Eternal Supreme

Chapter 927

"here it is?"

Mu Qingchen glanced around, his face was full of doubts at this moment, are they all from the top of the secret realm?

When he thought of this, a voice rang in his ear: "Who are these people?"

Mu Qingchen looked up and landed on a middle-aged man. After taking a look, he said, "Mu Qingchen is the patriarch of the fusion clan!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ling Xinwan and said: "This is my wife Ling Xinwan, the eldest daughter of the Fengyan clan, well, this is Feng Feifei, from the Xuanfeng clan, and these three are from the Xingchen clan. The patriarch, the patriarch of the Hachimon clan and the patriarch of the Kuanghua clan."


The people present gasped at the same time after hearing this, their faces were full of astonishment and disbelief, could this happen?

The ancient clan that disappeared for more than 20 years actually appeared?

In addition, there is actually a Xuanfeng family? That was the former top family.

Could it be...

At this time, many people present had a guess in their minds, that is, Ye Qianran brought them out.

At this time, Nie Qingcheng stood up and said, "Several people, please sit down!"

Mu Qingchen's eyes fluttered. He was concerned about Ye Qianran at this moment, but since he was here, he simply stayed to see what was going on, so he walked to the side.

Xiao Mengyao, Yao Qianyu, Yan Rubing, Yan Ruxue, the four of them looked at each other, their complexions were slightly rosy. This incident was definitely not such a coincidence. Maybe Mu Qingchen and Ling Xinwan were Ye Qianran's parents. They are their parents-in-law.

So when a few people came over, the four of them stood up and gave up their seats.

Is there no seat? There are, but they are actually expressing their respect by doing so.

"Four girls, you're welcome!"

When Mu Qingchen saw them walking past, the four beautiful girls stood up, and felt a little embarrassed, so he said something immediately.

"It's okay!" Xiao Mengyao shook her head at this time, her face was slightly rosy, and after she finished speaking, she seemed to be asking about Ye Qianran, but her lips moved, but she didn't say anything.

After hearing this, Mu Qingchen said: "Sit down, you don't need to be so polite!"

And after he finished speaking, Nie Qingcheng said with a smile at this moment: "Brother Mu, please sit down, I will tell you the specific reason later!"

After hearing this, Mu Qingchen hesitated for a while, and finally chose to agree, pulling Ling Xinwan to sit down, while Feng Feifei was standing behind them, standing with Xiao Mengyao and the other four. The beautiful eyes inevitably glanced at the four of them.

The daughter's mind is the most delicate, she has already felt something, so she took the initiative to reach out and said: "Hello, my name is Feng Feifei, and I am Qianran's fiancee..."

Xiao Mengyao and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then a look of surprise emerged at the same time. Feng Feifei's words invisibly confirmed their thoughts, but at this time they did not rush to ask, but introduced themselves proactively.

After the introduction, Xiao Mengyao hesitated and said, "Where's Qian Ran? Why didn't you see her?"

Feng Feifei's expression became a little sad after hearing this, and when she was about to speak, Nie Qingcheng's voice also rang out at this moment: "Brother Mu and others were rescued by Qianran?"


Mu Qingchen's expression was slightly the same. From this point of view, it was no accident that Tianzhu came here.

"Then brother Mu is Qianran's biological father?" You asked slowly at this moment, all of your energy was floating.

"Exactly!" Mu Qingchen nodded, and the elders present couldn't help being uproarious again after hearing this. In this way, the Fusion Clan disappeared for such a long time because they were imprisoned in the cave, and Ye Qianran went this time. Just rescued?

When they were thinking this way, Nie Qingcheng asked again: "What about Qianran? Why didn't he go with you?"

After the voice was recorded, Mu Qingchen's expression fluctuated, and after taking a deep breath, he said, "In order to send us out, Qian Ran fought against the empty people!"

After speaking, he also became anxious at this moment and said: "We don't know what kind of situation he is in now!"

"How to say?" Nie Qingcheng was full of doubts after hearing this.

Mu Qingchen took a deep breath and fully narrated what had happened. The expressions of the people present became more serious after hearing this. According to this, Ye Qianran was worrying.

Xiao Mengyao and others were full of worry. If so, wouldn't Ye Qianran be very dangerous?

Yao Qianyu couldn't believe it at this time, and then said: "Seniors, according to my calculations, my husband's life should not be in danger, and there should be no danger!"


Mu Qingchen was taken aback after hearing this, not understanding who the husband Yao Qianyu was talking about.

At this time, Nie Qingcheng said with a smile: "Brother Mu, the four of them are Qianran's fiancee!"

Mu Qingchen was stunned when he heard this, when did his son find such four beautiful women?

Ling Xinwan's face was full of joy, her son is very talented, unexpectedly found four such beautiful girls, and they all have very good temperament.

Women are weird. From her point of view, she hopes that her husband will treat her wholeheartedly, but from the point of view of a mother, she hopes that Ye Qianran can be better.

"In addition, Ms. Yao is a fortune teller, her calculation should be convincing!"

Nie Qingcheng smiled and said: "But now that Qianran is inside the hollow, Ms. Yao can only sense it, but she can't calculate it, so we are discussing how to send her to the hollow enchantment, and see if it can be done there." Figure it out."

"Is it empty?"

Mu Qingcheng's mouth moved, and when he was about to say something, a figure from outside galloped in at this moment, his eyes fell on Nie Qingcheng's back and said: "Secret Master, the people from Tongtian Pavilion are here, saying..." After he finished speaking, his voice paused, and he glanced around and said: "The person who said there is a hole has come out, and now he has come to the secret territory!"

Nie Qingcheng frowned slightly, nodded slightly and said: "I know!" After speaking, he sat up from his seat, then looked at Mu Qingchen and said, "Brother Mu, you can rest here for a while, I'll come as I go!" After finishing speaking, he walked directly outside.

After Nie Qingcheng left, Ling Xinwan stood up. After her eyes fell on the four of them, she took the initiative to pull them to the front and said, "Hello, I am Qianran's mother. What are your names?"

And Xiao Mengyao and others were a little nervous at this time, but they also introduced themselves very politely at this time...

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