Eternal Supreme

Chapter 905


The two crystal dragons let out a low growl at the same time, but they didn't have the slightest momentum when they saw the Qiqis who were slowly swarming up.

"This situation has become settled!"

The people present knew the result at the same time, and then they focused their astonishing eyes on Ye Qianran. It turned out that the strongest in Fengdu was not the princess, but a combat preparer, and this was the real trump card.

The old man who was the referee had a smile on his face. He admired the emperor a little at this moment, and he even had such a perfect arrangement in secret.


Seven low growls sounded, and the seven figures rushed forward at the same time.

The blue light surged, and a defense appeared in front of the two crystal dragons at this time, making a final resistance.

But it didn't take long before the defense was torn apart by the seven-headed Qiqi.

"I admit defeat!" The voice of the man in blue appeared to be a little low at this moment. What can be done now?

The original plan was very good, but it was cut off by the dark horse that Ye Qianran suddenly killed. Although he was a little angry, he was still suppressed by him.

Ye Qianran looked at it and quickly said: "Qiqi is back!"

After the words fell, the seven-headed Qiqi lit up a dazzling light at the same time, and then instantly fit together, ran towards Ye Qianran, and then squatted in front of Ye Qianran, wagging his tail. That fierce breath?

The light appeared again, Qiqi shrank down at this time, and Ye Qianran also threw a few pills at this time...

"Add one point for Fengdu!"

The referee said something with a smile at this time, and then asked: "Will the people in Fengdu continue?"

"Of course it continues!"

Ye Qianran said with a smile.

"Okay, please invite the preparation personnel from Tong County to come on stage!" the old man said with a smile.

After the words were finished, the preparation personnel from Tongjun walked up at this time, and when they came to the battle platform, they took a look at Ye Qianran and said, "I will take the initiative to admit defeat in this battle!" After speaking, they walked down again.

It's not that he refuses to fight, let's not talk about how powerful Ye Qianran's monster is. Even if he wins by chance, there is still an imperial python behind him. If he is targeted, he will still lose. But until now, it seems that there is no need to persevere up.

"Well, one more point for Fengdu!" the referee said without hesitation.

And this point also made Fengdu completely surpass Tongjun. Now there is no one in Tongjun, Fengdu also has the highest score.

"Ha ha!"

On the pavilion, the emperor of Fengdu laughed out loud at this moment, and his expression was a little bit rejoicing at this moment. Fortunately, it is fortunate that the dean has such an arrangement, otherwise what should I do? Woolen cloth?

The emperor of Tongjun could only sigh again at this time, and looked at the emperor of Fengdu one more time. He thought that this time he would be sure, but now that Fengdu has won the first place again, what can he do now? ?

"Because there are no contestants at this time, the final champion is Fengdu!" The old man directly announced the result of the competition at this time.

"That's it?"

Ye Qianran was surprised, then glanced around, and after receiving Qiqi into the sealed space, he also chose to step down.

After he got down, his eyes glanced. He really wanted to leave at this moment, but there were people watching in the pavilion. There were still so many people in the battle arena, and it was really difficult to escape. He was so depressed right now.

After all, he also understood the reason now, he should be in the hollow now, and the holy bead brought him here.

What he is thinking now is, as long as he can concentrate the huge spiritual power again, maybe he can still go out? Thinking of this, you can't help but feel agitated in your heart.

There was a whistling sound, and at this time the emperor of Fengdu landed on the battle platform and began to speak, but at this time Ye Qianran had completely lost interest, and now he only thought about how to leave.


At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice rang in his ears.

Ye Qianran turned his head to look, and when he met a pair of beautiful big eyes, his expression was startled, and then he said with a dry smile: "Well, hello!"

"What's your name, why have I never seen you before!" An Mengying looked at Ye Qianran curiously, and those big beautiful eyes were also looking at Ye Qianran at this time, and during the look, he Ye Qianran felt more and more familiar.

What happened vaguely in the dream in the morning also appeared in his mind at this time, his face suddenly became rosy again, and his heartbeat immediately accelerated.

But when she thought about it now, she felt that Ye Qianran had imagined it, but she was still a little uncertain, so she came up to ask.


Ye Qianran's expression stiffened after hearing this, and then said: "My name is Ye Qianran!"

He said his name without any scruples, which doesn't matter, because no one here knows his name, so it doesn't matter what you say.

"Ye Qianran?"

