Eternal Supreme

Chapter 908

"Is he still there?"

The emperor's expression was stunned. First of all, he felt that something was wrong. First of all, Ye Qianran was not arranged by them, and it was very likely that Ye Qianran himself participated in it.

But if he participated in it by himself, then another problem came up again, Ye Qianran was arranged by the other three major forces.

But if it was arranged by the other three major forces, Ye Qianran won the first place. What is the reason for this? There is a certain purpose?

This question is absolutely mind-boggling.

"have no idea!"

The old man's expression also became serious, because he also considered the problem that the emperor considered, so he immediately said: "I'll go and see now!"

After finishing speaking, the old man quickly turned and left.

The emperor looked at the old man's leaving back, and frowned again. What kind of problem is this?

When Ye Qianran came to the forbidden area, his eyes fluttered, his body surged in space, and his body disappeared in an instant, and then he quickly sneaked in. At the same time, he was also ready to leave quickly.

Because since this is a forbidden area, the defense is definitely very strict.

Just because of these considerations, he opened the phoenix eyes at this moment. At this time, his expression showed a look of surprise, because he found that the protection here is very strict.

In addition, in terms of the overall structure, the entire building is completely a seal, and the whole is wrapped up. In addition, the seal is very strange, and it is very difficult to perceive.

If he hadn't opened the phoenix eyes now, he might not be able to see these things.

His eyes fluttered, he was glad that he had opened his eyes, if not for these things, he might have been tricked.

Exhaling a breath, mobilizing the spiritual power of the celestial bead, his body quietly rushed in, and after entering, he used the phoenix eyes to scan again.

In the end, he discovered that there were four spatial fluctuations in this building, which was an extremely strange thing.

According to An Mengying, this place is where people from another world are imprisoned, but here he doesn't see people, but seeing these, he suddenly feels even weirder, and at the same time, his curiosity is even more stimulated .

His eyes surged, bypassing the people in the building, passing through the space, and coming to one of the locations, he found that it was an extremely large and empty place, covered with complicated patterns underneath, and around this mysterious seal, the space was slightly It is distorted and looks extremely unstable.

At this time, Ye Qianran made a simple guess. Could it be that the person detained from the other side was locked in the space again?

Space is an extremely mysterious thing, it can be said to be big or small.

The light floated again, and Ye Qianran mobilized the spiritual power of the dzi bead again, glanced at the mysterious seal, and directly stepped on it through the connection of his own space power and the induction of divine thoughts.

But after coming there, his divine sense suddenly surged, and with the extraction of the power of space, huge changes took place in his surroundings in an instant.

"This is……"

Ye Qianran was surprised. He found that he was in a tunnel at this time, but although it was a tunnel, the tunnel looked very bright because the walls were covered with crystals.

Glancing at the mysterious seal under his feet, he walked forward amidst the surging spiritual power of the dzi bead.

After passing some turns, his expression showed a look of astonishment at this time.

Because there are prisons on both sides of the tunnel, the prisons are spread over a wide area, completely separated by light curtains, presumably they are specially used for sealing.

And in that prison, there are many people, and everyone is locked by a lock with light, and they are all in a coma.

Even so, he could feel that these people were alive.

Are these people from another world?

Ye Qianran's expression turned strange, and finally he scanned around and found that there were about one or two hundred people.

After fluctuating in his heart, he finally came directly inside through the spiritual power of the dzi bead.

After coming inside, his eyes glanced around, and then his eyes fell on a figure.

He noticed that person, firstly because the other party was a woman, secondly because the woman was very temperamental, and thirdly because the woman was very beautiful, which was very prominent among them.

He likes beautiful women very much, and he never hides this, but is extremely frank.

His eyes fluttered, and he leaned over, and under the cover of the dzi bead, he tried to pat the woman's body to see if he could wake her up.

But after he took a picture, the woman didn't respond at all.

Doubts arise, why is the woman in a coma?

When he was puzzled, his spiritual thoughts surged and covered the woman at that time. At this time, he found that although the woman had a breath of life, her soul was very weak, and she was even dragged. And that involvement is the luminous chain locked on the woman's arm.

His heart fluctuated, and he took a closer look. At this time, his thoughts should be cut off. After a final thought, Xiao Mei appeared at this moment, wrapped in the dzi bead, and cut it up directly.


A crisp sound sounded at this moment, and the two chains snapped.

Because the chains imprisoned the woman's body, and when it was loosened, the woman's body fell down immediately. Ye Qianran reacted very quickly, so he quickly hugged the woman in his arms.

After hugging, he first felt the softness, followed by the fragrance, which was very pleasant, at least it made Ye Qianran's heart beat faster.

Carefully placing the woman on the bottom, Ye Qianran felt her current situation and found that she was still a little weak, and finally took out a elixir and stuffed it into the woman's mouth.

After doing all this, he came to the woman's back again, spread out his right hand, and finally placed it on her back. The spiritual power surged, allowing the woman to recover at this time, and even made the woman's body The soul is restored.

Time passed, and during this process, the woman's condition also completely improved at this time.

When he thought it was about the same, he also let go of the woman.

Looking at that beautiful face, a strange expression appeared again, and then he patted her body again to see if the woman could wake up.

After taking the picture, the woman's brows were obviously wrinkled, and then her expression became fluctuating. After a while, the woman's eyes slowly opened. After becoming clear, those eyes suddenly became bright, and they were very clear, as if they were spotless...

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