Eternal Supreme

Chapter 914

"Well, I feel it!"

On Xiao Hei, Ye Qianran led An Mengying, his eyes suddenly floated, and with the surge of divine thoughts, Xiao Hei mobilized at this moment and galloped out in one direction.

An Mengying, who was behind Ye Qianran, looked tense, holding Ye Qianran tightly with her jade hands, and seemed even more nervous.

Ye Qianran felt something, and patted An Mengying's hand, signaling him not to be so nervous.

When he came to a mountainous area, Ye Qianran glided. After identifying the location, he hugged An Mengying with his left hand and glided downward.

When they landed in front of a hole, they saw six people coming out of it, and they couldn't help but smile.

"Son, as long as you're fine!" At this time Ling Xinwan walked up with a face full of joy.

Since seeing her son, she has been in a state of worry in her heart, and seeing Ye Qianran at this time can be regarded as completely relieved.

"Mother! Father."

Ye Qianran greeted with a smile all over her face, and then landed on Feng Feifei's body, reaching out her hand to say hello.

"Who is this girl?" At this moment, Mu Qingchen's eyes fell on An Mengying, his face full of doubts.

Ye Qianran said that he came alone, so now that there is an extra girl, he is naturally very puzzled.

"Oh..." When Ye Qianran was about to say something, An Mengying walked out voluntarily at this moment, looked at Mu Qingchen and Ling Xinwan respectfully and said, "Hello, uncle and aunt, my name is An Mengying, It's from Fengdu!" As he spoke, his nervous expression appeared again.

In fact, she was still hesitating whether to reveal her identity, but in the end she confessed that she was from Fengdu.

"From Fengdu?"

Everyone present showed surprise after hearing this, including Mu Qingchen and Ling Xinwan.

Ye Qianran naturally saw it, and said with a smile at this moment: "She is the princess of Fengdu."


Mu Qingchen was stunned for a moment, then his eyes fell on An Mengying and said: "Your father is An Chengming?"

"En!" An Mengying nodded slightly after hearing this.

After Mu Qingchen heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face. After he glanced at Ye Qianran, a strangeness appeared at this moment. There are a lot of things, and he said with a smile: "Miss An, don't be nervous!" But the voice paused and said: "But why did Miss An come with my son?"

No matter what, he actually had to make sure that he didn't care, because Ye Qianran was his son, so he also believed in his son, but the other three were not like that, and he didn't want the intrigue to happen at this time.

After hearing this, An Mengying's face instantly turned red. After biting her lips lightly, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Ye Qianran understood something very well, and immediately said: "Mengying will be your daughter-in-law in the future, and if you want to leave here this time, you need her ability, otherwise we may have to stay here forever !"

"Could it be that he also has holy beads?" Mu Qingchen was surprised when he heard this.

"Yes!" Ye Qianran nodded with a smile, and when she spoke, she glanced at Feng Feifei again, would this woman be jealous?

But at a glance, I found that Feng Feifei was still smiling all over her face, and her eyes were still so pure and penetrating, so she felt a little relieved.

It seems that among the girls he likes, Qiao Xiaodi is relatively easy to get jealous, Long Wushuang also has some, the most important one is Han Youyu, but now he has accepted it, and now he also feels that he can do it, it seems that he can't be here it went on...

There are so many beautiful girls, he still has nothing to be satisfied with, but the last one... well, Liu Ruyan and Yi Feixuan, the two goblins also have to be taken, but where are the two of them now?

After thinking for a while, he didn't think about it any more, and immediately said: "Go in and talk!" After speaking, he took the lead and walked in.

During the simple chat at this time, Mu Qingchen and the others also knew the exact process, and then all the burdens were placed on An Mengying.

Because An Mengying needed to know the way, otherwise it would be difficult for them to leave.

When the sky was about to brighten, Ye Qianran personally sent An Mengying back, and then turned back by himself, and after returning, he continued to chat with Mu Qingchen.

As parents, Mu Qingchen and Ling Xinwan really wanted to know how their son got here, so time passed relatively quickly during the chat.

And at this time, he discovered one thing in surprise, that is, Hachimon Yishi really practiced eight doors, majoring in physical skills, and in addition, physical skills are also extensive and profound. His eight doors are majors, but there are other gymnastics...

Of course, the Bamen family, including the Xingchen family, was also surprised when they knew that Ye Qianran had the origin of the stars and had practiced Bamen...

At this time, the patriarch of the Eight Gates couldn't help looking at Ye Qianran and said, "Little brother, who taught you the Eight Gates?"

"Hey, it's my master!"

Ye Qianran smiled and said: "He also taught me a Wuji Kung Fu!"

"Wuji Kungfu!" The patriarch of the Bamenyi Clan was stunned and said, "Wuji Kungfu is our Bamenyi Clan's main practice method. How did your master know?"

"I'm not too sure about the details. I'll know if I'm lucky enough to see him next time!" Ye Qianran laughed dryly. His guess was that his old master belonged to the Bamen Ichi clan?

In Fengdu Imperial City, An Mengying came to his father's room.

"What do you want from me, girl?" An Chengming looked at his daughter and said helplessly.

Although he is very headache and helpless now, he doesn't want to neglect his daughter, because he is only such a daughter. The most important thing is that his daughter is still very, very good, blessed with unique talent, and is the only one in Shengzhu. The person who recognizes, invisibly, is the one who makes him dear.

"It's fine!"

An Mengying laughed a little at this time, and said, "I see that my father is in a bad mood, so I will accompany you to relieve boredom!"

After hearing this, An Chengming put on a smile on his face and said, "Actually, it's nothing. Do you still remember the preparation personnel who helped us win?"

"Yeah. I know!"

After hearing this, An Mengying's expression fluctuated and she said, "Father, what's wrong with him?"

"He should be from the other side of the void, and now he has rescued the strong people here!" After speaking, he frowned and said, "I really don't know how he got here!"

After speaking, the expression of helplessness appeared again.

After hearing this, An Mengying thought for a while, then blinked her eyes and looked at An Chengming and said, "Father, didn't you say that you can use the Holy Bead to open the barrier and go to the other side? Then can we go there!?"

"Hehe, how can it be so easy!"

An Chengming sighed secretly, and then said: "Although you have a holy bead on your body, you need two to open the enchantment!"

"Two?" An Mengying blinked her eyes, showing confusion.

"That's right, but the other one fell on the other side!" An Chengming said.

"Then if there are two holy beads, how should I open them?" An Mengying's eyes fluttered, and she asked again.

"It's enough to mobilize the origin of the two holy beads to enter the enchantment!" An Chengming said.

"Is it that simple?" An Mengying was surprised when she heard this.

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