walked outside, but before he had taken two steps, three figures walked out of the door When he entered, his eyes fell directly on him.

"Uh, I'm tired of sitting, I'll stand up and move around!"

Ye Qianran felt the strong aura from the three of them. After a stiff expression, he turned back and sat down. After sitting down, cold sweat appeared from his back. The strength of the three of them is very powerful. If something is wrong with him, I'm afraid he will be arrested.

Calm down, he must be calm now, otherwise it will be bad if something happens.

After the three of them turned away from his gaze, they also walked to the first seat and sat down. At this time, the old man sitting in the middle asked, "Is everyone here?"

"No, Princess Mengying hasn't arrived yet?" At this time, a man beside Ye Qianran asked.

"That's right, let's wait!" The old man nodded slightly, with a strange expression on his face.

And just as he finished speaking, footsteps sounded outside, and a figure walked in from the outside. Immediately, everyone's eyes were drawn to the past. Ye Qianran also looked up, but at this time his His expression stiffened, the big familiar eyes...

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