An Mengying muttered for a while, and then said, "My name is An Mengying!"

"Hmm!" Ye Qianran turned her head after hearing this, the purpose was also to stop talking to me, I don't want to talk now.

An Mengying naturally saw Ye Qianran like this, her pretty brows frowned, and then said, "Don't you know me?"


Ye Qianran was taken aback for a moment, and first thought of whether this woman recognized him, and now she is questioning him? So immediately said: "I don't know, who are you?"

An Mengying's expression suddenly became a little strange, and when she heard what Ye Qianran said, she immediately became determined, because in Fengdu, no one didn't recognize her, but Ye Qianran didn't know her, so it was really strange.

Isn't Ye Qianran from Fengdu?

This was the first question she considered, but after considering this question, she felt that it was unlikely. If Ye Qianran was not from Fengdu, it must be the other three major forces, and Ye Qianran's summoned beast He is so strong, if Ye Qianran came to power on behalf of other forces, he would definitely be able to win the championship.

Based on this calculation, Ye Qianran is definitely not a member of the other three major forces.

But if it is Fengdu, it must be from Fengdu.

When thinking about it this way, this question also gave her a complete headache, because she couldn't think about it, so she simply stopped thinking about it, and when she looked at Ye Qianran again when she was about to say something, the emperor said: "Okay, let's end the competition here. I've set up a dinner party in the palace, everyone come!" After speaking, he galloped out.

When I came back to the pavilion, I left with the people in the pavilion again.

"Hehe, everyone come to the palace with me!" The old man who was the referee said, and took the lead to walk outside.

And when everyone left, they couldn't help looking at Ye Qianran again.

Ye Qianran naturally noticed it too, but she never paid much attention to it.

Are you really leaving now?

The corners of his mouth curled up, a smile appeared on his face, and he walked outside. Now he seemed to have a chance to escape, because once he got outside, it was easy to say anything.

But after leaving the academy, his expression became more excited, because at this time everyone summoned their own monsters, rode on them, and walked towards the palace.

As long as he walks, he will definitely be thrown far away, and then he can leave without anyone noticing, but he soon realizes that he is really dreaming, because behind him, An Mengying has been following Behind him, and those beautiful eyes were completely focused on him, leaving him no chance at all.

In fact, he can still leave through the power of space, but if he leaves suddenly, he will definitely be pursued, and in this void, he has no understanding, if he is caught, he will have something to play with.

But if you follow the past, the possibility of your identity being exposed will be very high, and if you fail, you will be restricted at that time.

Melancholy, Ye Qianran's emotions at this time can be represented by these two words.

She deliberately slowed down, and kept slowing down, in order to let An Mengying go first, but this woman also slowed down.

In the end, Ye Qianran was helpless, and directly chose to bend over...

"Oh, why don't you leave!" A crisp voice sounded behind her.

"Oh, I'm tying my shoelaces..." Ye Qianran responded casually, but then the corners of his mouth twitched again, where did the shoelaces come from, and coughed dryly: "I'm moving!" After speaking, he stood up and swayed his body .

An Mengying wrinkled her nose and said, "Let's go!" After speaking, spiritual power surged out at this moment, and then a monster appeared at this moment.

The monster looked quite big, its limbs looked extremely developed, and it gave off a fierce aura.

Ye Qianran's eyes lit up immediately, did this woman want to leave impatiently? Hurry up, let him go so that he can be excused.

But at this time, his arm was held by An Mengying, and when he was stunned, he came directly to the monster.

"Well, let's go!"

An Mengying pursed her lips and smiled, stretched out her jade hand and patted the monster's body, the monster roared, and rushed out at this moment, very fast.

Because the two of them were thrown far away by the one in front, she also became impatient, so the speed was a little faster at this time.

Ye Qianran suddenly never thought that the speed would be so fast, her whole body fell forward, and hugged An Mengying directly.

An Mengying's body tensed suddenly, and then her eyes widened, and then a shy expression quickly appeared. She lowered her head and quickly looked at her chest, where her hands were placed there.

Biting her lower lip tightly, an unspeakable feeling surged in her heart, she finally turned her head, looked at Ye Qianran and said, "You...can you let me go?"

"Ah, you slow it down!"

Ye Qianran had no choice but to say something with a wry smile, and after he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something, and his hands moved, and the soft feeling spread instantly at this moment, and at this moment he suddenly understood the reason...

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